This is my point, that Mixt was on the 'lower side', therefore safe for Cstar to pretend to suspect. She bussed Mixt specifically because they're both mafia, that's what bussing is.
Bussing, as Judge suggested. Distancing herself from Mixt when it was safe to do so. At that point, we had three 'potential' mafia up for the chop - Judge, Cat and Mixt (and you even mentioned Midnight Star). I believe that she would have thought that the next player to be lynched would be Cat and realistically that looked like it was going to happen, until Judge pretended that he had confirmation of Mixt's mafia alignment. After that, she hasn't said a lot.
All four of us know who the mafia are. They know because they're all on the same team and I know because I'm the odd one out. Ghost - put Midny to the top of her list, never answered my question as to why she picked Midny and not me. Ghost and Midny voted for each other. Mixt - refuses to give reads while we think he is confirmed mafia, when he finally does give reads, he just says that cstar and Ghost are suspicious because they are quite, while saying that Midny is on his list by a 'decent margin' and says that I make him 'worried'. Claims to want to vote for Ghost - seeks permission before doing so. Town advises him not to vote for Ghost. Cstar - never posted after the true reveal? Also voted for me, a town. idk if this is even compelling evidence. I suppose their posts in this day phase will tell us more. Logically, they will want to ensure the lynch on me happens though.
Nonono, I shouldn't be today's lynchee. Lynch me and mafia will win, with their whole team intact, which I think might be the worst defeat the town have had on KHV. It's not impossible for Mixt to be mafia because he is mafia, along with cstar and Ghost. But if you don't want to lynch Mixt today because you think he could be town, lynch either cstar or Ghost. I have no alliance to any of them so would vote for any of them!
Impressions - first and current? Why did you tag yourself in the OP?
All right, my mafia reads are as follows- Cstar Mixt Midnight and Ghost I'm not certain about, but I would lean towards Midnight being mafia. I know that some of you are leaning more towards Mixt being town, so I think we should lynch Cstar tonight. ##Unvote: Ghost ##Vote: Cstar
We seem to have gone quiet and I'm conscious that I have to leave in a couple of hours at the latest. We have 2 votes on Ghost though I can't help but notice that they are both by people who are potential mafia (yes, me included). I don't want it to be suggested that Midny and I are both mafia trying to use Ghost as a scapegoat. Since Ghost and Midny are voting for each other, I'm lead to believe that one is town and one is mafia. If Midny is town, I am wondering why she voted for Ghost and not me specifically. Also her reason for voting Ghost is really weak anyway (because she already had one vote - me!) I'm leaving my vote where it is for now, but I would change it (to literally any potential mafia player) as I don't have really strong feelings on any of them. So I will go along with whatever the majority of the confirmed town players go for.
Who are you people and why are you here. ps. welcome
If we have another mafia game again soon, I want to suggest that the day phases end at least 2-4 hours earlier! I'm sure Midny, Al and others would agree.
Just wondering why Midny is your top read and not, for example, me when Marushi has built up a pretty strong case against me?
@Judge Sunrose Well, maybe I don't have as much time as I thought to prove my innocence if everyone unvotes Mixt. I don't know if I agree with JS considering Mixt could still be mafia. One thing that confuses me, though, is that I expected that Mixt would reach his quota and just stop posting. That's what I did when I was revealed as mafia in a previous game. There wasn't a quota then so I just fell silent so as to not incriminate other mafioso. So I guess that is one point towards Mixt being town. I'm gonna say that if people suspect Ghost, lynch her instead of me. If she flips town (pls be mafia..!), lynch me tomorrow. Give me the benefit of the doubt!
Haha sorry. I don't know what happened. When I realised that we did actually have another day, my initial thought was that 'Marushi tricked me!' but then, going back through the thread, I found that I was in fact the first one to suggest that we only had a few hours left. I think it's because I had gotten a PM from Makaze yesterday saying that I was in danger of being mod-killed which made me assume that I was running out of time. I don't blame Marushi for seeing this as some mafia tactic (I am dropping balls everywhere this mafia game), but it was a genuine brain fart. I don't think we are going to get anything from Mixt. He is probably just posting so that he doesn't get mod-killed, blocking us from getting two kills in today. It stands to reason that we lynch Mixt tonight as he is the only person who we are sure of. At least that gives me some time to do some research and build cases on people who could be his scum team, and be able to to justify my decision in more detail.
I'm afraid that I think we're going to lose Midnight Star. I don't know whether she is town or mafia, but it is 1am here in the UK so I don't think she will be back before the day phase ends. I also need to leave now as I have work in the morning. Guess I'll have to wait until I wake up to see how this all turns out. Cstar and Judge still need to post once more to be safe.
