Sure Thing Star =] haha thx for reviving my Shop =]
lol DANG IT!!! you beat me to it T-T and i posted it lmao!! well who cares =P but yea bush gots some reflexes haha!!
O_O bush has some reflexes..
avvy 8/10 Zero sig 8/10 Zero!!
lol pichu is chubby =P and jiggle puff isn't a full circle lol haha i just like pointing out the obvious things
well howdy to you too lol welcome to the site =] hope you have lots of fun here when Renny lets you on haha!! just follow the rules and you'll be fine =]
it looks better im loving the heart thing =] good job!
i like it =] i like the outer effect around roxas's head 9/10 =]
i found the render on planet renders haha just look there but u need an account
thank you thank you all for all the good comments =] i will try to keep on doing this style seems like a big hit =]
avvy 8/10 Sig1 - 8.5/10 Sig2 9/10 haha banana
wow thank you guys!?!?!!! i want to see bttp9999's comment =] hope he posts soon!! and thank you again all!!
CnC?? i hope its good =] Text or No Text, Border or No Border?
wow i love the colors they all match!!! great job!! i see nothing wrong with it =]
Sadden is pretty dark hardly see able but the sasuke sprite is alright and all but its a little dark try making it a little lighter =] 7/10
its very good but the right side is whats bothering me... its like blah!! but its good i'll rate it 8.5/10
i like it Sumi but needs to be more x-masy ahah!! also you can't read the text very well... so ima rate 6/10 good try =]
that looks nice =] Gorillaz r really cool haha i like rate = 7/10 =] just need more BAM to it lol
dude thats so cool!! haha i would of loved to do the HHY with you =] and the Caramell too bad my school hates Anime nerds ><
i like it =] it looks very smexy!! keep up the greta work Axel!! 8.5/10