well i'm gonna be working at a summer camp with some of my friends, and i'm going on vacation on the 17th ^^!
well, right now it kinda sucks cuz i was sick during my finals, and now i have to retake them over my summer break... otherwise i'm cool XD!
aiya... my grades kinda slipped too, and my parents were mad at first, but since they didn't slip that much, they got over it pretty quickly XD!...
omk it totally has... i have been busy beyond belief during the past like month XD! but yeah i'm cool how bout u???
very well, and yourself ^^ ?
oh hello ^^!
awesome!!! maybe they'll actually reveal the release date of 358, if it's supposed to be out in japan pretty soon
THAT...WAS...AMAZING... :glomp:
oh, okay. sorry for the confusion!
what do you mean when you say his weapons can be switched with other keyblades? couldn't all those play arts figures do that?
i don't want to be any trouble, but for some reason i can't view the vid from the site. it doesn't even appear on the screen. do you think you could maybe post a youtube link, or something like that?
i don't know if that's possible, unless they get the rights to the anime or manga or something. it would be pretty cool though! anyway, these action figures are cool and all, but i (like probably everyone else here) really want to see a new Riku figure. i have one, but it's only 3 inches tall. i'd like to see a Riku play arts or formation arts. can't square just make one already!!!
wow, this is soooooooo cool!!! even though we only got to see, like, 30 seconds, what we did see was freakin awesome!!! i can't wait for it to be finished!!!
Here Without You in your pants
ok, this one's p[retty funny... Hands in your pants my only question is, whose hands?
Everything Burns in your pants
does anyone think the worlds page maybe contains info on the worlds that may or may not be in the new games? and as for the secret page, does that have to do with the secret ending from kh2fm+?
wasn't there a song in fm+ or re:com that wasn't on the kh1 and kh2 OST's? that could be the name of it, if it hadn't been previously released.
okay, i found the site i bought it off of! quick fact: you need to take off the front of the tray of the ps2. you can find directions for how to do that online. if you can't, i'm sure i can find them. the swap tool is MUCH easier than installing a flip top, which is why i gave you this URL. enjoy! http://www.videogameaction.com/nxp2r-007.html quick note, the whole "take the front tray off" is easier than it sounds. all you have to do is take the piece with the logo off. you might not be able to get it back on (like me, i broke it...), but it will still read discs and do whatever it is it needs to do.
when it comes to swap magic, ebay's a ripoff anyway. i'll try to find the site i got mine off of. the discs and the magic slide tool were only $30, which is actually pretty cheap. you gotta give me a day though... i kinda forgot the site's name... i promise i'll get it to you though!