You mean Cherry Berry, don't you? Gotta be precise. And P, I trust you're doing this one.
[highlight]Hint[/highlight]: Two Death Notes were dropped in the beginning. Also, Gobolo, when did L reveal himself to L? I thought he know who he was. Unless he's got DID... EDIT: P, I trust you are to give L the hints, right? Seeing as how I never got any memo about it.
^This. The "Use your flashlight to explode your enemies into bits" part sounds awesome. And getting that game is why I entered that contest.
Sounds awesome. I myself entered a contest where the grand prize is a Limited Edition Alan Wake Xbox 360... And the game (limited edition, with autographs and such), and a t-shirt, and POTF's newest album, Twilight Theater with autographs. I seriously hope I win that one. But congratulations.
P, I didn't get the memo. GET ME MY MEMO!
Aye, 'tis true. Why won't they call the Year III as Year II1/2...
Same here. And we didn't have Physics today. Nor half of our Literature.
You are never told when there are two Kira. You should just stay cool. And P, I still have to say this, you could make a fortune by flipping a coin.
Hmph. Fearless, thanks to you, the next round will be a Hell. Both literally and figuratively. P, I shall discuss with you about this. Yes, I will return as a Shinigami. A Furious Shinigami. Unless of course if P has anything against it. Also, I'm Not A Hero and the music played in that post sound awesome together. Thus, I bring you:
You shall. Though I believe I know most of it. You know, apart from the obvious. Well, the parts that are obvious to me but not to the majority. In a non-negative way. I guess. Also, DAMN YOU. YES, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. AND SO DO I. OBVIOUSLY.
"Fuck you. I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO ANYTHING. Next round, I'm a Shinigami. And you, will, be, in, for, a, hell. ESPECIALLY YOU! And maybe, you will be afraid." the figure said, flying away. Also, allow me to curse the fact that vB hates my PM's. It's a good if half of my PM's get through. Apparently it failed at the critical moment.
Ah... At what time does the timer run out exactly?
Love Songs Take my word, you don't want to see this one. I wouldn't have wanted to see it. But thanks to the Ministry of Education, our school could afford booking a private screening. And our teacher didn't even see the film beforehand. The biggest Can't Unsee of my life.
This. Especially number 1. Copypasta the 1:3 text into Google and click the second link. That's what I did. Also, I see I was accused, but the accusation hasn't been processed... How odd.
It is him. I think I'm gonna get one.
"That's odd, the first 3 deaths had quotes from King James Bible, while this one doesn't... And the time doesn't really fit Kira, who thus far has killed at midnight and midday..." he thought to himself. I'm just practicing my dialog's.
"I accuse NOISE", he said in a loud and confident voice. "And the cake is not a lie, play the game!" he continued, irritated. "There was a time, when I was a God of Death. The most important thing I learned contradicts with what you just said", the man in the white trench coat said.
This round has started?
I won't be a Shinigami this round because of the fact that I can't come online as much as before.
I guess so. School's been draining me off of my creativity, well most of it. And my cat cut my DSi's power cord, so I can't recharge it, cutting my iTime in half.