It took me 20 minutes to figure out everything on this new layout ..... I feel stupid.
They do that because it's easier to type When I was AngelsNeedFlight, I was ANF, but people always tell me that it was a lovely username.
Hello Mr. Movie Man Hope you have fun here And well... I don't like them bands, but there are many people here who do.. so yeah... happy fun time!
Someone is on marijuana...
That is cruel Do you recommened it?
strange, odd, and sexy
Yeah well the spam zone is more random than twitter, making it more awesome.
Well after I saw the video of my dad thinking he was a dancer for another man, I do truley believe that hypnotism works, but I know that it only works if you want it to work.
Yes it it fabulous! What do you think of this magical site layout?
ooh I'm sorry, I'm usually behind with bans.
It's called Times New Roman It's the most used font in the world and a surprise that you don't know what it is.
It's hell People post like zombies and the ones who don't tlk laik dis The mods are evil And ban those who stand in the way of their total internet conquest >.> <.< Lol Your name says Twilight Have fun here
Hello, can I call you Pocky? Nah I won't, reminds me too much of my ex-best friend anyways, I'll find a nickname for ya Have fun here
I just saw the Riddler baby comment It made me cry : ( What do you think OF THIS? MUAHAHAHA
Oh yes, he showed me how to plug my laptop recharger into the wall He's a genius
You would have three cents.
Well, I'm in still ahead of you, so it's tomorrow for you, but my day has been meh coz I've had to wait for an insallation guy to come that never arrived, he's ruined my tomorrow too : (
I can still use this to my advantage So you see the future?
My friend loves Paramore but hates the song, all because it's related to Twilight. I like the song by hate Twilight.
I can use this to my advantage Well, you think like that too