A bit over an hour to Detectives' deadline. Also, I just realized I don't have to write the [highlight] crap thanks to my normal font settings.
Japan. They seem to have a Potion/Elixir campaign with all the newer big releases. (FFVII AC, FFXII, FFXIII, Dissidia) Kitty, remember that SE uses 3x more caffeine on those things than normal energy drinks do.
Why? You accused correctly, no? Last I checked, the rules specifically said MIS-accusers. Then again... It isn't at another place. *sigh*
Ahem. From this post on, I shall be having fun with a font I got a long time ago. I'd suggest you download. Axel-chanviii's cold body was found in front of Fearless' [undefined]. Fearless, ever herself, had installed cameras even into her [undefined]. The recording showed axel-chanviii being scared of an empty car, apparently soiling herself and saying "I'm sorry." to thin air. The cameras also recorded her time of death: 17:30 GMT0, May 28th.
[highlight]DEATHS: Midnight Star[/highlight] got hit by a lightning and a car at the same time. The lightning left the following note on Midnight Star's body: "Trust L." [highlight]ToD: 18:58 GMT 0, May 27th.[/highlight] [highlight]NOISE[/highlight] and [highlight]Mako Tsunami[/highlight] both committed suicide, thinking they would beat Kira. For some reason, their computers were found lacking one key on their keyboard, Delete. They both died at [highlight]20:41 GMT0, May 27th[/highlight]. Yes, [highlight]I was lazy.[/highlight] And [highlight]playing Portal[/highlight]. It's not Alex. Just sayin'. Not according to my memory, at least.
[highlight]Kira has been around since 2007.[/highlight] And I repeat what P said: My hints only apply to my Kira. Though some exceptions may occur when stuff align and stuff.
Were you expecting some?
Looks like it's going to be Issun. Normal or x1000? Now, why did I vote for Crimson Helm?
Ten seconds? That's actually a lot. Five seconds could do it, but I don't think there'd be any sense in having death scenes. I'd much rather have a few more minutes of actual scenes than something that shows how you got killed. 'Sides, the disk is quite full if I'm not wrong.
Edit'd. Also, I'm for the no timings. I might be actually able to post them. Seeing as most kills happen when I'm asleep or in school.
Sigh... I was sarcastic. Lrn2readinvisitext And to the majority of this thread: lrn2writeinvisitext
What's so odd in that?[/sarcasm]
These are some of the most awesome Okami related fanart I've seen thus far. They make me want to play Okami again. Who will you be doing next?
One thing I would like to address is that I couldn't handle most accusations due to me not knowing who has the Note... That is all.
I.A.M.W. Or as I like to say it: I am W.
You can, but technically that person is still his Mikami/Misa.. And previously, if Mikami/Misa was caught, so was the Kira, so why make exceptions? Make no mistake KS, you still won part of this round.
Oh, so that's what the "5" meant...
Well, you were the Kira. Thus, when your Mikami is killed, you lose the game also, regardless of who accused him. That is how I've always read the rules as.
No time to do all accusations, I'll just do this one. [highlight]Accusation: Mako Tsunami[/highlight] sat in his dark little room by his desk. With a demonic smile, he wrote words on a notebook, like using a sword. Suddenly, a detective came in. They both smiled as Mako Tsunami extended his hand, with the white notebook in his hand. I-Don't-Know, the detective, took the notebook, smiled and with a quick sleight of hand, cuffed Mako Tsunami into his chair. Suddenly, without a moment's forewarning, the other detectives opened fire, shooting through the door, piercing through Mako's and Keyblade Spirit's bodies. After ceasing fire, the detectives barged in through the now splintered door. What they found was odd, two bodies, like supposed and a note on the wall, completely unharmed. [highlight]MAKO TSUNAMI IS A CULPRIT[/highlight]
What part?