Haha alrighty (: Soo what's goin' on today? haha :3
Haha it's okay. (: I'm pretty good actually, you?
Lol it's alright ^_^ And thanks :3
Haha I'd probably crash into something on the way out I'm really clumsy these days lol :P
haha XD I doubt they'd believe me XP Unless I run away real quick :3
I gots a PS2 :P The peoples I live with got an xbox 360 I could just sneak away with it :3 Hopefully, I don't get caught XD
hahaha XD My friend said the same thing :P I'm trying to get one of the games though :3
Cool :D I haven't played any of the FF games :/ I want to though :3
I'm pretty good myself (: So what's up?
Hiya (: how are you?
Thanks for the advice (: And yes, I did make it myself. ^_^ Inspiration came from a good friend of mine. (:
It's a good song, you should listen to it (: Haha I'm sure, I am addicted to it though, in a good way (;
It may be a little bad, but just bear with me, 'kay? <3 If you don't know what a limerick is, it's just like a nursery rhyme. That's best way I can think of to explain it lol Cheese There once was a kid named Cheese, And man, was he hard to please. He needed some fruit, And a sausage to boot, But it ended when he ate his keys.
Hmm.... Spoiler I'm not really a girl :P PSYCH! lol :3
haha I don't wanna type it all out XD The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars This drug isn't bad at all haha (;
Haha it would be one long story if I talked about it :P That's too bad :/ And I'm listening to music (: Haha music is my drug :3
Hahaha I love this! XD You need to make a part 2! :3
No problem :D haha
I'm good (: Lots on my mind though haha It's all really random :P Whatcha up to? (:
yup yup (: haha so how are you today? (: