i only think Japanese and Korean girls are =P
actually the girls from South Korea haha!!
they are hot tehe just join my wonder girls family and i can tell you alot there or just go on YT and look up Wonder Girls =P
im fine =] just telling people about the Wonder Girls haha like Rayku lol =P
im a dude! lol some of you on here having been thinking of me as a girl but seriously i'm a dude so if u wanted ur question answered about my gender its been answered hah!! i must seem like a girl with all these Wonder Girls huh? but nope im a dude whose a uber fan boy of them =P
so thats ur email?? nobodysfan@hotmail.com?? haha
lol alright then gimme ur email so i can add u buddy lmao!!
yea its the Im thing u have to dl just follow the steps then go to download haha wait i'll find it..http://get.live.com/messenger/overview there...
msn thats wat i got but u need to make an hotmail email!!
oh yea Wisdom your back i missed you my smexy lover!?!
lol yea u should buddy haha!!
lol would be faster if u had msn so i could add you and just send you links lol!!
[lol Wonder Girl Icons are really funny =P FALCON PUNCH!!! and shes only 16 lol!!]
lets umm go onto YouTube and look up Wonder Girls - Irony that was their first song they Debuted with =] then from there go to Tell Me and So...
yep i change every time when i find a new cute one haha ima change it like now lmao!!
yep shes pretty cute =P
thank you very much =] glad you liked it.
omg look another one!?! CnC yea i sorta think its good ^_^
oh thats cool =]
Username- LilRice Name- Hero Age- 14 (Freshman) Teacher or student- Student Important info- Hero likes listening to music and just having fun in live Hero is just an average guy with average grades just trying to get through the year with no troubles Anime (Optional)- Appearence- Other- He was very awesome! but has no friends, first you must be nice and to him and maybe you shall be his friend.