YOU DO! youve got the hair, the eyes, the... emotions and YOUR MEAN TO YOUR LIL BRO!!! Goes to my School =D
Youre never gonna let that go are you? Looks Like Itachi. (you do!)
is a sora fangirl
I blame you for eating the last rolo
Ya same. And out Music Teacher pissed is like a snake on crack. so dont pluck with your thumb.
I blame you for Spiders
What She Said XDDDDDD
Best. Song. Ever!
Evanesence FTW!!! Best. Music. Ever!
the last 4 posts made me lol so hard XD
lol, everyone likes it. =DDDD It was actually RikuRules13 who made it up and i took it. XD (we go to the same school and she reccomended the site, so yea)
No wonder! hes a little brat. And you put that day on YouTube you Betch! EDIT: I think were spamming *paraniod*
Dude, Check your rep! =D You will be pleasently surprised methinks =D
Ill be your friend! and so will RikuRules! ... *drags RR into thread*
Good Idea. In fact, *steals idea*
*hits with shovel*
In b4 Lock =D
*joins RikuRules*
is a mouse =D