Search Results

  1. Mish
    I graduated from university and passed my driving test. 2014 was a good year, would recommend
    Post by: Mish, Dec 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mish
    I wouldn't be surprised if my family as a whole (Mother and Grandparents) spent at least £400 (~$630) on me at Christmas. It helps that I'm an only child.

    Here's my list anyways

    -Toastie maker
    -Earphones (don't really care about quality, so cheapy ones will do)
    -World of Ice and Fire
    -Gift vouchers to a salon and shops that I like

    I can't wait for new socks
    Post by: Mish, Dec 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mish
    I had a feeling I was going. Townies, it should not be too difficult to root out the remaining mafia. Good luck from beyond the grave!
    Post by: Mish, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Mish
    Yard sale
    Post by: Mish, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mish
    I will never stop loving Norway 2009, no matter what anyone says.
    Post by: Mish, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mish
  7. Mish
    @Risky Biznu
    @Midnight Star

    y'all haven't voted



    Consider consolidating on Tummer?
    Post by: Mish, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Mish
    I think that Cal's suspicion of you is a bit baseless at the moment.. For one thing, she primarily says she neither gets a mafia nor town vibe from you, then looks back at your posts and decides mafia because you haven't been a productive enough town member.

    The problem I have with that is.. there are very few people who actually have been productive this game. Especially this game day.
    Post by: Mish, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Mish
    omg guys plz

    We have ~24 hours and.. 2 votes. For different people. We need to make a decision.
    ^ So that's my case on Tummer. Anyone want to add anything? Agreements/disagreements? Other suspects? .. ANYTHING?
    Post by: Mish, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Mish
    ## Vote: Risky Biznu (Tummer)

    Simply put, he claims to suspect people that I believe to be town.

    1. Even after Cat announced that she was a cop, he still claimed to suspect her.
    2. He suspected and shifted his vote to Zelda for no discernible reason.
    3. Suspects Midnight! Who we pretty much all agree to be town... I mean, I know we can't be 100% but come on. I don't believe that any mafia member would be so analytical as to create a log of member's actions/voting habits. It doesn't make sense.

    @Calxiyn About Al: remember that Cat investigated him on the first night and found that he was town. He could be the Godfather, but I think that's unlikely.
    Post by: Mish, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Mish
    Did I miss something? When was Spike(/you) confirmed town?

    The only people that I believe to be town are Al and Midnight. I'm pretty sure Zelda is too, as the only suspicion I had for her was in relation to supposed buddying with Cat.

    Minus myself, that leaves Cal, Hyuge, Trigger, and Tummer.

    Right now, Tummer is my top read.
    Post by: Mish, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Mish
    To be honest, I haven't got strong mafia vibes from Key2, which is another reason why I haven't voted for him.

    I'm okay with the lynch going through though, because he isn't really contributing to the town's efforts. I consider it to be a policy lynch, not unlike Moksha's. Key2, you can't just throw out votes and say you have a 'hunch'. Not past day #1. Unless you have a case against someone, no one will pay your vote any notice.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Mish
    Aw ****

    If you are the cop, I'm really sorry, Cat! I believe that you are, because even if you weren't, I have a feeling the true cop would come forward and sacrifice their anonymity in order to guarantee the lynch on you. Damn, if only we had a protector role in this game!

    That means that Al is either confirmed town or Godfather. I'm more inclined to believe town though.

    I'd consolidate on Key if he weren't already at soft lynch.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Mish
    I mean, I'll go to see it.. but was that really Chris Pratt leading an army of velociraptors while riding a motorcycle?
    Post by: Mish, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Mish
    @Cat~ you are our sole target today, it seems. Would you like to take the opportunity to defend yourself?

    @Zelda what is your opinion on Cat's alignment?

    @Spike post pls![DOUBLEPOST=1416873132][/DOUBLEPOST]Spike hasn't been online since Saturday - we may need a replacement?
    Post by: Mish, Nov 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Mish
    "Damn it Mish. If you are town I'll kill you." looooool

    Also lol at the "circling the drain" comment.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Mish
    1. I believe that you are mafia.
    2. Al voted for you, and kept his vote on you towards the end of the day, when both you and Moksha were at soft lynch -1. You could have easily taken Moksha's place as a lynchee.
    3. If I am correct and you are mafia, a fellow mafia would not risk a teammate like that.
    Post by: Mish, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground