... yeah, but i wish they knew exactly what it is they are doing to their bodies...
... i am completely against the consumption of alchohol (along with drugs, smoking, and gambling), so i am completely against this. all i wanna know is, what is the attraction to alchohol? my parents let me try it at new year's, and i almost puked on the spot. it smells horrible, tastes horrible, and makes you feel horrible. if all those adults wanna "take a break", or "get rid of their troubles", how about doing something that won't destroy your liver and mind?
i kinda agree ever since the news about the new game stopped, there hasn't been anything interesting i hope more news of the new game will come, like a release date! (highly unlikely at the moment:) !)
... i thought it was something medeival... i coulda sworn i've heard that name before... maybe one of my friends would know...
... yeah my mom is really overprotective, but that just means that she cares about me. as for grades, as long as i try hard, and she knows that i studied and did my homework, she just tells me to do better next time. about this site, though, she wasn't too thrilled about me joining. she was under the impression that this is like myspace, where everyone's not who they say they are. but its not like we're giving out all our personal info, so now she's okay with it. your pants expect you to do well? my pants get angry cuz i sit on them all day! (yeah, i know. that was a REALLY bad joke, but i couldn't resist!)
... i didn't know there was gonna be a visual art book... oh well! now i'm interested in it!
... personally, i chose the second one cuz i think purple hair is copl (by the way, i did not spell cool wrong, that's just how i say it on forums!:))
... kh final mix and kh2 fm+ with re:com are both on the ps2, but sadly, they only came out in japan.
... okay, i'd be the first to say that these things are overpriced, but they're kingdom hearts related! i have to at leat get one! :)
... when they say that coded is based around new cellphone models, does that mean that old phones can't get it/ i literally JUST got a new phone so i could play kh mobil! i only got it a month ago!!!
... i always read the thread because personally, i enjoy reading them
... they played hikari twice?
... i hope the public can see the trailers, then they might be on the internet!!!:)
... okay, as for the xehanort thing, i might have been overanalyzing the picture, or i'm just going completely insane (it might be a bit of both!)
... you really shouldn't worry just because someone leaves the thread after you post. that happens to me a lot because i access the site late in the day, so sometimes i'm the last to post. besides, it doesn't really matter what other people think, does it? only reason i even got an account was so that i could view more than the first six pages of a forum! anyway... just don't feel bad!:)
... i really hope this comes to the us also, i still need a psp too (i think i'm getting one for hanukkah, maybe...)
... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i was so looking forward to that! oh well, i'll still get the mangas.
... kind of a stupid question, but why are there darksides in twilight town? and why do they look smaller? WHY???... (overreacting a bit...) also, anybody know if the games are coming out this year? i would think birth by sleep would come out last, probably sometime next year. if you look really closely at the picture of roxas on the clocktower (the one without axel), the shadow on it kinda looks like the form of xehanort that visited sora on the destiny islands... is it just me? seriously, take a look! it's in the upper left corner. i'm sure it's not really xehanort, i just thought it looked cool
... you know who else it might be (also a fanfic character) i made a character that was ienzo's sister, rosila it could be her nobody, Xorsila again, just a theory i just like getting my ideas out in the open!:) (the way i came up with the name rosila was if you reverse the song "passion", you hear like "i need, someone, rosila", at least that's what i heard. i figured the song described ienzo/zexion because it mentions the guy with the book)
... that game is soooooo addicting!!! i got an account last year, my friend was helping me. i don't play it much anymore, but that's only because i have a slow computer, and i had a virus that threw its files off track, so i haven't really had time for it