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  1. Mish
    What a very interesting chain of events.... A number of things happened which I wasn't expecting

    1. Cat didn't get lynched (you go to bed earlier and look what happens)
    2. Cal wasn't killed
    3. Al was killed (I kind of expected to die if Cal didn't)
    4. The cop is STILL alive woo

    Soo. What to do going forward.. Let's look at the scenarios I posted a couple of days ago:

    Guess I'm glad Cal ignored me and didn't reveal anything yesterday derp.

    We're now down to 9 players, 3 of whom are mafia. The cop has THREE reads. The likelihood of the mafia killing the cop in the next night cycle is very high (basically a 1 in 3 chance - I did the maths). For that reason, I believe now is the time for the cop to reveal themselves. Otherwise we will learn nothing! If the cop talks, we will have FOUR confirmed roles, including the cop. 4/9 is all we need to win.

    I'm already lead to believe that Cat and Mixt are mafia due to what happened in the previous day, but it would be good to know for certain.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 7, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Mish
    Honestly... I'm kind of in agreement with Marushi..

    I've been thinking about it and have come up with some scenarios -

    1. Cal is the cop. She has two players who are confirmed town to her. This information would be very useful to us. We have 11 current players.. If Cal confirms to us that she is the cop, we narrow the pool of potential mafia to 10. She confirms the 2 town players, we have 8 players left. We will lynch someone who isn't Cal or those other two players and then there is 7. It will be a lot easier to find the mafia when our choices are narrowed down. Downside to this is that Cal will almost definitely be mafia killed and we lose the cop.
    2. Cal is the cop. She refuses to reveal herself. She is mafia-killed. We have to scour her posts for clues as to who the confirmed town were (well, at least one of them I guess would be Al).
    3. Cal is NOT the cop. She is mafia. She doesn't get mafia-killed for obvious reasons. We lynch her the next day.

    It is simply far too risky for the mafia NOT to kill Cal tonight. If she is the cop, she will have three confirmations by the next game day. One of them could be mafia. I'm sure that they wouldn't risk that happening. So, by that logic, if Cal does not get mafia-killed, I believe 100% that she is mafia.

    If she's not mafia and the real mafia are reading this and thinking "let's not kill her because Mish will lynch her for us!" I will say that I would invite Cal to reveal her three cop reads. Assuming she is the cop, this would help town tremendously. If she is mafia masquerading as the cop, I think the only way to solve that is for the real cop to come forward and sacrifice themselves. By that point, they will have the three reads (plus a confirmed Cal as mafia) which tbh could be all we need to turn this game around to a town victory so it would be worth sacrificing the cop at that point.

    Of course, a lot of this is thinking pretty far ahead to scenarios that probably won't happen because I'm justifiably assuming that Cal will be mafia-killed tonight. For that reason, I think the ideal move would be to just hear who the two town players are.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 5, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Mish
    Agreeing with this. While not taking a stance and using evasion tactics could be a mafia move - which is why I'm not convinced Tale is town - Judge's reasoning when he first confronted Tale is actually making me suspect him instead. To me, it seems like (assuming Judge is mafia) he is picking out a less analytical town player and attempting to throw them under the bus, knowing that we won't be able to learn much from him if he gets lynched by us. That said, considering Cat is my top mafia read, I am hesitant to believe that Judge and Cat are on the same team - for a very small reason. Judge corrected Cat when she said I was G-Dog's 6th voter. I find it strange that he would correct his team mate, especially on something that would incriminate me. Even I believed Cat when she said I was the 6th voter, lol. >_> In any case, if Cat is town, my suspicion of Judge increases.

    I love that you are making all these links, but could you maybe write a little bit to justify them? I'm looking at them and wondering why you have come to some of these conclusions. I've started traipsing through everyone's posts, trying to see the links between players but not coming up with much.



    Why does Cat's innocence lead to Cal being mafia?

    Agreed that Tale isn't mafia, if Judge is.

    So, according to you, Cal is your top read for mafia and you believe Cat to be town, but this is dependent on Cal being mafia-aligned. Why then, is your next choice Cat? Because other people have voted for her? I find it odd that you're willing to vote for someone whose mafia-alliance relies on your top mafia read being town.

    Post by: Mish, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Mish
    Me pls
    Post by: Mish, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mish
    This is kind of difficult. I want to say what I think the mafia will do and also try to do damage control, but I also don't want to give them any ideas..! Ugh, I might state my 'plan of action' before the end of the game day, in case I get mafia killed/lynched before I can get the opportunity.

