(>^_^)> Hugs! :D
Believe by Staind
Haha XP Don't call me silly! D: haha jk you're silly XD
Yeah.. *sigh* How sad haha XD Aw well if love thinks I'd be better off alone then so be it, but if I do find someone to be with that'd be amazing...
Lol I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he wants XD Geez, I needs to find a dude who isn't so crazy :P
Hahaha Yeah, he's pretty creepy but it's supposedly cause he likes me. I don't know if he really does though :P
Keep going!!! It's so much fun! XD
I love Mario Party! Lucky!!! But why alone? It's supposed to be a party! ^^
Rawr!!!!! Xd
Cause of what you said about Ryan. He doesn't know how to take a joke. >.>
My sister would do the same thing to me too :P
Michigan Man is mad at me now XD
Sen No Yoru Wo Koete by Aqua Timez :3
Axel for his catch phrase, "Got it memorized?", Demyx has an awesome guitar and Leon has an amazing weapon. :3
Mehhh! I was gonna say that! D'X
Isn't it tsk, tsk, tsk?? o.O Lol I'm using the dark skin too XD
Pretty Girl by Sugarcult Haha I just head bang to it. XD
Whaaat? It's my favorite color :P or is it..? :3
Haha I was hyper :3 It happens alot though o.O haha
Waahh! Scary Skull! D''X Hahaha just kidding, Welcome! :3 You're probably getting tired of reading this but too bad! ^_^ Read the rules and stuff. Have lots of fun here! Don't be a stranger :3