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  1. Mish

    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mish

    Hey Blaine

    This is why 2007 was so great. All drama, erryday
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mish
    Tell it to the judge fuccboi
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mish

    Hey Blaine

    He likened my insides to a pile of churned up sausages iirc.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mish
    Ya, literally a decade ago lol.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mish
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mish

    Hey Blaine

    KHV Royale 2 exists, I can't remember if he finished it though.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mish
    Maybe don't talk about punching people in throats behind their back next time lol.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: Staff
  9. Mish
  10. Mish
    LOL accurate.

    P.S. Ready for round 2 now.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 16, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mish
  12. Mish
    @Misty correct me if I'm wrong, @Shuhbooty , but I think she means that she was given an IUD but her body rejected it.

    I've been on the pill (not consistently) for about 3 years now. Before that, I got a contraceptive implant in my arm, but it didn't work out for me and I had it removed as it seriously messed up my cycle. The pill has been great for me, regulating and reducing the heaviness of my periods.

    I don't blame doctors for being hesitant to discuss sterilisation as a contraceptive options. It is a life-changing and body-altering procedure and you're still young. So, for a doctor I can see why it would be hard to justify what they would see as an 'unnecessary' procedure given that there are other forms of contraception. Sterilisation is so final.

    I am also pretty opposed to having children and I'm 26. I may have considered tubal litigation when I was younger if it were easily available but I have mellowed out a bit now. I know that I could change my mind (not likely, but I like to keep my options open). Although, if I ever develop a nurturing side, fostering/adoption seems more appealing anyway.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: Discussion
  13. Mish
    N'aww, now I wish I were mafia.

    ##Vote: Ghost
    Post by: Mish, Jul 15, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Mish
    ##Vote: Cstar
    Post by: Mish, Jul 13, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  15. Mish
    Well... the only benefit really is that we'll win faster if Mixt is modkilled lol. As far as I can tell? 2 scum with one stone.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 13, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Mish
    Looks liike Mixt may be mod-killed, so by tomorrow it should only be Ghost left. We're nearly at the finish line.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 13, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mish
    Unfortunate for you because you were the hardest mafia member to find dirt on between you, Mixt and Ghost. You shot yourself in the foot.

    To maybe convince Marushi of Mixt's scumminess, I'll refer to my earlier wall-of-quotes post. I strongly believe that there are plenty of hints that Mixt and Ghost are on the same team. Notice that Mixt votes for then quickly unvotes for AND later suggests he will vote for Ghost but never does. Note that both times, Ghost was in no danger whatsoever. He creates distance when it is safe to do so. "I'm going to Unvote: Ghost. Since that was just a pressure vote. (Not that he was likely to be in trouble anyway)." He even says himself that Ghost wasn't in trouble, his vote was meaningless. So why vote anyway? To add pressure, he said. I'd wager it was only there for us to see, for Midny to add to her vote log and for us to look back at it and think they weren't on the same team. Later on, and only a couple of hours before the deadline, Mixt suggests he will vote for Ghost. He even draws Marushi and Cat into the conversation, seeking permission to vote for Ghost, who were already set on Midnight by that point. Of course, they weren't going to say 'yup, go for it' when they wanted Midny to be lynched. So why even say it? It would have been good if someone had told him to put his money where his mouth is, though with a vote already on Ghost by Midnight Star at that point, it is easy to see why he didn't just vote for her in the first place - because it would have brought Ghost to a tie with Midny.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 12, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  18. Mish
    It would have benefited the town even if the cop only had one read if they had died that night like I thought they would. We were on day 2 but we would have gotten 3 confirmations. The cop, the default town read and then the cop's read on night 1. Yes, it may have been early, but like I keep saying - I was convinced that the cop was about to be mafia-killed. It doesn't help that in most games that I've played which have featured a cop, they usually die before they can be effective.

    Well, the rest of the town seem to think that his back-and-forth between Judge/Marushi confirmed his towniness. Why don't you vote for him? According to you, he is mafia along with Ghost and me.

    I speculated that she might be scum protecting her own scum, but I came to the conclusion that they both weren't likely to be mafia. That was early on day 2. Everyone (including me) agreed that it was a bad idea to cop speculate after Cat's post. In fact, it was my reason for voting for her. I did hope Cal would answer, but I also told people NOT to vote for her as we could learn a lot from her, whether she was the cop or not.
    So, who are you going to vote? Mixt, Ghost or me?
    Post by: Mish, Jul 11, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  19. Mish
    Ok derp, I misread that. I just saw "Even before ... the time Cal was suspected of being cop." lol

    Well, I guess I'll address that part a little more. I've said it before, but the reason why I pushed for Cal to reveal herself, I really did think that she was the cop. I thought that the mafia would believe this as well. So I expected Cal to die that night and that we would lose the cop before we could learn what she knew.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 11, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  20. Mish
    Here we go..

    Day 2

    Small clue, but Mixt evidently doesn't want to extend the day phase.

    Cstar lists Mixt as #3 on her list of potential mafia. Reason: he hasn’t voted for anyone. Mixt responds with a decent explanation. This action in a way makes them BOTH look town. Cstar for being proactive and questioning Mixt and Mixt for being able to come back with a reasonable response. It also means they can distance themselves from each other.

    A couple of hours later, after some back and forth between Marushi, Mixt votes for Ghost. At this point it almost seems planned. “Let’s all incriminate each other” bussing strategy. No less than a day later, Mixt unvotes Ghost as it was ‘just a pressure vote’. So here we have evidence that Mixt has voted for Ghost, but in the belief that nothing would come of it:

    Also to note, every single mafia lists Marushi as their town reads. Maybe to put the most vocal player on their side.

    Also wanted to note re: the Cat/Tale switcheroo: might be worth highlighting that Mixt voted for Tale while Ghost and Cstar voted for Cat. Could be that he just didn’t want to seen to be on the same bandwagon as those two.

    Day 3

    Ghost states that she was planning on addressing suspicions on Mixt (this is after the fake reveal), despite never really mentioning him beforehand, except to say he is on the quiet side. Retroactive suspicion?
    After it’s pointed out that Cstar hasn’t posted enough to reach her quota, she says that Ghost is one of her two guesses as the identity of Mixt’s potential mafia buddies (the other being Cal). Again with the belief that nothing will come of it. Players had obviously come to the conclusion that Mixt would be lynched, but some had thought of the possibility that Mixt would be modkilled and that we could take out another mafioso because of this. Cstar suggests that we DO NOT bank on modkills.
    Mixt never gives out any reads while he is fake-confirmed mafia. He says he has profiles instead of actual reads. I believe that this is because his ‘profile’ for the mafia have so far been ‘the quiet ones’, i.e. his team mates. At this point, he is trying to maintain that Judge Sunrose is mafia, who doesn’t really match his profile at all.

    After the true reveal, Ghost only puts Midnight forward as potential mafia, without reason, and without naming anyone else (incl. any legit mafia). I asked her why she never considered me and she didn’t respond.
    Mixt ‘admits’ that he can’t find any tells for Ghost. He then goes on to say that Cstar and Ghost fit his ‘profile’ of quiet mafia players, but still says that Midnight and I are more likely to be mafia. Protecting his team mates.

    Again, Mixt suggests he would vote for Ghost, knowing that nothing would come of it:
    Day 4
    Mixt is invisible to avoid being called out - sneaky.

    I'm gonna stop now and then respond to cstar's posts in a sec.[DOUBLEPOST=1468274826][/DOUBLEPOST]

    Evidence for this? I don't remember being called out for acting like I know more than other people?

    I most certainly did not push for a cop reveal BEFORE Cal was suspected of being cop, as you are implying here. Marushi was actually the first one to float the idea of Cal telling us whether she was the cop or not. And that's all that I wanted to happen as well on Day 2. By Day 3, I did want the cop to come forward, which is exactly what happened. Cat agreed with me, Judge obviously agreed with me or he would have kept quiet.

    I voted for you because, although I had originally voted for Ghost, I wasn't completely sure whether she or Midnight Star were mafia. I know that Mixt is mafia, but at the time others were leaning towards town for him. I changed my vote to you because I was certain that you are mafia and other town were more likely to agree with me about you as opposed to Mixt.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 11, 2016 in forum: The Playground