    In any case, I definitely don't think we should lynch Cal today. If she is the cop, her death warrant has already been signed anyway. We still have a lot we can learn from her, whether she is truly the cop or not.

    So, @Marushi, you are the only one with a vote sitting on Cal. Would you consider changing your vote to someone else? If so, who to?

    As Tale has been on some people's radars, I suppose I'll comment on that.. I think that the case against him is pretty weak (sorry Judge). He's mafia because he didn't unvote Cat straight away? This doesn't work for me on two fronts: 1) As Tale stated in his defence, Cat retained Blaine's role when she joined the game. If Tale thought Blaine was mafia, he is right to hesitate before unvoting Cat until learning a bit more about her. 2) Cat is also my top mafia read at the moment, so if anything I agree with Tale's suspicion of her.

    I'm 50/50 on Tale. He hasn't done anything thus far that has lead me to believe that he is mafia, but he also hasn't convinced me that he is Town.

    For reference, here are my reads:

    Cat - mafia
    Marushi - possibly mafia
    Judge - possibly mafia
    Midny - 50/50
    Cstar - 50/50
    Tale - 50/50
    Mixt - 50/50
    Ghost - 50/50
    Cal - possibly town
    Al - town

    So many people I'm not sure about. >_> Also, reads are subject to change.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Mish
    So that first post where I voted for KH530 was part of what people refer to as 'random voting stage'. I could have voted for anyone there, purely to spur them on to post. The justification post I made was more to explain my method so that people would understand I wasn't singling KH530 specifically, she just happened to be first on Makaze's list.

    I'm struggling to see what is so inconsistent about my posting. Sure, my 3rd post in the thread (KH530 vote) was a lot more casual than the one where I voted for Cat, but that was before the game really got underway and before I could piece anything together to base my vote on, which was the case with Cat.

    As you know now, the hammer doesn't rely on Mak/Nova to strike, so I won't comment on that.

    As someone who has played the cop role in a previous game, I thought you would have been more savvy than this. Also, it's not unusual to vote earlier than the last day. I suggested to Judge previously in the thread that it's preferable to take a stance AND put your money where your mouth is and actually vote.

    Well, you know now that I wasn't the 6th voter on the G-Dog train. Or did you already know that? Maybe you're purposely posting misinformation about me hoping to sneakily put me in a bad light?

    One last thing...

    I know that a few of us are busy this weekend, but I just wanted to say something about the content of some people's posts. A lot of them are vaguely agreeing or disagreeing, or making 'meta' comments about the game. I'm not complaining about that, but I just wanted to warn people that the mafia are likely to target people who do not take a stance. This is because when/if you die, it is harder for us to learn anything from your posts. Barring Krowley, who was obviously killed before he became too much of a threat, I think this will be the direction that the mafia take.. Soo, to name some names...

    @. : tale : .
    @Kingdom Hearts530

    Everyone else I think has publicly started to form opinions on other players. You all should follow suit and make it more clear whom you suspect. I know that can be really hard when you're new to the game or if you just don't have any ideas.

    Sorry to call you guys out, but I am worried FOR YOUR LIVES (this is assuming that you aren't mafia, which is another possibility for why you are not taking a strong stance or building any cases - I also know that some of you are busy this weekend so I will make an allowance for that). About that extension....
    Post by: Mish, Jul 3, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Mish
    Is this because I gave you a rude rating
    Profile Post Comment by Mish, Jul 3, 2016
  8. Mish
    I'm leaving now, so I'll reply to your post properly tomorrow, but I just wanted to remind you that we don't have the soft lynch in this game.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Mish
    Is it a good idea to speculate the identity of the cop? I certainly wouldn't advise it. I'm really wondering why you would post that.. especially, when you have just said that roles are supposed to be kept secret, the cop being the most important role in this game!

    ##Vote: Cat~

    You might have just compromised our most valuable asset. Maybe you are a mafia member, trying to learn the cop's identity and get rid of them quickly during the next night phase. I'm willing to vote on it.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Mish
    Okay then, um. I do think that having a standpoint but not voting is 'worth' something, although not as much as actually voting. In fact, it could even be incriminating if you say one thing and don't follow through with a vote. I hope this is answering your question...

    But, as I said, I didn't really have a 'standpoint' in terms of town vs mafia alignment for G-Dog.

