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  1. Psycopath
    Well anyway, the Drama Teacher had to write reports for her s3 class so she left us with a sub who just let us sit and talk to out friends. Well, half of us started randomly talking anout (wait for it) books halfway through the period and well, this happened.

    Dean- Has anyone here ever cried at a book?
    RikuRules13- Nah, Never, I cant cry at books.
    Me- You can cry at films!
    RikuRules13- Yea but i cant cry at books, its weird.
    Aaron- Scott had tears in his eyes when we watched 'Jack' (that movie about a 40 year old kid) in English
    Me- Oh yea, I remember that.
    RikuRules13- Youve never let him forget it either.
    Me- Nope ^^
    Derek- Crying at Movies, Kissing me... Im getting worried about that boy!
    RikuRules13- Oh yea, that toungelock in Music? God that was funny!
    Me- They didnt kiss! Stop Lying!
    Everyone else- They Did!
    Me- OMG!!! How could I have MISSED that!? D=
    RikuRules13- You had the flu
    Me- OMG! *pulls RikuRules to the side of the class* i want to know EVERYTHING!!!
    RikuRules13- youre sick.
    Me- So what, ok, just tell me.
    RR- They were fighting, and scott, on purpouse, put his tounge in dereks mouth.
    Me- OMG!!! What were there faces like?
    RR- Why do you want to know?
    RR- fine, you know in naruto?
    Me- yea?
    RR- the episode you forced me to watch and i ended up liking it? two or three, i think it was.
    Me- I think it was three
    RR- whatever, now remember when naruto kissed sasuke? now imagine that theres tounges involved, that naruto looks normal and that sasuke has enough horror on his face for both of them, that sasuke pulled away faster than you under the influence, that after that naruto has a somewhat dissapointed look on his face, sasuke yells ''OMFG NARUTO!!! WTF!!!'', and now imagine its derek and scott. thats pretty much it. and i dont believe i made myself tell you that because frankly, i dont want to remember it.
    Jamie- what are you two emos TALKING about!?
    RR- Anime, now go away!
    Me- <insert hysrerical, insane, very loud laughter here>
    Sub Teacher- *walks out the classroom, we later found out that she never went back in*

    Yea, I could get the truth out of anyone, even our dear RikuRules.
    And everything here is TRUE PEOPLE!!! ask her- *RikuRules13 is in the humiliated corner*
    Thread by: Psycopath, Apr 9, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Psycopath
    Well, that was random!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Psycopath
    Neither do I but its probably the most creative thing youve done in your life! xD


    you pwn, evil twin sister of mine who is mistaken for a dude all the time! =D
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Psycopath
    RikuRules13! she needs love too!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Psycopath
    Scott Ferguson, in our class.

    God, you shouldve been there!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Psycopath
    Ive done more than felt like doing it. IVE DONE IT!!! The guy i did it to bricked my windows afterwards though, so yea.
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Psycopath
    Emma the Emo xD *shot*

    She LIES PEOPLE!!!! Her Name is Itach- *shot again*

    As for me, Nikki Frost! =D
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Psycopath
    *ebil smile* you mean... 'the video?'

    o... m... g...
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Psycopath
    put that pic in her sig! XDDDDDDD
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Psycopath
    I blame you for my Hyperness
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Psycopath
    Worse than being transported to the itachi world of pain and suffering for 72 hours?
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Psycopath
    Drew a random but hilarious pic of Itachi the other day xD Go on, put it in your sig!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Psycopath
    I blame you for most of the humilation that i have experienced in my life!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Psycopath
    is going to be mutilated when i post 'the video' on here! *evil smile*
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Psycopath

    Mr. Mum

    Like the time she gave you permission to give Dean a black eye, that time she did a backflip in the middle of class, the time she lost it and threw a chair at me, the time she wanted us to jump out the windows at english, the electric shock pen incident, the homophobic incident, the childbirth incident and the dreaded speed dating incident?

    and thats not even half of it!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Psycopath

    Im Serious she couldnt even play mary had a little lamb until that day! That day, *cue holy music* a star was born. She now pwns us all at guitar!
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Psycopath
    RikuRules13 can play me against the world by simple plan. She pwns at guitar.
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Psycopath
    1. Yea but he looks like a girl so your good!
    2. Grow then Bish
    3. *facepalm* ok, youve got his eyes when his sharingan is off, happy?

    Has a brother who is an embarassment to nature
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Psycopath
    I blame you for ****** Scottish Weather
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Psycopath
    I blame you for DIGIMON beleivers website!

    (triple owned)
    Post by: Psycopath, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone