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  1. Mish
    Echoing what @Magick said re: informing the police. I doubt that you would be taken into care unless things go seriously horribly wrong - social workers do their best to keep families together - but it's good to have a paper trail. Getting the police involved may also make her see that what she is doing is not only unacceptable by your standards, but other peoples' (and the law's) too.

    You can start by writing down everything abusive that she does and keep a record of it. Maybe even try recording her inconspicuously and showing her later on. She may be shocked and hopefully ashamed to hear herself in that state.
    Post by: Mish, Aug 6, 2015 in forum: Help with Life
  2. Mish
  3. Mish
    If Trigger is a nominee, why isn't he on the poll?
    Post by: Mish, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: 2015
  4. Mish
    I don't even know the difference between a Scottish and an Australian accent. Or any British and Australian accent. Australians just sound British, case closed.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mish
    Square uses survey monkey..?
    Post by: Mish, Jun 9, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Mish
    Cyclists are evil. Get fit and save the environment somewhere else!
    Post by: Mish, May 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mish
    Okay, but I think it does apply for all ages. I mean, the xkcd comic that references the rule, specifically mentions ages up to 46.
    Post by: Mish, May 12, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  8. Mish
    Like Misty, I agree with the sentiment of the tumblr post, I'm afraid. Speaking from my own experience, when I was 18, I dated a 23 year old (which sounds pretty acceptable, and is on the cusp of the age/2+7 rule, but still has relevance to this thread imo) and I now realise that the reason why he was dating someone younger is because girls his age wouldn't look twice at him due to his immaturity. When we broke up, he continued to date ~18 year olds and probably still does, so you get the idea of what he is like. I know that's just my anecdotal experience, but it's one example of many as to why there is a stigma surrounding age gaps in relationships. I agree that it does beg the question of why the older partner is unable to connect with someone of their own age/maturity level.

    It's not just maturity levels that hinder age gap relationships; they can break down due to being at different stages in life too. For example, if you're finishing up college and entering the world of work while your partner is barely finishing high school, you're not going to have all that much in common, in terms of your day-to-day activities and your values.
    Post by: Mish, May 12, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  9. Mish
    KIngdom Hearts
    Post by: Mish, May 1, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Mish
    /heavy breathing

    I would so love something like this.
    Post by: Mish, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Mish

    Yo, guys.

    Who even decided to have those bits of dialogue as the intro? They're so random.

    EDIT: For anyone who is confused:

    and I guess it was DS who came up with it, doy
    Post by: Mish, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mish
    This is bs. Now I'll never know if I'm gay or not.
    Post by: Mish, Apr 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mish
    Maybe use the money that's being donated on a deposit for a place to rent then. Flat shares can be affordable and easy to find online. Why postpone the inevitable if they're so hellbent on having you leave?
    Post by: Mish, Apr 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mish
    KHV is just about clinging onto life until KH3 is released. Then it will be back, bigger and stronger.

    We can rebuild him..
    Post by: Mish, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mish
  16. Mish
    Would it be possible to loan the money off your parents and pay them back bit by bit once you get back on your feet with a new job?
    Post by: Mish, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Mish
    You could try volunteering to build up some work experience. I spent a few afternoons volunteering in a charity shop before I got my first retail job.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mish
    thanks guise
    Post by: Mish, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mish


    lol this is great

    The hell
    by Mish

    For my laptop to become inoperable!
    If I could breathe in my own home.
    Year old's out there have stubble?!
    But it is exceptionally gruesome..

    Not bode well for the night ahead..
    Thought I was in the wrong place.
    To be doing uni work instead.
    Dint know about personal dpace

    The 90s, what a time to be alive.
    If I'm just BSing my way through.
    Bob Goldthwait oddly attractive?

    Lawd knows I have enough material.
    I feel honoured!
    :/ He's just in denial.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mish

    Sup GG. Well done me for being the first person in the thread to remember you!
    Post by: Mish, Feb 5, 2015 in forum: Introductions & Departures