... i remember seeing it in a fanart with axel and roxas, and seeing it in a fanfic somewhere. also, one of my roxas-obsessed friends was talking about it, but she was talking so fast that i couldn't understand what she said, and i thought i heard wrong.
... i get to bed at 11:00 most of the time, but i always try to stay up late to watch all the cool late-night animes (at least naruto is on at 10:30! :) )
... i cry when i read something that touches my heart, sad or happy. It's really mostly mangas, like i cried when sora turned into a heartless in the first kh mangas (even though i knew he'd come back), and also in DBZ. my friend lent it to me, and when i read the part where vegeta died, i was literally in a puddle of my own tears.
... i think they'd kill each other i can see it all now... they're both down with only one blow each... in my opinion, they're evenly matched
... my goodness, it looks beautiful!!! thank you so much!!! it came out better than i expected!!!
... that's fine. there's absolutely no rush at all. just do it when you have some free time. thank you very much!:)
... i thought that the gummi missions were pretty fun... if i din't feel like battling in a particular world, i'd just redo the gummi missions
new sig i would like to request a new signature, if it is not too much trouble... Common Signatures. Username: Unmei Character: Riku (in org. 13 cloak) Render (If you have one): sorry, i don't have one Text (Optional): "The deeper you plunge into the darkness, the less you become..." Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): 400x150 Background (Optional): dark abstract (as an additional note on the text, could i have what comes before the comma and the comma in the top left, and what comes after the comma in the bottom right? if you could please do that, it would be greatly appreciated!:) )
... personally, i kinda like Hitxaf, it sounds very unique, something you'd say extremely fast during a team battle (don't ask... what i mean is that were someone to call that name during battle, it sounds like it could be said really quickly)
... hmm, he doesn't say much about the 14th member, i guess he doesn't wanna ruin the surprise.
... i dunno, i think xehanort's heartless, probably just because of how ENRAGED i became while battling him in the first game. the first time i played, i kept having to restart first from where sora enters the door, then from where he is falling and hears riku's voice, all because of stupid xehanort's heartless!
... i am OBSESSED with riku, and not just because he's hot ( even though that's true!:) ), but i kinda feel bad for him. he's such a coplex character. true, he made a horrible mistake by turning to darkness, but he realized he was wrong, and sacrificed all that he was to save sora, and save the light. he was scared in the face of darkness, but learned to accept it, showing great bravery. the sorrow he must have felt had to be unbearable. he may be part darkness, but he is truly a hero of light.
... i don't hate you! i can't really hate anyone on a forum, because i don't actually know them... why do you think people hate you? and why did people actually answer that question as yes!?
... wow, those are really cool. i wonder when they'll come out...
... i think this is really cool!
... i really wanna see riku's story he's my favorite character...
... that sounds really copl! i hope these are both coming to the us... i hate when i get so excited over things only in japan!!!
... hazzah! i didn't think that they would show final mix, but that's ok. i'm just happy that the old kh's have a little recognition!
... i kinda don't remember seeing the middle one, but i'm sure i have. the third looks pretty cool, from alice in wonderland. personally, i always found that level really annoying...
... pretty... i wanna collect them all! that'll cost a lot, though...