then sing lol!
i can find them =]
ur asking me to join right? lol =P i'll check it out
yesh i like anime why you ask?
yes Riku is a girl haha its a Maleshe lol just watch out for him or her idk lmao!
lol love Starkiller's answer =P idk who i'd go gay for lmao!!
Sexy what?!!!!
heres a sig for you guys to CnC =] if you want it i'll but the code and u can tell me if you want text and i can edit it =] [IMG<][/IMG]
Entry #3 is good and looks like Gir =]
Roxas with his dual-wield =P ROXAS ALL THE WAY!!!
BOB!! that is ur name!!
alright ur sigs done u can pick it up at my GS
lol EPIC WIN!!!!
you can [ick up ur avvys in my GS haha!
very nice plain and simple =] 9/10 keep up the good work!
lol cool a two people sig haha and a an avvy =] alright adding you guys to the list and i should have one or both done today =] Here you go Death Twister 2 versions to pick from lol V1 [IMG<][/IMG] V2 [IMG<][/IMG] @Zeonark [IMG<][/IMG] heres yours =] hope you like them!!
hes awesome i love Dota haha!!! its so freckin awesome and TECHNO!!
alright glad u like it Renegade!!
cuz i am that amazing =O haha jk i hope you enjoy it haha!!
omg i disliked KHI cuz their Graphic section was mean >_> they would be uber mean to my noob sigs saying it sucks and crap and like you couldn't use certain type of renders which was really dumb...