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  1. Mixt
    I'm usually pretty good about things like this but for once I can't get this one worked out.

    So I loaned my PS2 out to a friend of mine. His little brother thought it would be funny to jam playing cards into the disk drive and, needless to say, it got jammed. I've taken my PS2 apart before so it wasn't a big deal except I was a a real clutz that day and accidentally pulled out a ribbon cable. In trying to put it back I managed to mess it up even worse and broke off the little plastic clip that holds it in place. And I don't mean it opened, I know those ports are wierd, I mean it came off completely. In my fussing to get it to snap back in I lost and I'm sure by now either we vaccuumed it or my cat ate it, either way I'm going to need a new one. Problem being that many places offer the cable but not that clip.

    I've invested enough in that system that I'm willing to buy a package that includes it if they aren't sold alone, but I really don't want to retape the thing every other week.

    So if anyone knows where I can buy it, or a good home remedy, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 4, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. Mixt
    Alright, I have almost no planned storyline to this, but the story isn't the point. This is an RP intended for you to use characters so that their abilities and personality are fine tuned for the RP they were actually intended for. If you don't like receiving criticism then I recommend that you stay clear of here because I don’t want this to be a mary-sue training camp. If you see people making a character or RPing in a way that people won’t like, I encourage you to speak up. It defeats the purpose of this thread to have characters coming out just as bad as they came in. I’m fine with OOC conversations in here since it allows others to learn from your mistakes but it is frowned upon in real RPs so keep that in mind.

    Also in order to stop this from becoming chaotic I would like it if there were some people that already had decent characters to play in here as well.

    I won’t put rules in here unless things become an issue but keep in mind forum rules and common RP rules.

    And finally if you want to manipulate the plot of this thread let me know. I’ll most likely tell you to go with it, but if too many people are trying their own plot twists then it will be hard to follow and therefore hard to utilize.

    Leave a post if you want in including at the very least the name of your character. The more info that you can post about your character the better, but again I want this to adapt easily into other RPs and everybody’s OC form is slightly different and many of these characters will change as they go.
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 1, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Mixt

    Faith Stories

    This is a topic that was discussed at my church a while back and thinking about it now I wanted to see what you guys have to say.

    So the idea is that you tell the story of how you came to believe what you believe. It's usually broken down into three parts; first, what your life was like at before; second, how your life changed; and third, what your life is like now.

    I may have heard this at church, but I'm not limiting this to Christians. That being said please try to show respect the other people in this thread. You can still disagree but don't let it escalate to flaming please.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 17, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. Mixt
    I'm trying to find out what ability you get from the Hercules Cup Time Trial. It references 30% and HP but the guide I've been using doesn't mention it and I can't think of an ability using HP and 30%
    Thread by: Mixt, Dec 14, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. Mixt
    Think way back to Sora's awakening. Sora ended up creating a darkside from his shadow. A heartless is considered to be the darkness in a person's heart and the darkside is the most powerful purebred. If Sora was able to create such a huge heartless without even needing to be killed then how evil was he before that?
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 17, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Mixt
    Just a question for all of the atheists out there claiming that atheism is the religion of sense. If there is no higher being then why are so many of us drawn to believe there is one? Sure we are divided largely by what this higher being is but it an overwhelming majority that believes there is at least one (often more). I've often heard that it's because we've advanced so far that we create a need but even in our primitive periods we worshiped gods. So wouldn't there have to be something we're drawn to to create this desire even in times of need?
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 11, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Mixt
    I'm going to Canada for about week but I'll be back.
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 1, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Mixt

    I've been trying to get this done for nearly a year so I've gotten desperate enough to make an open MEP. Anyone can submit to submit to it. Check the youtube description for details and feel free to post or PM with questions or comments.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 30, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Mixt
    For Those of us out there who are overly strategic in this game I thought I would post a list of the abilities embedded on each form. Most of these are simply attack styles and you use them all the time without realizing it, while others are standard abilities that are just tagged on. But it's important to look through these for abilities such as Valor's Omega Finale which can finish a combo at any time.

    Note: Forms can only be equipped with Support and Weapon abilities, not Action or Growth.
    Note 2: I made this with my maxed out KH2 file so some abilities might not be there from the start.


    Brave Shot
    Brave Beat
    Sonic Strike
    Sonic End
    Over The Horizon
    Omega Finale
    Retaliating Slash
    High Jump
    Synch Blade
    Combo Plus
    Air Combo Plus


    Wisdom Shot
    Mobile Action
    Magic Haste
    Magic Spice
    Retaliating Slash
    Quick Run
    Combo Plus
    MP Hastega


    Master Strike
    Master Magic
    Aerial Dodge
    Synch Blade
    Endless Magic
    Air Combo Plus (2)
    MP Hastera


    Final Arcana
    Final Strike
    Final Arts
    Auto Assault
    Crime & Punishment
    Mobile Action
    Synch Blade
    MP Haste

    Limit (courtesy of DeadHeart)

    Sonic Rave
    Last Arcanum
    Strike Raid
    Ripple Drive
    Hurricane Period
    Zantetsu Counter
    Reflect Guard
    Reflect Combo
    Snap Shot
    Slide Dash
    Aerial Sweep
    Dodge Roll
    HP Drain
    Lucky Lucky
    MP Rage
    MP Haste


    Combo Upper
    Aerial Impulse
    Finishing Blast
    Retaliating Smash
    Running Tackle
    Combo Plus (2)
    Air Combo Plus (2)

    ~~The following were found by EvilMan_89 through hacks and cannot be read anywhere in game~~
    ~~so there are no descriptions or attack style abilities listed~~​


    Reflect Dummy
    Over Dummy
    No Experience
    (we're not sure yet what these dummy abilities do)

    Dual Wield Roxas

    Item Boost
    Second Chance
    Once More


    Air Combo Plus
    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 18, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: FAQs and Guides
  10. Mixt
    I'm too lazy to crop the conversation so you'll need to dig some but it's not that long anyway

    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 9, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mixt

    Chosen Shadow

    For whatever reason I decided I wanted to write a fanfic even though I usually hate writing. Go figure. Anyway the basic idea is what would happen if the keyblade chose Riku instead of Sora in KH1. Now that I’m out of school for a while I’ll have time to start properly. I would love it if you guys made characters for this, just fill out the sheet below and I’ll try to work them in (got idea from VaKh87 but it was used before that). And pour on any feedback you’ve got. I like hearing what I do wrong as much as I do what’s good.

    Alignment: (Good, Bad, Twilight, Nothing)
    Appearance: (Please use text if you can. Pics only if you’re not good with words)

    ~~~~~ Chapter 1 pt 1 ~~~~~

    Sora ran across Destiny Islands, rain pouring down and living shadows following his every move trying to claim their next victim. In the midst of the stormy sky could be seen an foreboding dark orb that was growing slowly as it pulled in everything that came in it’s path. Sora ran closer and closer to the vortex coming dangerously close to the paopu tree he sat on with his friends. Despite all the danger Sora only had one thought in his mind “Riku, Kairi, please be safe.”

    Riku stood under the cyclone with his eyes closed in an almost trance like state. Behind him Sora came running across the bridge to meet him but Riku did not stir even as Sora shouted, “Where's Kairi? I thought she was with you!”

    Riku opened his eyes and responded dreamily, “The door has opened...”

    Confused Sora asked “What?”

    Riku finally turned around to look at his friend, “The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!”

    Without a second thought Sora retorted, “What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!”

    “Kairi's coming with us!” Riku shouted back. Sora was stunned at Riku’s neglect for a friend but Riku continued seeming to convince himself as much as Sora, “Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!”

    Riku outstretched his hand waiting for his friend to take it and for them to jump into their fate in the unknown. At the same time however two pools of darkness appeared under their feet trying to take hold. “Riku…” Sora breathed as he watched his friend stand unflinchingly as if nothing was happening.

    Sora tried to step forward but seemed to be unable to in the grasp of the sinister tentacles. Sora continued to lean forward reaching out as far as he could but always missing by mere inches, while Riku stood still as a statue unwilling to close his end of the gap. And slowly the darkness enveloped both of them and nothing could be seen, felt, tasted, heard, or smelt, everything was gone.

    Slowly a light appeared in the distance and slowly grew brighter until it shattered the veil. Riku found in has hand a giant key of some sort with a golden handle and a silver shaft. In the air of his confusion a word formed itself inside of his head. Keyblade. Riku looked around for his friend but Sora was nowhere to be found…
    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 2, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Mixt
    Here is something completely different than any RP I’ve seen. This is your basic battle arena thread but with a catch; godmoding is not only allowed it’s encouraged. In fact we were thinking of making it banned but then we realized that if you don’t you’d be owned in a few posts anyhow. Point being that your only limits are creativity and your own sanity.

    Now you can only have OCs in here and all ability’s must be presented in the form. Techniques however you can keep a secret. There are three of us judging this (Legion, Ansem59, and myself) and every so often we will give out random awards. These can be anything from “longest post†to “most deserving of explosive cookies.†We will also DQ you if you do anything outside of your character’s bounds

    When making your OC the required details are a name, weapon, and abilities. You can of course say anything else you want. The whole thing will take place as an every-man-for-themselves gladiator battle. Once a winner is decided it will restart with everyone back in. You can make changes to your apps but it won’t go into effect until the reset, which can be a looooooooooong time. And finally spectators are NPCs so anyone can add comments from the peanut gallery.
    Thread by: Mixt, May 14, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Mixt
    I'm sure most of you are familiar with this plot hole. The story line claims that only a key bearer can slay the heartless but we see others kill heartless as well, especially in KH2.

    I was talking with Legion about this the other day and we found a plausible solution to this. Slaying the heartless takes strength of heart, not physical strength. The keyblade is used for channeling the strength of the user’s heart into an attack and also seems to have a heart and mind of it’s own.

    Meanwhile anyone can feed some of their heart into an attack, just less efficiently. Sora couldn’t hurt heartless with a wooden sword at the beginning of the game because his heart was still weak back then. But then later on when you are forced to fight with it again you’ve developed a lot so then you can harm them. At the Hollow Bastion wooden sword run you probably noticed that your magic is just as efficient, this would be because magic is using energy from your heart into a physical move.

    BTW this conversation took all of five minutes so some of this is my after thoughts.
    Thread by: Mixt, May 10, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Mixt

    Zelda Games

    I was just reading this thread, and wow. Zelda repeats a lot. I'm playing the old Link's Awakening for GB and it has a lot of those in there. hookshot, moving tombstones, laser statues, power bracelet, etc.

    I'm not complaining (I don't like to rag on games I haven't played yet) but it looks like a lot of things get passed on from one game to the next with only minor revisions. What do you guys think about content recycling in Zelda and just games in general?
    Thread by: Mixt, Apr 1, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Mixt
    All right based off the games (mostly Ansem Reports) we find that a human is made up of a body, spirit, and heart. When a person dies a heartless is created. And if the spirit is strong enough it will move on it's own and the body will be discarded. We also find that when a heartless is created the light of the heart is sent into darkness. Now Sora was rescued by Kairi but who knows what would happen after a while of that. Sora recalled losing all hope when Kairi saved him and that was only after an hour or so, if even.

    But Sora and Roxas were coexsisting for about a year. Even if Sora somehow got the body back he still was lacking a soul. Does this mean that the theory was wrong or that Sora wasn't actually human for a year? But if he wasn't human what was he?
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 17, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Mixt

    Kingdom Lyoko

    What would happen if KH characters stumbled upon the world of Lyoko? We find out when Sora and the gang get a letter from the king explaining how Tron found the Lyoko Network while exploring the data space.

    Plotline merge happens at the end of KH2 and end of CL Series 1

    My only rule for the moment is No god moding this means…

    One, don't control other characters. I'll consider it ok to say something like "John kicked Billy in the shin" but if the other person posts a defense to it, it has to be taken into account and everything after that point in the first post is negated because of the change in situation. (You must also give the other person time to react. No hit and runs)

    Two, you must have a weakness. I don’t care if you’re master programmer completely tied to the network, you must include a weak spot since trying to stop a completely impossible foe will mean the death of this RP.

    Three, don’t make a significant change to another user’s character without their permission or mine.

    I may create other rules if the need be and KHV rules also apply of course.

    You may have as many characters as you like but if a character is unused for 50 posts AND 1 week, then it is inactive and its free rain. Your character can be controlled, mutilated, anything. In other words if you neglect your character it can be godmodded against while you are still forced to abide by the rules. At double requirements (100 posts and two weeks) the character can be stolen or killed. (And I’ll keep track on this post so you’re not going to slip under the radar). On that note here is the custom character form.

    Race: {Whole, Nobody, Hearless, Other}
    Side: {Light, Dark, Nothing, or Twilight}

    If you want a charater being used by someone else go ahead and talk to them in PMs about it. It's completely doable to switch users, both people just have to agree on it.



    Aerith G.

    -Kadic Teachers

    I’ll make an archive post to keep track of everything going on. I want this to be updated at least every 100 posts or so. If anyone wants to take this job just let me know.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 28, 2008, 301 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Mixt
    I just got this off of one of my friends, its ingenious.

    You are on a game show and are asked to pick your prize from behind one of three doors. Behind one door is a complete KH set including FMs and preorders of unreleased games and the systems they go on. The others have a penny (not shiny). After you pick a door the host gives you the location of one of the pennies and gives you the chance to change doors. Does this alter your chance to get the grand prize? If so how and why?
    Thread by: Mixt, Dec 23, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mixt
    One of my friends and I like talking a lot about theoretical science and the other day we think we stumbled upon something huge. What if the entire universe is just a cycle?

    We started with this. What would happen if a black hole and an antimatter black hole collided? You would be left with 2 near infinite masses (well that’s how my friend likes to phrase it. But no matter how you look at it it’s still an immensely huge mass) trapped converting itself into energy and material continuously. At any given time in this process there either is colossal mass or there was and will be again within nanoseconds, meaning that more materials would get pulled in. Then theoretically either by random chance or by the unheard of amounts of force involved, loose energy would become trapped in this as well.

    At the end of this we are left with the entire universe trapped within itself. By law of probability eventually the matter would end up on one side of the collection with antimatter on the other, and the large quantity of energy in the center would decompress slightly causing the entire system to disperse rapidly, or in other words explode. Sound a bit familiar? It’s a bit reworked version of the Big Bang. But this would imply a universe in existence before what is viewed as time 0. This whole process would obliterate everything before it, in every sense of the word. This also means that every physical scrap of evidence of how things actually began is long since gone.

    Any flaws with the theory? How long did it take for our universe to be here? When did it all actually begin? How did it begin? Can it end? Can this prove or disprove the existence a god? Could there be relics of previous universes out there? Feel free to discuss this as much as you like, but please keep your posts constructive. I don’t want this locked by people posting "you’re a genius" "This theory sucks" etc.
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 30, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Mixt
    All right, so I think I’ve got a good RP this time.

    In the beginning of this world there were a group of people living peacefully with nature under the thirteen gods. The gods took a humanoid shape and walked among the men. In order to maintain balance each god sealed their true power in a stone and all 13 gods needed to work together to regain the trapped power so no god could perform an incredible task without the knowledge of the others. Now the nature of people is to continually progress, so they tried to create a world better than their current utopia, but the changes were beyond their power so they presented everything to the gods, and the gods did so willingly.

    Eventually the public wanted to cut out this step and asked for a way to these things on their own. The gods were skeptical here as anyone would be, giving up control of their best creation. But in the end they decided to do it, if nothing else it would teach the citizens to fear themselves. The gods created a seal in the shape of a seven-pointed star with each point representing a different element (earth, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, and nothing). The possessor of this seal was capable of controlling reality. And as the gods predicted, it was only a matter of time before someone began to seek personal gain instead of the gain of the populace and succumbed to their uncontrolled emotions.

    But the creation of the crest posed an unexpected problem; the gods no longer had the power within them to revert the stone or the seal. Now both objects could only be used to give power to its holder. Eventually a possessor of the seal tried to destroy the planet in a fit of rage but his very being couldn’t handle it and his soul shattered. The seal broke with its master into 7 pieces and scattered itself across the globe in the resulting burst of energy. The gods decided that it would be best for the world to clean up it’s own mess and hid the thirteen stones so that only those considered worthy enough could obtain them.

    13 Stones, 7 Shards. Stones increase general strength, shards control separate elements. The rest is history *seriously, it is. All of that up there is just pre-story*

    ~~~Character Form~~~

    ~~~Character Rules~~~
    God is an acceptable race. But there can only be 13 total, and you must keep into account their weakened powers, granted that they are still powerful. You must also include a sub-race to show the form your god is in.

    You can have as many characters as you want, but if you have too many to control them all then I will relinquish control of all neglected ones.

    You may have one character start with a stone if you have a story setup in your Bio. But you may NOT start with a shard.

    ~~~Rules of Play~~~
    If you have an idea for location of a stone or shard PM me before posting.

    No godmoding. This means two things.
    One, don't control other characters. I'll consider it ok to say something like "John kicked Billy in the shin" but if the other person posts a defense to it, it has to be taken into account and everything after that point in the post is negated because of the change in situation.
    Two, you must have a weakness. I don’t care if you’re a god with all 20 objects of power, you must include a weak spot because it frustrating trying to stop a completely impossible foe.


    Name – What it can buy
    Iron – basically worthless things
    Bronze – very cheap stuff
    Silver – moderately cheap belongings
    Gold – decently priced goods
    Diamond – expensive objects
    Platinum – might as well sign over your first-born

    ~~~Existing Characters~~~

    Character (alternate name) [post of app] – controlling user
    Bones [#2] – the darkness grows within
    Zike [#3] – naruto0389
    Geryl [#4] – TheGamblerOfFate
    Alex (Albireo) [#5] – BlackSigma
    Bella [#6] – hidden_light
    Nodroj [#7] – mixt
    *The Legion [#10] – BlackSigma
    Kairotu [#21] – XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Xane [#30] – No Heart-X
    Jake [#63] – mastergamer

    * The Legion is a group of about 75 people under Alex. You may choose Legion characters to control yourself, just talk to BlackSigma and myself through PM before doing so.
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 6, 2007, 76 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Mixt


    For those of you who don't know, antimatter is identical to the matter we have all around us but with one seemingly minor difference, it has flipped charges. Protons carry a negative charge and electrons a positive. The only charge the same is the balanced charge of the neutrons. For this or some other unknown reason when antimatter and matter come into contact they both get annihilated and converted into pure energy. For a scale on this intensity think of the weight of a paper clip, about one gram, turning into a nuclear explosion. And that doesn’t even include the antimatter half of the set.

    Now what do you guys think of this? Can we control it? Should we? Alternative Energy? Weaponry? Interplanetary Travel? Anti-universe? etc.
    Thread by: Mixt, Oct 28, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion