Valkyria Chronicles is really the only reason I'd want a PS3 right now.
Gurren Lagann? More like My First Mecha Anime, am I right?
yeah you do Tried going vegan for like a week after watching this PETA video (which in retrospect was stupid). I think the main reason why my attempt failed was because I found most soy/tofu products to be disgusting. Convenience is another thing. The vegan and vegetarian lifestyles require extra work I don't feel like doing and money I don't feel like spending just to avoid animal/meat products. Vegans and vegetarians miss out on vital nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12, so you have to go out of your way to get them via an alternative method (such as supplement pills). I'd rather just get them in a meal and be done with it.
I was merely pointing out that I was part of the forum in its beginning stages in the most vague way possible, but if you're gonna be a ******bag about it, then that's just some extra baggage you're gonna have to carry.
…Do go on, sir.
You bet your sweet candy ass it is.
Don't really feel like retyping my impressions of the second season, so I'll summarize by saying that it treated its viewers very well. C: Some good news with a touch of bad news regarding the third season.
>:C in actuality I left quietly because KHV wasn't that active at the time wait a minute I remember Boris now it's true that he got me on staff, but I take offense to her calling me his lackey
In Lawrence's book too apparently. Just read an interview with him regarding the future of Scrubs, and I guess I'll go along with it for now. J.D. and Elliot will be back for six episodes to help transition the show into its new format, and Turk, Dr. Cox, and Janitor have signed on to be regulars for the next season. No word on anyone else yet.
This just in: any impact the finale had on you will be lost.
I want to high five you in the face. What the hell did I just read? Played P4 first and loved it. Picked up P3 next and was a bit disappointed. I've seriously been close to the end of it for months now but I can't bring myself to finish it because at this point I'm real fucking sick of Tartarus.
What part of my initial post looked troll-like to you? Just because I troll often doesn't mean you need to point out to members that I am nearly every single time I post in Discussion. Even if I was trolling, you'd still be doing exactly what I wanted you to.
My motivation to explain went away when I read
Run a forum search on "inhiding" and I guarantee you'll shit yourself. I don't even know who the hell Boris is. Sara is an idiot and doesn't know a thing about me.
Just the way I like it! I mean, how else would you expect me to compete with my KHV buddies for top scores?