If you have to ask, yeah.
Well gee, I'm hoping you didn't quote a link without looking at it. And yes, you have to register. Really not that difficult.
WALL-E is boring up until the part where it started becoming a satire.
sure is twitter around here
I was hardly exaggerating. P3 being repetitive is a bit of a moot point since both games are grindgrindgrindgrindgrind.
Sweet, sweet irony. Farore: Oct. 29th, 1990
Hughes' death was horribly done in this series and I blame the pacing entirely.
sure is old around here
best be joking ******
You can try toning down the fabulous a bit.
Dunno what these guys are on because I liked P4 a lot more. A common complaint with P4's story is that during a very crucial part towards the end of the game, it was presented with the opportunity to deepen but it didn't. Another was that the actual antagonist felt very tacked on, but I didn't think that was that much of a problem. And P4's ending didn't have the same atmosphere as P3's, sure, but I still dig it for a multitude of reasons. Unlike P3, P4 didn't have characters I wanted to strangle. The music is infinitely better in P4. Not like you'll be getting a whole lot of music from P3 anyway, since you'll be stuck in Tartarus (which is a ******ed ass dungeon) for most of the game anyway, but I am rather fond of BABY BABY BABY BABY BUHBABYBABYBABYBABY
yeah man pretty badass
By making me admin.
the horse dying
Source: Gamervision - How Gamers See the World - Video Game News - E3 09: Persona 5 Coming To Next-Gen Consoles? Well that was quick, Atlus.