They complete m-*shot*
It's upside down, meaning that the message is voided, not wishing a happy birthday. That is so mean Pyro >: )
.. it's my brother and his friend of course I d-*shot*
I always thought it was just an unconconscience reaction to Roxas or something, how could they know Kairi would have a weapon? also doubt that Jiminy was not useful.. and barely came in the any of the games, plus he can't fight. I seriously doubt it was Jiminy. I still believe it was Roxas.
You disguise yourself well. Now I have to check on them
I just had to break up a game with two twelve year olds coz they were playing with knives and golf clubs... and everyone wonders why I get in...
It's not just Sydney hun, it's in Brisbame too. It's pissing me off.
Isn't Eric Cartman from South Park the sexiest bitch you've ever seen?
can we say that we lost more people? lol... this running thing is making me lose ideas. As more people were losing their speed and the guard numbers dropped again, the question that was asked had slowed her down a little. How could she answer this question too? What was with all these hard questions anyway? She looked back for a second to see the the numbers had dropped to about three, but the lack of concentration made me her trip over falling to the floor. She managed to pull herself up quickly and made sure se was inbetween the men that were finally catching up with her and the girl she was trying to save.
Okay, I learnt that it was dust in the sky... or something and the power was out coz of the electric company, it's back now.
Happy Birthday! How old are you now? 62?
Are you serious? I totally feel sorry for you. That has to be the worst corriculum topic ever. What was the assignment about?
Well theres no power in the house and I've nearly wasted my laptop time, (dumb brother didn't charge it up) I'm about to get pizza and the sky goes bloody yellow.
What does that mean?
only... nine? Hey thanks for introducing guns ^^ I've been thinking of a way to go on my two week leave with the thought that I did something interesting to my character... now that guns are in, my most intellectual plan can go through >: ) "A spy....?", she mumbled, wondering what that was, she didn't ask though, she would later when she outran the rest of them. Her legs where still getting tired, but she was confident she could out run at least most of these guys. The gap between them was growing larger slowly. She wondered how she could beat them if they caught up to them, she left her knife behind with the last two, and didn't they have weapons? The last two didn't, either that or they were too easy to defeat, but these guys might, and if they did, Alice's and the other girls chances of surviving would drop quite quickly. She kept turning corners, taking tighter ones, believing it wouls slow them down easier. haha, I just remembered, I used the power pain... thing... whatever as an excuse to get the first guys to attack, I do have a back up...
I'm alreet : ) I'm on my holidays actually, but I'm stuck at home, with no power and 1 hour of juice on my laptop. Grrr Stupid Electric Guys.
And yet.. the rest of us suffer.
You made me lose my mind.. Thanks a lot.
No, I think one more is too much =[
Plum is mine now bitch