Search Results

  1. Mixt

    Demon's Souls

    Alright. I just beat world 1-1 and they pretty much just open up the map on you without much expanation. I don't want to spoil myself by looking at a guide but where do they expect me to go? There doesn't appear to be any order to this. A few places seem harder than others but not significantly.

    Also, does Boldwin ever get something good? I thought his inventory just sucked to limit people in what is basically a tutorial. But after Phalanx he didn't get anything new that I noticed. I think I might use him only for repairs and upgrades with how this is going.
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 16, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mixt

    Epic Avy

    I was just on FFR and found this as someone's avy. Had to share it.

    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 14, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mixt

    Old Code

    With all the nostalgia recently I ended up revisiting a forum I had with friends back in junior high. This is a code I had that made me feel so clever and that I expect someone here to be able to break through with ease.


    Winner gets a cookie and slightly increased self-esteem
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 9, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mixt
    I'm not sure what she's doing differently than normal, but she won't let me in the kitchen and it smells really good.
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 6, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mixt
    Alright, there is something that has always annoyed me about Xion but I never had reason to bring it up. It is brought up that Xion looks like Aqua, which is true but considering how practically everyone else that has connections to someone ends up as a look alike
    Xion as Sora or Ven, Ven and Roxas, Sora and Vanitas
    it seemed odd that there was actually as little resemblance as there is. But it just occurred to me a possible reason why.
    Xion's primary form probably isn't just from Sora's memories of Kairi, but also from Ven's memories of Aqua. Afterall, when Xion sapped Roxas she got some of Ven's essence with Sora's, again evidenced by the fact that she was able to take Ven's form.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I don't think it holds much importance, but who knows.
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 1, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Mixt


    With seeing a bunch of old faces and being bored. I ended up messing around in the user list.

    Few notes.
    • We have 46,052 total registered members
    • 8,951 members (19.4% of total) have posted
    • 7,880 members (17.1% of total, 88.0% of posters) have a countable post
    • 906 members (2.0% of total, 10.1% of posters) have posted in the last six months
    • 5,823 members (12.6% of total, 65.1% of posters) have positive rep
    • 2,269 members (39.0% of those with positive rep) have positive rep but no posts
    • 159 members (0.3% of total, 1.8% of posters) have negative rep
    • 8 members (5.0% of those with negative rep) have negative rep but no posts
    Disclaimer: I noticed a few members that had a post counts when the search should have excluded them, but I did not see enough for an appreciable difference. Just know that those numbers actually should be a bit smaller.
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 24, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mixt


    I feel like whenever religion is discussed around here everyone is either Christian or Atheist, and I'm interested in what the breakdown is.

    In this thread I don't care about who's right, only demographics. If people want to debate in here my hands are clean. And the poll is anonymous so if you're embarrassed about you religion or anything people won't know who's where unless they say so.

    Note: I pulled the list from the top listings of so don't be upset if your religion is not here.
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 14, 2011, 106 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mixt
    Rummaging through my old files I found this and realized I never shared it. I created an Excel document for the melding chart since I noticed a lot of people trying to squeeze all three characters on to one chart, and that got a bit confusing.

    So the document has five sheets. Master, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and Abilities.

    The Master list is almost verbatim David Arthur's list (found at the end of his guide here)

    Terra, Ventus, and Aqua pages are a breakdown of the master list, only listing commands for that one character and changing how rare melds are displayed. (instead of being treated as a separate meld, they are listed next to the meld they can change from)

    The Abilities sheet is a reference used to tell what ability to expect by using certain crystals. On the other sheets a letter A-P is listed with each meld. On the abilities page if you look at the row of the letter given and the column of the crystal you want to use it will tell you what ability you will get.

    Disclaimer: I did not test all of these and do not plan to. Please do not blame me if something does not work. If you do find an error please alert me and I'll be happy to fix it.
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 13, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: FAQs and Guides
  9. Mixt
    So I decided that I would learn GIMP under "trial by fire" so to speak. Rather than just messing around randomly I would try and make something. The result is my current sig (which I'll also place below).

    All CnC is encouraged, even nit-picky and pet peevish stuff. I want to know anything I can improve on so I can attempt to do so.

    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 12, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Mixt
    If you use Gamefly don't put sequels to games on your list at all if you haven't played the original. Gamefly just jumped four games on my list and is sending me FF X-2.

    So FF fans, how confused am I going to be playing this?
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 9, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mixt
    This is a photo I took after the blizzard Wednesday. This is the snow drift that ended up against my garage, when I opened it we just had a wall of snow. P.S. Sorry that the image isn't that good. Irising was a pain with this.

    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 7, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mixt


    Minesweeper told me I won the game. This caused me to lose the game.

    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 6, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mixt
    My friend got his email hacked but refuses to change his password because he uses one password everywhere. Now if I get an email from him it is 50-50 on if it will be him asking me to review a script he's working on or if it will be the hacker selling me Viagra. Best part is that the hacker sends it to his entire address book; friends, teachers, family, everyone.
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 4, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mixt
    The Xehanort Reports talk about three types of keyblades (and the kye-blade which he apparently doesn't put on even the same level as a keyblade). The standard keyblades of light and darkness and then a keyblade of hearts. The keyblade of hearts is forged when seven hearts of pure light are gathered and is supposedly the only way to open Kingdom Hearts.

    So what do think about this? Is the keyblade that possessed Riku held the closest we're going to see of it? Will it be shown in KH3? Could Sora already have it? Other thought provoking ice breaker questions?
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 26, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Mixt


    My baby laptop came in the mail today. I'm trying not to drool on it too much, that would probably release the magic smoke from all the wonderful wizardous circuitry.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 26, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mixt
    My mom decided to do a hard power down (the switch in the back) when the computer was boot and evidenty messed up the partition and several system files. I'll be getting my own laptop soon, but until then the only internet I've got is at school. Hopefully I'll be back soon. I'm starting to feel like a jerk with the RPs I'm in...
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 19, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mixt

    A Priori God

    A few notes before I state the surprisingly simple argument.

    For those of you who don't know "A Priori" is an argument style were simply understanding what is said allows one to determine it as valid or not. For example if I say that I'm friends with a married bachlor you know that my statement can't be true (at least in the literal sense).

    The "God" in this argument is philosophical and does not point to any specific religion so it is best to take more of an agnostic approach if you accept the result.

    Once you have an idea it has a way of fighting back. For example, once we say that a triangle is a three sided closed figure the statement "A triangle has three interior angles that add up to 180 degrees" is true despite not being in the definition of a triangle.

    Now let us define "God" as a supremely prefect being (that is to say perfect in every way you can be be perfect).
    If "God" is supremely prefect then "God" must be perfect in existance.
    If "God" is perfect in existance then "God" must exist.

    Thoughts KHV?
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 7, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Mixt

    Event Pins

    I have no idea why I wanted to do this but here is a list of members that have all three of the current event pins.

    9001, Chevalier, Christhor, Fearless, Guardian_Soul, Jayn, KH2man13, Kubo, mixt, muff monkey, Plums Vi Britannia, Stardust, tummer

    Note 1: 13 members there. Bit creepy

    Note 2: Excel wants to place Mish at the end of the alphabetical list. Poor girl.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 7, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mixt

    Old Game

    I just rediscovered this game I played years ago. The resolve took me longer than it should have. Also, I forgot how the ending made no sense.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 7, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mixt
    Just wondering.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 1, 2011, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone