Do people still go here. Also, why am I suddenly addicted to Pokemon?
Sh|t .
or does this song make you want to SAVE THE ****ING INTERNETS? ...You know what, let's give this thread an actual reason to exist. Post songs that make you want to SAVE THE ****ING INTERNETS.
Well any seat to see Muse is a good one.
What the hell is going on?
Really? :/ The Rev? I'll look past that cause you actually do listen to some good music...
**** YOU! Wait... you don't come here anymore... Don't pay any attention to that first part...
Sanda .
I come back from time to time but don't usually post :3 Again, I miss you. D:
0 exciting things ever happen.
I'm doing pretty awesome. You?
That is the correct answer.
I would have to agree.
yay <3
who here has read V for Vendetta?
No it isn't. It's a serious question that needed a serious answer. yes .
I don't know you. Who are you?
Nah, it was just a rumor that I wanted to be confirmed or denied.
I would get rid of stupidity.
Fuck, well now I'm gonna have to go make that.