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  1. Mish
    1. I know I didn't quote my post, but I tried to explain in point 5 why I didn't think Al was sus - because he has seemed to me to be more pro-town in his posts. So I don't agree that I have implied that Al is innocent because of what Splodge and Tribbles have done. I have made references in order to draw comparisons between behaviours.

    2. Unless I'm missing something, I can't see much talk of Splodge possibly being town. Judge raised an interesting point that's for sure, but a few people have stated it's a bit of a WIFOM argument. There is/was a bandwagon on Splodge, but notice that it's all but dissipated as the day has gone on. Judge theorised that Splodge may be innocent but he and Tribbles are my strongest reads.. he also theorised that Splodge may actually be a mafia member who has 2 town players attached to him. I don't agree with this because surely they both would have said something? Not outright state their lover status but subtly come to Splodge's defense? Tribbles is the only one who did, but I don't believe that they are lovers because I doubt that someone would bus a lover, which is what I think Splodge did to Tribbles.

    3. Admittedly, you may be onto something there re: Cal. I gut read Cal as town at the beginning so I may be guilty of overlooking her. I agree with Nova that she and Al aren't on the same team. Her argument about Al using 'town' in the '3rd person' is imo SUPER weak. In the post Cal quotes, Al says 'there are important town players'... okay, what was he supposed to say? 'There are important team mates'? In the same breath, he says that 'we came to a consensus as a town'. So he's not speaking with distance at all. Earlier on in the day, Cal called Al out for 'drawing a blank'. Since then, he has made more substantial posts but Cal is still on his case, talking about tone and writing style and whatnot, which I think doesn't hold as much weight. Though I admit I'm not good at seeing stuff like that..

    What worries me about Cal is that Nova says that she and Splodge aren't on the same team. I will have to look through both of their posts again to see if I agree with this. I do recall that it was Cal that pointed out the 'lover(s)' gaffe that Splodge made, but that's all I can think of for the reason as to why they may be on the opposite team. As you say, Marushi, Splodge voted for Tribbles based on the fact that she attacked Cal, so I think that should be discussed more.

    4. Got it.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Mish
    1. I was willing to let Jiku slide at the time because I believed that she would come back with some really decisive evidence and I figured she'd be this game's Krowley. But I am starting to agree that she hasn't really been helpful today (still holding out hope that she's gonna make a comeback with a really useful post - or 2 or 3 - before the day is up). I think she may have signed up for something that she didn't have time for here. If she doesn't reach the 5 post minimum, will she be replaced at this stage @Makaze ? I'm neutral on Jiku.

    2. About investigating groups rather than individuals - not sure I see what the problem with that is? Reading into how people communicate with each other, watching out for buddying, or bussing.. it's an effective way to find mafia that everyone uses.

    3. Below is the post where I held up Tribbles and Jiku together which you mentioned. Since then, Jiku did post her data and did place a vote so I think I was right to let her slide for the time being. Like I said above, though, she needs to post more at this later stage. Tribbles did ring a bell for me because if she is town, I would expect to see her posting differently from how she played last game, being more involved etc. Someone said earlier (think it was Cal and Judge) that it's harder to build cases when you're mafia and as we have seen, Tribbles has yet to make any strong cases, aside from Jiku who is just a 'gut feeling'. Tribbles seems to be feeling under pressure.

    4. Also quoted above is my explanation for not voting. I know it's totally unlike me to not have a vote placed at all yet. I wanted to vote for Splodge but I kinda missed my chance as he reached a number of votes that was deemed enough. Since you have removed your vote, I will now ##Vote: Splodge

    ;~~~~~; and i just lost an entire paragraph of writing after accidentally highlighting it and then typing something else aaaaaaaarghhhgsjbrfs oh well i will try to remember what i wrote while cursing myself

    5. I did find Tribbles more suspicious than Al. After being prodded, Al was able to not only defend himself but also build a case on someone else. This is a pro-town move. Tribbles, on the other hand, has seemingly been incapable of doing this. Tribbles hasn't read anyone aside from Jiku - who, according to her, is only a gut read and hasn't been able to expand on this at all. I don't blame her since Jiku has barely posted but to me, pointing the finger at Jiku seems like the 'easy option'. As for Tribbles' relationship with Splodge, I found it odd that before her ninja post before mine, Tribbles had practically ignored Splodge, despite a lot of the conversation being on him yesterday. She did mention him once, when prompted for reads. She said that she didn't have any, but that the closest was Splodge but then dismissed it by saying that Splodge's posts were 'honest mistakes'. She didn't mention Splodge despite Splodge putting a vote on her. She didn't defend herself against him - or didn't need to. Remember that Splodge voted for Tribbles after misattributing one of her posts to Judge. He blamed Judge for something that Tribbles did and when that backfired on him, he voted for her.

    (still so annoyed that i deleted all of that ^)

    I agree that Midnight has improved since her last game. But you say that I am suspicious for not voting, but Midnight isn't? Now who's clearing one person and condemning the other.. How is Midnight not voting 'understandable'? People are quick to clear Midnight as always (I swear one of these days she's going to be mafia...! It's not happened yet, but let's not be too quick to align Midnight to town just because she always is lol). Pointedly, she hasn't created a log for this game - not that I blame her, I tried creating one myself for this game and gave up after about 4 pages.., but I just thought I'd make not of that.

    I can see that there are a few people (Marushi and Nova being the most recent) who think that Al is mafia. But is there any evidence apart from gut reads or tone? I am open to hearing it and willing to believe he isn't town, but I want to be sure. I found his case against Tribbles to be pretty compelling and, after doing my own digging on her, I'm inclined to believe she is mafia. So on that basis, Al doesn't raise red flags for me right now.

    ##Vote: Extend Deadline (worth a shot lol). I have to leave in about 3 hours and I'm working all day tomorrow. I finish on the deadline. I am going to be of NO USE unless I can log in while I'm at work but that's not likely.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 30, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Mish
    She hasn't said a lot - don't think she's even met the minimum post requirement yet so it's hard to say. That said, I think she fits the bill of a nervous newbie rather than a mafioso.

    Her last post states that she is keeping her vote on Karuta because he hasn't posted any decent reads yet, but since then he has, so I'd like to see what Korosu thinks now before I form an opinion of her.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Mish
    Just wondering what makes you think Splodge is innocent? Is it because there seems to be a strong train against him with seemingly no dissenting opinions? (Aside from Tribbles and now you). Because that made me think twice too tbh. Before Tribbles, there was no one casting any doubt about his alleged mafia alliance.

    That's a very good point about the potential for bussing in this game. Mafia might actively and purposefully go after each other. So does this mean that if we sense that the mafia faction are going after their own, we should maybe accept that our target is mafia but then change our lynch target to someone else in order to prevent town deaths? (Also is it possible to have more than 2 lovers in this game? not sure if your doomsday scenario is possible)

    Anyway, despite all of this, Splodge is still my #1 mafia suspect. And I believe that Tribbles is on his team. Apart from Tribbles being the first dissenting opinion, I've just looked back on Splodge's posts and I'd like to remind everyone that he falsely attributed something that Tribbles did to Judge (in Splodge's words, Judge 'accused' Cal of being mafia - didn't happen). When he noticed his 'error', he threw a vote on Tribbles instead to cover it up. He may be under the impression rn that he will be lynched today and is trying to clear her before he's gone.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Mish
    Karuta has the highest vote to post ratio out of everyone at 0.4 (Jiku has it in her data as 0.5, but she hasn't accounted for Karuta's post just before hers).

    Jiku's voting is very data-centric though. And while it is useful and a bunch of us have been eager to see it, I'm not sure I agree with Jiku's reasoning (if I am right about it being based on the vote to post ratio). Ars Nova and Splodge have both voted more than Karuta at 3 times. So Karuta's ratio is barely more than Nova's, and although Splodge has more posts than Karuta where he hasn't voted for anyone, it's because a lot of his posts are just him defending himself against us.

    Al's last post seemed pretty towny to me to be honest. Unlike Splodge, who has not done much but defend himself since being targeted, Al has instead defended himself by building a case against someone else, namely Tribbles who, when prodded, doesn't have a great response. It puts me in mind of the last stages of the last game. Tribbles again says that she doesn't have any reads, apart from Jiku. She hasn't commented on Splodge AT ALL even though he is high on most peoples' lists. Instead pointing the finger at Jiku for 'wasting time' on her data collection, even though people have expressed an interest in seeing it.[DOUBLEPOST=1469819841][/DOUBLEPOST]tfw you post something and it immediately becomes untrue 8) So Tribbles has said something about Splodge, defending him.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Mish
    Posting to say that I would also be voting for Splodge if you hadn't expressly suggested that we don't.

    Those are some compelling points about Al. Not being able to build a case when he could last time, for example. Consider me partially swayed by this. I'm not convinced that anyone is mafia thus far (not even Splodge), but they are both at the top of my list.

    We are still waiting for Tribbles and Jiku to post anything decisive. Jiku I'm willing to let slide for the time being since she's more of a quality vs. quantity poster in any scenario. Tribbles is playing in her usual 'quiet-ish' style but notably she was mafia last time, so if anything we should be seeing a difference for this game.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Mish
    You posted this an hour after I'd gone to bed. I was keeping tabs on the thread before I left though, that's true.

    Saxima or Korosu could be mafia, but they also could just be acting 'flippantly' because it's their first game (I think) and don't know exactly how best to play. So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I will be watching them.

    Cal tends to read a lot into things, so I don't see that being a mafia tell for her. In the last game, she drew a lot of attention to herself at the beginning of the 2nd day because of it. Keep up the analysis though, you may be right and I may be wrong. It's a bit early to tell for certain.

    For those of you who have said Al is acting oddly, could you evidence this? Not saying that I disagree but maybe you're seeing something that I don't. Same with Nova, you didn't give an explanation as to why you named him, but he did vote for you, so maybe that's why. Agreed with Splodge, but I'm leaning towards Cal being town.

    For myself, admittedly I do tend to gun for people kinda hard early on (see my arguments against the town-aligned Cat in the two previous games. Gurl probably thinks I have it out for her).

    People who are seemingly slipping under peoples' radars are Tribbles and Midnight so far (though I know it's early days), but mafia slipped under the radar pretty effectively last time and had us on the ropes because of it.

    This whole lovers dynamic really adds another dimension to the game - it's going to be hard to tell whether people are acting 'team-like' because they're both mafia or they're lovers. It's going to make finding scum more complicated. But I think it goes without saying not to lover-spec (saying this pre-emptively, though I can sense that Cal was verging on this earlier with Splodge) - we figure out who people are linked to, possibly both/all town, mafia know who to lynch to get the biggest kill streak.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 29, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  8. Mish
    My meagre gut feelings so far are that..

    Splodge is mafia - due to the self-serving posts from earlier.
    Cal is town - it makes sense for the mafia to discuss their lovers, what doesn't make sense is for them to then describe their strategy in this thread.

    For the first day, I think it's still worth policy-lynching the most quiet/unhelpful. Though I wonder if faced with their lover dying, would players come forward and say 'yo btw if you kill them, i will die too'. Is that how lovers mafia goes?
    Post by: Mish, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Mish
    Sorry, but I remain unconvinced lol. I believe the reason why you're being this defensive over us 'accusing' you of only having one lover is because Cal floated the idea of potentially lynching people who wouldn't end up causing the death of 2 others.

    So I believe that you only have one lover and I believe that your defense is self-serving. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. But it's worth noting that the town is supposed to work as a unit, rather than every-town-out-for-themselves.

    All that said, I don't think we should rely on killing off people who we believe to only have one lover. I haven't played a lovers mafia game before but is it not worth going the usual route of policy-lynching the quiet ones? Or will that not work as well with people having others connected to them? :E
    Post by: Mish, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Mish
    Forgot the +1.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mish
    Yep, you're right, my b. Thought you were on 3 votes, not 2.

    And yeah, I did but I didn't think it was a very strong defense. He explained why he said that he'd only have one quicktopic to look at (at a time), but he has ignored the fact that he said 'lover' - singular.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mish
    Woo Mafia Round Deux GOGO

    So, it would take 6 votes to lynch someone today. We're only half way there so far, but just thought I'd remind everyone as we cut the first day short last time.

    That's some good sleuthin' Cal
    Post by: Mish, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  13. Mish

    Post by: Mish, Jul 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mish
    You've got my name down, right?[DOUBLEPOST=1469479793][/DOUBLEPOST]nvm just reread the first post derp
    Post by: Mish, Jul 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mish
    Well, nobody's perfect.

    Jk, welcome to the forum. I'm into British history too, though I'm no expert. Ever been to York?
    Post by: Mish, Jul 24, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Mish
    why didn't you age in the last 9 years tho? baby face over here.

    (nice pic bae)
    Post by: Mish, Jul 24, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mish
    Like Shuhbooty has included in her resume, you could include a 'special skills section' to describe yourself in a bit more detail. For reference, I have the following info on my CV (in the UK, we use CVs which are a bit different from resumes in that they're usually a full 2-page long document whereas with resumes I understand it's more common to just have one page), after my contact details but before my work/education experience:

    Post by: Mish, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  18. Mish
    Being stuck in a job seeking rut can be soul-destroying, but try not to let it get you down. There are many people in your position and the longer you are unemployed, the bleaker it seems. But it sounds like you are very switched on, keeping your eyes open to opportunities etc. So, you already have that advantage over people who don't bother to look in shop windows, for example.

    Some tips of the trade that I have learned over the years:

    • Quantify your accomplishments, don't just say 'I have previous customer service experience', say 'I have two years experience in fast-paced customer-facing roles'. If you can say something like 'flipped 100 burgers per hour' or 'persuaded customers to upgrade up to 100 regular meals to xtra large meals per dinner service on a regular basis', even better!
    • If you've ever received employee of the month or any other kind of award, let your reader know.
    • If you have any leadership experience, be sure to include it, even if it's just training up new starters.
    • It's tedious, but try to match up your resume to the job advert or job description/person spec if there is one. This might mean editing your resume for every different job you go for. Covering letters should always be individual to the job.
    • If you are part of any 'extra-curricular' activities, such as a sport, hobby of volunteering, you could include this as it will tell your reader more about your character and what type of person you are, and will inform them on whether you would be a good fit for their business. If you don't volunteer, maybe now could be a good time to pick it up?
    You might already have a stellar resume which already ticks all of these boxes. If so, I don't know what to tell you other than don't lose hope! Also, if you'd like me to take a look at it, I wouldn't mind.
    Post by: Mish, Jul 23, 2016 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Mish
    Profile Post Comment

    dat's better

    dat's better
    Profile Post Comment by Mish, Jul 19, 2016
  20. Mish
    lol that wedding tho
    Post by: Mish, Jul 18, 2016 in forum: The Playground