its a little plain i say >_> but it looks good just need to fill in the dead space
@ DPWolf Avvy = 9/10 Sig = 10/10 that thing is smexy =] @darkblademaster907 avvy= 8.5/10 sig = 8.5/10 looks good
WOW THEY ALL LOOK REALLY SMEXY!?!?!?!?!?!?!? i loving it!! 10/10 and A HUG!!
wow they all look awesome =] 10/10
i overheard you guys talkin about pokemon and so i say MY CELEBI COULD KICK UR CHARZIARD =O!
omg my eyes!?!?! HELP!!! thats so horrible T-T
haha yea i know my sigs SEXY!!
exactly what i was gunna say haha
wat did u save the amv as?
hehe hi there
*sits next to ROFL_Chief and eats popcorn*
i think its only a 3 disc series haha with all 14 eps i think lmao
Welcome to KHV haha we have lots of fun here and we do lots of random things haha you'll have alot of fun here =] hope to see you around =]
tehe a liger haha to bad tho i won't be able to reproduce haha!
sorry but i really don't like it >_< to many pics and it is annoying its a little big >_< and the background looks funny >_> i rate 5/10 >_>
LOL thats really funny dumb blonde should of put bacon in his sandwhich lol.
lol such an old vid but sephy looked like he was trying to scew with the wall..XD
lol eww :24 sounded really wrong haha but it was funny =]