Looks like Itachi
coz you do! XD youre even cruel to your little brother like he is. ITS A SIGN
This is you. HA
yes he does, look real close.
I didnt notice that at first! Cool. What would they be doing there though?
I like Anime better xD
because of my obsession with killing or the fact my baby bro wants to kill me? xD
Yikes! That looks like my German Teacher!
O_O theres a song about a collection of Llamas and a duck!? *checks label on soda and throws bottle out the window*
She Speaks the Truth.
well, today in school the english teacher was out so we got a sub and she gave us a choice of 2 videos to watch. so we ended up watching titanic (either that or star trek) and near the end when forgethisname dies the sub looks like shes ready to cry and RikuRules13 (yes, we are in each others class in real life) looks ready to die with boredom but then she suddenly comes out with- ''Hey look! Hes got icicles hanging from his nose if you look real close!'' so everyone ends up squinting their eyes and one by one bursting into a fit of laughter. so at the end we end up getting this really looooooooooong lecture from the sub about respect and how titanic is a true story and then RR13 comes out with- ''well what can we say, miss... were all just dead inside'' seriously, every boring class needs a RikuRules13 XD
I dont even know half these people but god that was funny.
^_^ i was the one who punched the dude, and ive got that quote in my sig. ^_^
ohhhh, youre not meant to be on school comps. you were banned from the library for putting tacks on the librarians chair *bursts out laughing at that memory* classic!
oh god... I REMEMBER THAT!!! <insert insane laughter here> Did you see poor davids face when he woke up? it was freakin hysterical ur mean! and mr facepalms face? (we call him mr facepalm =P) god, every class needs a RikuRules13! Seriously!
cos you do, you even have your hair in a ponytail like his XD. oh yeah, and your mean to your little brother. ITS A SIGN I TELL YOU!!! As for me...? I think I look like a black haired Sakura =D
same .
join the club ._. *yawns*
Xnikki Nixkik Nikixk =/
Ok, Me and RikuRules13 were arguing about this some time ago. Who'd Own Who? The Akatsuki or Orginization 13? I think Orginization 13 would pwn them