I'm female and my name is Mish! >:L
I'm not going to be modkilled Cal. 3 people could die tonight. One mafia, one town, we know that for definite because surely if Judge is lying, the real one would've come forward. I went through each page and here's my post count per member: Cat - 9 Marushi - 25 Cal - 8 Mixt - 1 Midnight Star 3 Me - 6 Cstar - 3 Ghost - 5 Judge Sunrose - 4 Yeah, Marushi, I'm female!
I would probably prefer to vote for Ghost over you. I'm less convinced about you than her. If Mixt comes back just before the day ends, he is set to be lynched. So I will ##Vote: Ghost now so that if he doesn't come back, it will be easier to vote up another potential mafia, giving us two kills in one.
1. Mixt for obvious reasons... 2. Ghost - has laid low for the majority of the game, wishy-washy posts. Her mafia reads were Cat, Tale & Cal who are also the same players who were the top of other people's top leads. Bandwagoning? 3. Marushi - did not suspect Mixt after the Cat/Tale switch up, instead blamed Judge Sunrose. I did rethink Cal based on her early post in which she defends Al. It was thought at the time that the only way for her to know for certain (or 90% as she put it) was for her to either be the cop or be mafia. Well, we saw that she isn't the cop, so it stands to reason that she could be mafia. However, after having done a bit of research, the way that Cal has voted and the people she has been suspicious of has made me second-guess myself. I think she is town. I'm not 100% on any of this, but those are my feelings atm. I've been wrong so far. :| (one more post to not be modkilled)
I'm here don't modkill meee. Sorry, I was out all last night and most of today. I would have stated in advance but I thought I would've had time to get online on my phone. So I'm gonna address Marushi's suspicion first. The first point you make is about Mixt getting his 'facts crossed'. I don't have much to say about this other than I think he focused on Midnight there because he was answering a post by Blaine, who was asking Midnight why she had voted for KH530. So that could have been the reason or well.. he could have legit got his facts crossed. This discussion happened after I had given a reason for voting for KH530, so no, I wasn't under questioning. Not much of a defense there I know, but this isn't much of a mafia tell imo. "At one point, Mish states in no uncertain terms that they believe Tale is Mafia" Well, here is the post in question: It was in response to what I believed to be mafia-esque behaviour as you can see. This was early on in the game when there wasn't much to go on. Yes, I was a bit 'heavy-handed' in the way that I was flinging accusations at him here. However, later on in the game, I did defend Tale, so I don't think this reasoning holds up. By defend, I mean that I didn't go along with what Judge was saying when he was accusing him. His weak and unfounded accusations are what lead me to list Judge high up on my mafia reads list. "Also, in another post, Mish is giving reads and lists G-Dog, Burnitup, Krowley, and Ghost as potential members of the Mafia." Nope, I said they had contributed the least, not that I suspected them of being mafia. "Later in the game, Mish lists as possible Mafioso, Cat, me and Judge. Then lists Mixt, Cstar, Ghost and Midnight in the middle, with Cal and Al as town. Again, I'm not one to talk, but this time I can assure you, they read three townies as Mafioso." yea, I kinda dropped the ball re: Cat and Judge.. and I am starting to rethink Cal. It's just that I was convinced that she was the cop for a while. In regards to the cop-revealing stuff: like I said, I was convinced that Cal was the cop. I was sure that the mafia were aware of this and that they would kill her. So I didn't want her to die in vain, i.e. without us knowing for sure what she had found out. I thought I might die because I haven't exactly been a high priority to other town players and many have said that they are leaning towards town for me. I don't think that the whole cop-revealing idea is a mafia tell. If I were mafia, wouldn't I be afraid of being exposed? Besides, the cop has revealed himself, for better or for worse, so I guess it wasn't such a terrible idea? We are better off now that we know about Cat and Mixt. That's the end of my defense for now. If anyone else would like to posit anything to me, I would be happy to try to counter it, or if Marushi would like to follow up with anything.. I think this is only my 3rd post for this day phase, so I need to be able to reply to a couple more posts to meet the quota and I also need to go to bed in 3 hours tops.. so get posting!
Yeah.. the point about the cop's reads already being dead kind of puts a damper on my whole plan lol. I'm still almost certain that the cop will die in the next night cycle though, so it's really hard for me to ignore the opportunity of learning roles while we still have the chance. If the cop only had one or two reads, I guess it'd be better to just keep quiet unless, like you said, we were about to lynch another known town AND UNLESS they know about a mafia member who is someone that we haven't highly suspected yet. So if say they know that cstar or Ghost is mafia, I think that would be useful to know.