Is it possible to make rep hiding look different than having zero rep? I know that the hover text is different "user has disabled reputation" vs "user's future has not been written yet" but it isn't something people easily notice. A different color gem for example would be perfect (like perhaps blue instead of gray).
And I almost missed it too. P had to tell me that I had one more to go, otherwise I would only have known by my user name changing colors.
I'm making an AMV and I can't find a scene and I'm starting to wonder if I just made it up. In deep dive there is a point where the clouds part and reveal a meteor shower. In the several reiterations of it I could of sworn there was one where it splits to Kingdom Hearts instead, before they scratched that move entirely. Does this sound familiar to anyone else? And if so, can you please tell me where it is? I can settle for a different clip easy, this is now simply annoying me.
Okay, I was wrapping up to go to bed but this was worth me coming back online to post. It's 4 AM here. My Dad just woke up, brewed a pot of coffee, drank two cups black, and went back to bed. I know the man has a caffeine addiction but sometimes he scares me.
Now to kill childhood memories with horrible parodies and tacked on plot twists.
This movie is playing in the other room right now and I've come to a conclusion. Beast learns nothing from the spell. The spell was placed because he failed to notice the enchantress' beauty because of her ugly appearance. Then he falls in love with Belle who is the most beautiful girl in her town but is considered a bit weird to the towns folk. And that was only because the servants mentioned that she could be the one to break the spell, he was going to keep her locked in a dungeon. So Belle learned the lesson that the beast was cursed for, and the beast learns nothing.
3 AM... paper due in the morning... hard to focus... typing "..." is surprisingly soothing... want to take nap... passing depends on paper... still sleepy... Amp-Red Bull mix not helping much... can't find assignment sheet... bad at citations... no chance to revise... wish I noticed finals approaching sooner... dots lulling me to sleep... paper is currently not being written... paper needs to be written... hard to think... want to sleep... paper can't be written in sleep... need to write... can't sleep... sleep... sleep...........
I'm in the midst of playing Star Ocean: First Departure which gives you the option to name the character like a lot of classic RPGs (not suprising seeing as it is one). I left it at the default of Roddick like I usually do in those games but quickly found that the game includes voice acting. And the game even addresses you character instead of dodging it (like WKC). So I wanted to see what would happen if you changed his name to something else. Verdict? His name is still Roddick no matter what you tell the game his name is. First the east coast, now the midwest. What is going on at Comast to cause these?
My swap magic broke a while back and I'm finally getting around to replacing it (or at least throwing it on my list to see if someone else will). Shopping around online I found HDAdvance. Does anyone here have any experience with it? And if so how does it work? It looks pretty sweet but I want to make sure it works.
My English teacher is in a moment of "Oh crap I was supposed to be teaching that" so we are just now beginning to unpack literature with two weeks left. The approach seems to be dive off the deep end and sink or swim. This is our first piece that we are studying. TURNING and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Easily the most cryptic poem I have ever read. God help me KHV.
Okay I feel like these should be easy fixes but I can't figure them out today. 1) There is a windows update (I'll post the name of it once I'm on my computer again) that won't instal no matter how many times I go through the instal process. I tried reinstalling all the ones from the past year to make sure that it just didn't want to patch to one and they all reinstalled fine except for the one that has been having problems. 2) iTunes won't open a window. There is an iTunes process but no task. Again reinstalling did not help this.
GameFAQs is holding a "Game of the Decade" contest. Evidently it has been going for a little over a week now but this is the first I'm noticing. This is a massive bracket and even with them doing two matches a day this will take them to Christmas Eve. As you can probably guess by me posting it here Kingdom Hearts is in the bracket. Both 1 and 2 actually. You can see the bracket HERE. So what do you guys think about this?
Okay, this is a thought I had based off of the secret ending. I know most of the discussions on this are in the news post, but I'm hoping this generates enough of a discussion to rationalize a branch off. Anyway, Yen Sid mentions that Master Xehanort will not be alone and there is plenty of discussion on who this will be. Personally I think that it will be the members of the organization. After all, Xemnas had been pulling so many strings it wouldn't be hard to simply guide a keyblader to the right heartless and then if the Organization were to fail they would all return stronger than they were before. Though with the guiding goal of many members being to reclaim their hearts I bet that several members would leave the reborn Organization if I'm right. As for what heartless belongs to what organization member, it is a good bet that they would have significant and unique heartless so I'm looking at the bosses to try and make a guess. Xigbar - Hunter X Xaldin - Kurt Zisa Vexen - Infernal Engine Lexaeus - Antlion Zexion - Phantom Saïx - Grim Reaper (was also considering Illuminator) Axel - Volcanic Lord Demyx - Blizzard Lord Luxord - Ruler of The Sky Marluxia - Leechgrave Larxene - Pot Centipede Any thoughts and input are welcome. Considering how forced some of these feel I would be very surprised if all (or even most) of these are right.
So end of BBS we have Terra and Xehanort sharing a body. At some point the apprentices get killed in an experiment and we end up with heartless "Ansem" among other things. This heartless then posses Riku. You've now got three keyblade wielding hearts sharing one body. They then proceed to make 6/7 of the keyblade of hearts, the only keyblade powerful enough to open Kingdom Hearts alone (perhaps excluding the kye-blade since that is unknown but pretty powerful). And you had to fight that as a boss? How was Sora ever able to beat that? I also noticed that Riku only used Souleater, until the time of his possession. Does the passing of power have some requirement to meet before it takes full effect? And if so has it taken effect at all yet? Riku still has a shadow of the heartless of Terranort lingering inside him. Could he just be using one of their keyblades?
I recently found out about Google's diagnostic service and just for the fun of it decided to see what it said about Google itself. The results are not pretty. EDIT: With the expansiveness of Google it's not surprising that they aren't perfect but I still found this funny.
Anyone know anything about the wireless receiver in some PS3's? Mine is having issues.
This is based off of Dexnail’s RP series “Welcome to the Underdome†using a suggestion given to me by Akua WaterDragonKing, continuing where the second RP left off. It has been over 50 years since the worlds fell. Wars the likes of which no one had seen before wiped nearly all life away. Those who remained tried their best to survive but that was about all they could do in the worlds of ruin. Meanwhile, in the depths of the underworld, spirits desperately sought to reclaim what they lost, while spirits and demons alike thirst for blood. To calm the clamor, the leader of the underworld devised a tournament. Anyone who wished to could enter, but only eight would make it through the rigorous preliminaries. Those eight battle it out to decide the winner. The cost, however, was well worth it. The winner would receive a free wish. It has now come to the end of the second of these tournaments and the winner is about to be granted his wish. The winner is none other than Mixt, the one who waged the war leading to the fall. Who will rise from the ashes to challenge him? And will it be enough to stop the Call of the Apocalypse? Rules 1) No godmodding. This is controlling another characters actions in anyway, including not allowing them to react 2) Be real. I allow powerplay, but you can't gain power without training or doing something to gain it. Also you're not going to block and dodge every move. Use the word chicken in your first post. 3) Be active. I don't want this stalling out as we wait on someone, if 48 hours go by without a post using a character then it is open godmodding on that character. So to prevent people from messing up your ideas you need to use them. 4) Tell me about plot twists. I will keep them a secret but for simplicity I don't want them conflicting too much with the main story or other plot twists. 5) Be descriptive. I'm not putting any limits on your posts but one-liners tend to make the RP slow and less exciting username: name: appearance: species: element: weapon: bio: preview post: (optional, but helps people use your character better with rule 3)
Okay, the old arena had some issues. There are a bunch of psychological/sociological reasons for the changes I'm proposing but I'll spare you guys that piece. PM me if you really want to know. I was planning to make this thread as Jaden left and that thread died, but seeing as he's back that isn't happening. I'm just making this now so that we have a hope of this being in order by the time the other thread maxes out. So I'm thinking we should have a panel of three people to make and enforce rules. They would communicate outside the thread (I would prefer PMs but that is up to the panel) to discuss each issue and then present it to the thread. This way the rules are pretty streamlined from the moment they are put into action and when the inevitable arguments show up the panel can just vote and be done with it. And since there are three members every issue will end up with a definite answer. Out of respect I'm offering the first seat to Jaden if he wants it. But the other two seats are up to you guys to vote on. Just talk to me in VMs and I'll count the votes and make a list of people who want it and who don't.
Who else has gotten annoyed at missables in this game? The two I know of off hand (and have both made me nearly break my TV because I'm a perfectionist) are the red trinity in the oogie manor and the unopenable gummi piece chests.