    @Calxiyn Bit rash, don't you think? You're talking about Midny's tone, which I don't think is a great basis to suspect she's mafia. Tbh your post did make me think "U WOT M8?" but I guess that didn't come through in my own post. Midny is a bit of a grey area for me.. not sure. However, I do find it a bit odd that you seem set on her, Cal? On the very first night, you suggested that she was mafia, based on little evidence and you're doing it again.. Admittedly, we don't have that much to go on unless more people post, but I think you're clutching at straws here.[DOUBLEPOST=1467497808][/DOUBLEPOST]I say 'night'. It was night to me, I'm referring to this post:

    Post by: Mish, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mish
    Not sure what you're getting at with your second point? Could you reword?

    Maybe I will answer both points with this: I voted for G-Dog because he wasn't helping town in that his posts were difficult to understand. I was not particularly suspicious of him.

    I posted my reasoning for voting for him here:

    Post by: Mish, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mish
    As I mentioned in the post where I voted for G-Dog, I wanted to get my vote in before I left for the evening (end of game day was going to be 4am for me). We lost out on 4 hours of discussion time and we lynched a town, but I don't think it's as big of a deal as some people are making it out to be. I don't think those 4 hours would have lead to a different outcome. Although, we would be better off making the most of all the time we have, so let's try not to let that happen again. (On that note, @Makaze , I work 8:30-5 on weekends so if the offer of an extension is on the table, that would be cool.)

    Krowley we know was a townie. KH530 I'm inclined to believe made a genuine error. At first, I was a little suspicious, but I combed through her previous posts and she does make it clear that she is a newbie (and I don't believe she made these posts to preemptively absolve herself of mistakes, to give the impression of innocence - I believe the below to be genuine).

    Cal seems to think that all or most of the mafia are also newbies. I don't have any reason to agree with this. Krowley's analytical post lived up to our expectations. We hyped him up for a reason. He is a good player, there was no exaggeration and other players have implied that he was a big loss to us. In my opinion, eliminating him was a smart move by the mafia. For this reason, Cal, I don't think your theory on Al's alignment holds up. That said, I am sort of leaning towards you being town. 1) It would be far too obvious for you to kill Krowley after he had incriminated you so strongly. If you were mafia, I don't think you would have done that. 2) You are defending Al far too vehemently at this stage for you to both be mafia. If we lynch you and you turn out to be mafia, he's completely exposed and vice versa. So it stands to reason that either you are both town or one of you is mafia and one of you is town. I feel confident that you can't both be mafia.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 2, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  13. Mish

    We have reached the hard lynch.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Mish
    404 on that link there
    Post by: Mish, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  15. Mish
    I will be voting now in the likely event that I go to bed before the game day ends (11:30pm here).

    ##Vote: G-dog

    Inaccurate, but okay.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Mish
    I would prefer to see a) Krowley come back before he gets booted or b) allow him to get subbed, hopefully by a more active player.

    I'm leaning towards voting for G-Dog tonight, purely because his posts are hard to discern and they don't add much to the discussion.

    I don't agree that there are people who haven't spoke for a 'long time'. I'm pretty happy with the current players' level of contribution. Some people are more quiet than others, sure, but we are all adults here (more or less) and have responsibilities, college and work, to account for. Mixt might be the most quiet, from what I can tell just by browsing the thread, but he has still posted in the last 24 hours, which is fine by me.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mish
    Nah, I've been a member of KH-Vids.Net since around June-July 2006. I don't know the exact date, but I joined before the move to vB, when everyone had to join up again.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mish
    You're being over-defensive and kind of aggressive. Most of the time the first to be lynched is a town, because a lot of it is up to chance on the first day and it's really hard to read people when we don't have a lot to go on.

    It kind of makes me suspicious of you as well. I don't know if that's just how you are (defensive) or if you're guilty. At the same time, I don't really want to vote for you yet because at least you're posting consistently..!

    We have one day left, so it might be good to narrow down choices on who should be lynched. Throwing some names out, I would pick G-Dog, Ghost, burnitup. Everyone else I think has better, more 'analytical' posts, which makes it easier for town to win this game further down the line, when we can refer back to old posts to see if there were any alliances forming. Krowley hasn't posted much either, but having played mafia with him before, I know he is a good contributor. Although if anyone feels differently, I would agree to consolidate on him.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  19. Mish
    I've got 10 years on KHV now.


    Post by: Mish, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mish
    Editing posts is really a no no for this game. As for post count increasing.. posts don't even count in this section, do they?

    If you edit your posts, it means that you can delete or add things and that people may not see. It makes it far too easy to cheat if you edit your posts. Not saying that you're a cheater, but that's why we have that rule.
    Post by: Mish, Jun 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground