You're gonna die in 7 days! >:3 Enjoy them while you still can. >:3
CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater - NeverShoutNever :3
I grew up with Mario, Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil. Mario and Mortal Kombat are my life. <3 I never really played Resident Evil though. I only watched other people play cause it scared me so much. It still does to this day XD
Music Or The Misery by Fall Out Boy <3 I don't like COD either but my brother showed me the song while he was playing Zombies and I loved it. ^_^
I love 30 Seconds To Mars! :D [video=youtube;acIU7yxzJ70][/video] <3
That's awesome! :D My school isn't cool enough to do stuff like that.. :/
I don't know who either of them are.. But I voted anyways XD
I'm pretty sure it was A Christmas Carol The one with Jim Carrey XD
Hahaha epicness! XD
115 by Elena Siegman
Hello! Just wanted to say hi! :3 Oh, and thanks for the friend request! ^_^
We're doing the Glee version of Somebody To Love for the choir concert at my school :3 I don't watch Glee though :P XD
Weight Of The World by Framing Hanley <3
OMG I love Zombieland! :D <3 This is completely relavent :3
If your heart says what you're doing is wrong then you should listen to it. In the end you'll only be hurting yourself.. You should try figuring things out with this girl. You're gonna have to choose one of them sooner or later.. Sooner would be better though. That's all I can think of what to tell you about it. So just think real hard about what you're doing and try to make a decision you feel is the best, 'kay? (:
Welcome! Read the rules and have fun ^_^ That is all.. :3
One Thing Is For Sure by The Spill Canvas
Lol XD Yay for clumsiness :3
Awesome (: haha um not much really, just being weird XD
haha it's cool (: Aww that sucks :/