Alice had automatically punched the first guard which made the second one retaliate by grabbing hold of her arms. The first one came back smirking, thinking he had an upper hand, butt he was easily kicked away. The one holding her had tightened his grip, but Alice had knocked her head into his, making him let go instantly. She retaliated by grabbing her knife and stabbing the second guard, then moved back to the first who was still pulling himself up. She also stabbed him and they both died shortly afterwards. Alice was still angry, but fear was now speedily taking over her. She had killed, taken a life, no matter how evil they were she still did it. She dropped the knife and sunk to the floor. A liquid had come from her eyes, which surprised her. She put some on her finger and examined it, was this what happened when she killed, she didn't like it... she didn't want to do it again.
Yes, we shall call it CAKCSAMPG Crumpet and Kariet Cross's Super Awesome Mega Protection Group
I want to know why I've never heard of this girl.
Maybe she forgot how to read English.
oh yeah, and Chuckie's cries didn't help
The both die in interesting ways If you put them on their sides, both can't get up
Holy crap I remember having half those games... I miss them! I used to love the Rugrats game, but I think one level gave me nightmares Then again, so did KH1
thats cute Sweetie
actually my friend thought of it i live in australia and me and my friends were giving each other nicknames and their like... OMG YOUR BRITISH,...
I am so sorry : [ People have a habit of not telling me their names... I must be a freak or something.
it took like 3 name changes to get this
thank you very much ^^
I've just had four slices of pizza and am watching Yes-Man, what should I do after this?
^This was a bit harsh, dontcha think? Little Britain is all I can think of.
Cute~ I don't have pixie dust, where can I find it?
Ahh Do you know each other in real life or via internet? Will I ever find true love?
I'm good at keeping secrets, but who is Harriet?
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Misty and Ghetto? had a tie so thy both got one Same with Flirty Famous and Hot Hayabusa
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