Alright, I suppose--I'm currently battling someone on Pokemon Showdown. I gave my team KH names. LOL.
A better person--as in to say?
Sidestep? I don't get that...
Tell me a story of how Barney died. I'd love that.
Your request has been fulfilled. Anything ya wanna change--I'll do it. Spoiler: Request 1
That's not a nice way of putting things.
That's not funny AT ALL.
That was funny. If you play a lot of video games you'll become like one of us--as in to say--a video game addict. Get it?
It was a joke, man.
It's no fun to just reply to one person. Reply to everyone.
Play a whole ton of video games and come back on here. You'll be like one of us.
That's why they have Snooze Land.
I've already finished 358/2 days, so--no surprise to me.
Don't feel like battling now.
Dream Drop. I've got a 3DS and can't wait to play it. Heard the graphics are average, but who cares?
I'll just use my guys and attack one of your guys again and again.
I just beat you before.
No it won't. I'll use super effective moves on your team.
Sure. Why nor? This time--I'll win for real.
Almost everyone does that.