Shinigami-Sama Fearless Pika Kira: KH2man13 (Fearless) {1 kill} ??? (P) [three eyes] {2 kills} Eru: NOISE Detectives finalform32 Roxas~N~Namine rikusorakairiown Christhor Vladimir Makarov LilBueno Tikem Mr. Brightside Deceased Keyblade Spirit axel_chanvii Midnight Star Hints: Katakana chart I2I3F3"A4E5 "You're on the right track." Well, let's take a crack at this. Like Midnight Star said, it could be battle ship coordinates. Midnight Star got "rirufu eto". In reality it should be "rirufu eno". If we're doing it right. It is gibberish. Definitely not Japanese. If written backwards, it's "one ufurir". Unless we're meant to assume that the numbers themselves are in inverse order. Then, it is: "rerufu ina". If the numbers are in inverse order: "kikunu ?ho". It can't be this one because there is no A4 that way. It is also impossible for the letters to be on the top, as there is no I. *thinks* My brain hurts.
Shinigami-Sama Fearless Pika Detectives finalform32 Roxas~N~Namine KH2man13 rikusorakairiown Midnight Star Christhor Vladimir Makarov LilBueno NOISE Tikem Mr. Brightside Deceased Keyblade Spirit axel_chanvii
Is that GMT?
So, will there be an L for this round?
No, I'm not. However, feel free to Shinigami. I'll be a player. That makes 12 assuming that KS wants to play. Also, I will be calling you Potassium Sulfide from now on, KS. It would make much more sense if potassium was called kalium in English as it is in (at least) Latin and Finnish.
What kind of horrible place forces its employees to work on Sundays? Well, the game needs more players before the next round can start... I...
1.YOUR SPY NAME: (middle name and current street name) Antti Hornroad 2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your dad's side, your favorite candy) Antti Fazer's Blue 3. YOUR RAP NAME (first initial of first name, first three or four letters of your last name) J-Wenn (Though I despise rap.) 4. YOUR GAMER TAG: (a favorite color, a favorite animal) Silver Falcon 5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born) Antti Kuusankoski 6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name) Wen-Toi-Vio 7. JEDI NAME: (middle name spelled backwards, your mom's maiden name spelled backwards) Ittna Rednakiot 8. PORN STAR NAME: (first pet's name, the street you grew up on) Cookie Lynxstreet 9. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favorite color, the automobile your dad drives) The Silver (My dad is dead. We don't have a car. So The Silver it is.) 10. YOUR ACTION HERO NAME: (first name of the main character in the last film you watched, last food you ate) James Cappuccino (James as in James B. Pirk from Star Wreck.)[/spoiler]
He retired as soon as he could. The collision that set his car on fire happened in the last sector of the track. You should re-join. Most of the... Those aren't the marshals who are putting the fire out. It's Kovalainen. The video...
Stupid hacker.... Anyway, did you see what Kovalainen did during the race?
I've got exams from Monday to Wednesday and I've got to finish this thingy before Tuesday, so feel free to act as a Shinigami. In fact, I think we should play this round as it was supposed to. If there is no "OBJECTION!"s, this round will re-start at noon, GMT0, Zettamber 26th. Don't ask. Just don't.
axel_chanvii was found inside a crate full of pineapples. The pineapples were largely uninjured, but traces of pineapples being eaten were found. This type of cannibalism is not uncommon for pineapples when trapped with a large animal of sorts, a human in this case. Studies have shown that the presence of a possible threat may and will cause a normally calm pineapple to freak out. In this state of brainlessness, the pineapple may attempt to make friends with the animal by showing that it is on the animal's side. Slowly, but surely more pineapples will fall to the psychosis, causing the society to fall on itself. If the animal is not removed in time, it is highly probable that only one pineapple would survive. But as pineapples are in fact fruit, it would most likely not be able to live with the guilt of eating so many of its friends and would hang itself, after which the animal would most likely eat the fruit, and as it would be lacking tools to peel it, choke on it. -From the archives of The University of Questionable Sciences ToD:0039 Any mentions of fresh fruit are merely a way to keep me entertained and are not clues/hints. Anyone trying to use fresh fruit as evidence will be forced to assault a man using a banana.
Star Wreck: In the Pirkinging An awesome amateur movie.
In KHII's case, they found a way to compress the data differently, thus freeing more space on the disk. In KH, I do not know.
The punishment remains the same.
I... Wouldn't say that...
See ya, Alejandro.
'Cause you've accused. But anyway, Keyblade Spirit is taken into custody. He suddenly bursts into laughter, showing a white notebook with a few names on it. Specifically, the names of Midnight Star, clawtooth35, NOISE and Fearless. The detectives told him that Midnight Star was already dead, took the Death Note and placed KS under custody. GUILTY END OF ROUND SOMETHING ROUND BANANA or something starts when P says. Disclaimer: Real round number may not be a banana. Finally this round has been brought to a conclusion. For the record I personally find that unless specifically stated otherwise, old clues are not eligible as evidence as themselves as aren't hints. However, they can be used to solve the clue of the moment. In my opinion. Thus, I'd say Arch won this round.
Midnight Star is innocent. You solved the wrong clue.