This Harriet girl, are you going out with her or are you stalking her?
Why watch the trailer when I can watch the movie soon?
I've heard good things about this, but I'm going to read the book beofre I watch the movie. We all know what happened with Twilight. Because my internet is slow, I didn't get the see to the video.
What did I do to you?
I've heard of this... I want to read it! I finished Blood Promise and I had to read A Cage of Butterflies for English Very confusing.
I was watching SpongeBob and they were talking about famous ancestors, and my dad brings up that I have a famous great-great uncle. So I'm related to John Chard who commanded a supply-depot which was attacked by Zulus There's even a movie about him! He says he's my grandmother's uncle, and where he's born checks out to be where my grandmother was born.
This is what I hate about katakana You can make up anything with it What the hell is Subaruuraashi Chin Chin Mon EDIT: I believe the symbols used in your post are meant to be hiragana... not katakana.
sorry, i wanted some action >: ) "Well, well, well, looks like someone's taking a break", one of the guards started to the other as Alice managed to pull herself up. The other had grabbed onto her shoulder tightly. "You don't look like your from here, where are you from?", the first one smirked. Alice opened her mouth to answer, but what could she say? She was built by a scientist to overthrow society? She kept silent which annoyed the man. "TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE FROM!", he ordered. Alice kept her mouth shut which made him even more infuriated. Her punched Alice across the face. The pain across her face had somehow made her angry. She retaliated and went after both men.
Internet is slow atm No money in my wallet...
oh no problem, i like having friends xD
that would be interesting but I still don't know who the gentlemen are, but they do sound annoying.
thank you ^^
Why are you leaving? You haven't stated why. Well have fun in the real world, hope you have fun!