I'm posting this here A) So I can make a poll and B) Because I can only bump my thread so often without crowding the last post. Anyway... It occurred to me today that it might be better for the videos not to have background music on them for if people want to do audio overlays and the like. I checked the code vault and it can be done if you guys want. But are any of you actually interested? EDIT: I forgot to mention that this doesn't apply to FMVs as the audio is recorded in advance.
I'm supposed to be writing one from my life for English... I've got nothing.
[video=youtube;OzxBpz7Xjl0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzxBpz7Xjl0[/video] So what do you guys think about this concept? In particular when it comes to graphics. In industry today there is a fight to make things more and more life like but what we end up with is something instinctively displeasing. Do you think otherwise good movies and games will suffer because of this? Is it worth crossing the valley to make digital characters that are indistinguishable from real life?
I was just looking it up on know your meme and found this [video=youtube;8mtOdT9LBOg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mtOdT9LBOg[/video]
Summer semester started today but when I went to my class no one was there. It might not be the end of the world (that already happened, thank god) but my parents are cracking down on grades, so how much I pay out of my pocket depends on what my grade is. Considering I also can't get a job I litterally can't afford to get anything short of an A in this class. Hopefully with it being the first day I didn't miss too much, but this is not how I wanted to start out.
Old video but I just found it now [video=youtube;Dn8p1aBvyDY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn8p1aBvyDY[/video]
Name: Tim Age: 19 Rank: Media Recorder Location: Illinois Interests: Engineering, anything that uses electricity, punk rock, weight lifting, and forum role playing Personality: Overly humble (yes I'm aware my stating that make a paradox), I tend to lurk in the background but I don't bite so feel free to talk with me if you like (well I won't bite you anyway, I still eat). Also I crack a lot of bad jokes. (I tend to abuse parenthetical statements). If you have any ideas for me to do my job better, be it media you feel is missing, improvements on things we already have, or anything else, I love to hear user feedback. History: I became interested in AMV making back in 2006 when the site was moving over to vBulletin. I've learned that I'm still a novice at it but it is an art I respect and sometimes try to replicate. Being member #889 and not changing my user name once in that time I have one of the longest running usernames on the site. Goals: Provide Kingdom Hearts videos and related media to the site and keep them maintained.
Alright I'll be using this thread to post my video recordings as they come. These are currently using Xvid and X264 codecs. If you can't play these files then you can get the codec HERE for Xvid or HERE for X264 I've recorded this off of the PCSX2 emulator, which is largely reliable but does include several glitches. Because of this what you see is actually the splicing of different videos where between them we should have minimal bugs. This does result in some changes in quality though. If you see anything that needs fixing, is missing, or have any ideas to make the recording better please let me know. Just keep in mind that my budget for this is zero currently, so it has to be freeware. I hope to get a steady enough income soon to allow me to share the files with minimal compression (I can't find a reliable hosting site to do it for free). For the time being you will have to deal with the 200MB copies. I will be keeping the good copies on file until then. ~~~~~~~ Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix Intro + Roxas Day 1 (Xvid) Roxas Day 2 (Xvid) Roxas Day 3 (Xvid*) (X264) Roxas Day 4 (Xvid*) (X264) Roxas Day 5 (Xvid) (X264) Roxas Day 6 (Xvid) (X264) *Encoding Error (1/2 frame rate) on agenda to fix FMVs Menu Trailer (Xvid) Opening (Xvid) Day 2 memories (Xvid) Day 3 Memories (Xvid) Day 4 Memories (Xvid) Day 6 Memories (Xvid) Not Really Ansem (Xvid) Heartless Charge A (Xvid) Heartless Charge B (Xvid) Ending (Xvid) Secret Ending 1 (Xvid) Secret Ending 2 (Xvid)
Alright, if I was simply playing the game it would be easy enough to ignore but since I'm looking to record I want to get rid of them. Just wanted to say that before I sound nit picky. Right off the bat there is a problem with the layering that is causing the lens flare of Twilight Town to pierce objects. Spoiler: example Is there a known or easy to make fix for this? Note: I'm making the thread more vague in case I need to bring up others as I go along.
Just finished it. Thoughts during the final boss fight? "Robo-Chernabog is going to eat me!" That was a beauty of a game though.
Somehow a simple exercise to see if I could remove glare off of an eye became a full project. Although I made this very casually, CnC is always appreciated.
Does it look okay to everyone else? Because mine decided to have a freak out. Spoiler: User CP
In Short "If you believe in God and turn out to be incorrect, you have lost nothing -- but if you don't believe in God and turn out to be incorrect, you have lost everything" In More Detail A Game is being played where heads or tails will turn up. Heads=God is; Tails=God is not According to reason, you can defend neither of the propositions. You must wager. It is not optional. Measure the Gain and the loss in wagering that God is. If you win, you gain all if you lose, you lose nothing. Measure the Gain and the loss in wagering that God is not. If you win, you gain nothing if you lose, you lose all. The wager has one sided rewards. Therefor it is wiser to wager that god is than to wager that god is not, regardless of probabilities. Note: When I talk of gaining or losing "all" I mean the consequences of the wager, not literally everything. Conclusion So what do you think? Is this logically sound? Is this theologically sound? Any other thoughts you have? Please, discuss.
So in preparation (and procrastination) of my next AMV project I wanted to use pcsx2 to record my own videos for the sake of increased quality and the coded removal of subtitles. PCSX2 does a nice job of video capturing into AVI except for a few points where I assume the plug-in is struggling and it duplicates a frame. I got GAP (GIMP Animation Package) to remove the duplicated frames while remaining in a high image quality. Problem being it won't load it up properly. I can get media players to play it back (albeit with lag) but GAP makes every single frame solid green (008800). Spoiler: frame example Loading any other video I can find works (including other AVIs), but it doesn't seem to like anything coming from PCSX2. I'm really at a loss here. I've tried all forms of encryption PCSX2 offers to me (including unencrypted); varying video lengths, sizes, and frame rates; editing extraction options in GAP. I just can't seem to change the result any.
Alright time to noob it up. I've just recently gotten into this and hardly know anything yet. I've seen translation patches that take the subtitles of scenes and change them. Would it be possible to run a similar patch to remove them entirely? Hard and tedious as the process would be, it would be a godsend for video editing.
Now I can crop out subs in the kingdom hearts videos. Well, KH1 for now, but the others should be basically the same. I just need to actually do them. I'm really happy that I figured out I could do that. Subs in my AMVs were annoying me.
If only it worked. [video=youtube;Xg2kDtJZos8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg2kDtJZos8[/video]
I know this is going to sound like I'm making crap up. Those of you who know me well should know that I don't go fishing for attention like that. This was just such an odd night that I need to talk about it. I don't blame anyone who doesn't believe me. If I wasn't there I would call BS on this too. I'm also posting this as a bit of a reality check. The whole thing seems surreal and I'm expecting to go to bed and wake up to find this post gone and that it didn't actually happen. So, I ended up at a Twista concert with my brother tonight. For those of you who don't know my choice of music spans the heavier side of rock, I prefer Christian and get more uncomfortable the less clean it gets. I'm also very introverted (hence me being here a lot), I didn't even go to to most of my school dances. So going to a rap concert, that most of the lyrics don't sit right and half the place acted like a club, really wasn't my idea of a good time to start with. But it gets better. Once my brother has had a few beers he's trying to get me laid. I'm hoping to save my first kiss for marriage, I'm not sure if I'll do that but obviously going all the way with anyone was not going to happen. However there were two factors I underestimated. First, even drunk my brother would make a good salesman; especially to people that are even more drunk. Second, the more I turned them down the more into me they got. Forbidden Fruit psychology I guess. By the end of the night I had four girls that would hardly leave me alone and a few more checking me out that didn't want to deal with competition but would still flirt as they passed by. Friends of my brother who know I'm still holding my V-card are now congratulating me for the attention I don't want and are trying to buy me drinks that I can't legally take. With all these people gathered around me I'm attracting more people who want to be where the action is at. All of which was awkward but w/e. Then we go to the after party. A party with an open bar, mind you. Everyone is getting drunker by the minute around here. The girls rapidly move from "let me rub your beard" to "let me give you a lapdance" and to top it off there are bongs being passed around, to which no one at the party believes that I'm clean so they are getting pissed that I won't take a hit. Somewhere in all this a guy decides that he wants to fight me, I still don't know the exact reason why. I hear "I'm gonna kill you, you hippy-Jesus-*******!" and he runs/stumbles across the room at me where he then trips/collapses. I manage to catch him before he smashes his face on the coffee table. Now he starts yelling for me to stop touching him. So I lay him down on the floor where he as good as passes out. Now his buddies show up thinking I just knocked him out or something. One guy then comes up to me with a knife. Angry drunk guy with a knife instantly meets the second reason for me to fight, to protect myself from a potentially lethal injury. So between me being a weight lifter and him being way too drunk one punch to his face is all it took to have him on the floor. Other guys get freaked out that I took him down that quick, and that I had the balls to take on a guy with a knife, and back down. At this point I'm the goodie-two-shoes and the bad-ass at the same time and can't fend the girls off with a stick (if I was fortunate enough to have that as an option). I even had a couple of bras thrown at me. I eventually had to drive my brother home because he could barely stand. The whole way back he would only talk about two things. First, that it was his car and he should be driving. Second, that I was a player but he's disappointed that I didn't bring a girl into a bed room. So how was your day KHV?
Noob thread time. So about two months ago Famitsu had this interview but I haven't been able to find any direct translation. Only a summary from Andriasang here. Does anyone know where a direct translation can be found? Or have the patience and know-how to do it themselves?
You were righteous and wise Yet you became despised Even hands washed in blood Could not defy the flood The burden that you bare Is one that can't be shared Your love on the alter Your will does not falter By friends you're forsaken From this world you're taken Soul bathed in pure crimson Most holy of treason Beautiful Anathema I think this might be my first poem that I ever wrote simply because I wanted to. All comments and criticisms are welcome.