Like most of these things, pretty self explanitory. Do a Google image search for yourself and post your favorite result, preferably one of the earlier ones.
Who's up for No-Shave-November?
What did I do before KHV? There was something there, wasn't there? Saddest part is that between my crap memory and my not going into the spam zone for a long time, I really don't have many stories to tell of this place. Usually when the veterans start reminiscing I'm just like "Right, I was there for that. I totally remember. What happened after that again?"
So right or wrong being irrelevant here, people pirate things and companies don't like it. Obviously the way things are isn't working. So what are we going to do to fix it? Even if it isn't very realistic, I invite you to post it so someone else can improve it. Just keep in mind that posts count here so don't be too "out there" with any ideas. Remember, attack ideas not people. Likewise don't be upset if people don't like something you say in here. As always you can bring it to staff if things get bad, just take it outside the thread. (Sorry about rambling a bit there, I've been in brainstorming sessions that have been less than pretty so I'm a bit paranoid on that) I'll start with an idea I just had. The idea is that instead of selling to individual people you sell it to the public as a whole. So lets say that some company makes a game and expects to make sales at 1 million dollars (obviously that is a completely arbitrary number) then they could create a webpage to take donations and show progress on it. Then once it reaches the goal it is sold and released to the public, then since the public as a whole owns it the game would be able to be distributed openly without penalty. Obviously there are variations of this that can be done. Releasing material in parallel to the funds being raised until eventual completion for example.
Alright this guy is getting way too annoying considering Yuna should be able to get rid of him in like five seconds. I simply can't keep up here. The two turn instant kill leaves most of my turns resurrecting people and I can only survive Cross Cleave if I've got Auron at good health. If he's this hard off the bat I have to imagine I'm 100% screwed by the end of the battle. I remember seeing armor with Zombie resistance for two characters a while back, but I'm not sure how much that will actually help this. Any tips? I'm nearly ready to walk across Spira on foot again to do sidequests.
Which choir is better? Spoiler: KHV Choir singing "Still Alive" [video=youtube;VOC-RMXkElQ][/video] Spoiler: Eric Whitacre`s Choir singing "Lux Aurumque" [video=youtube;D7o7BrlbaDs][/video]
His name is Luke
New Players! Welcome to the Nation's Wrath RP. If you wish to join in do NOT post in this thread. Check out the OOC thread HERE instead ~~~ There was an eerie silence as the crowd hushed in anticipation. The ruler sat, clad in ornate armor save for his helmet, with dark brown almost black hair falling nearly to his shoulders. Mixt stood from his decorative throne sitting in the balcony on the side of the arena as the crowd awaited the judgment. Raising his hand up in the center for an agonizing moment a smirk crossed his lips, but it was hardly visible from the distance he was at. Then he pointed his hand in the direction of the East side of the arena, naming that contestant the victor. There was a roar from the crowd, but most did not care for the outcome, they simply wanted to see the resulting bloodshed. The victor charged onward impaling his target with his halberd. As the corpse fell to the ground it dissipated into wisps of smoke like darkness. Unseen to the audience this was recollected in another room for their resurrection. All the audience saw was the champion raising his weapon in triumph. With magic amplifying his voice Mixt was able to speak clearly across the vast stadium. “This brings an end to this stage of the competition. To celebrate the accomplishment of those who have made it this far, and to welcome in the lasts legs of the tournament, a ceremony shall be held tomorrow. Come and enjoy the festivities with the warriors in pursuit of being this great nation's Wrath!†The announcement was short as he had never been a man of many words, but the crowd cheered all the same as he turned his back and left.
So I've only recently started playing this but the premise is rather interesting, albeit annoying. So you've died and find yourself being revived in the games messed up world. Your heart aches of a sin you committed in your life before, but you have no memories. You do however have the unique ability to purify the beings you meet. In order to purify you of sin you are instructed by an archangel to descend Neuro Tower and purify god. But if you die in the tower you get reborn again. This means that until you learn some of the secrets of the tower, you've as good as started the game from scratch; level one, no items, no equipment, nothing. The tower even gets distorted so you don't even have knowledge of where you're going. Now I'm not very far in this game. I've only reached god once (at -1600) and I know you have to several times with the tower getting progressively longer. But there are several problems starting out. 1) You don't get introduced to terminology, it just gets thrown at you. for instance, I'm still not sure what a "baroque" is despite it being brought up several times. 2) The tutorial is optional and easily missable. I thought this game was trial by fire and was shocked later to find that there actually was a place to learn the games mechanics. But after getting a bit in I rather enjoy this game. It is fun trying to unravel the mysteries of it and the system readily demands that you take every floor at least somewhat seriously. But this leads to another problem. It takes just as long to return to where you failed as it did to get there to begin with. Later on this can be hours. So who out there has played this game? Have you finished it? What do you think about it?
So I had a lost dog follow me back to my house today. She had a collar, so I know she isn't stray, but she didn't have a tag. I leashed her up to the tree in front of my house for now, but with it being 95 F out today I don't want to leave such a small dog out there for very long. I don't want to take her inside either because then whoever might be looking for her wouldn't see her, and I have a very large and territorial dog. Anybody have ideas?
Why has no one told me that my sig layout looks like crap? I'm to lazy to fix it tonight, but if the window is less than 1200 or so pix wide the wrapping job goes to hell. I should of caught it when I redesigned the layout, but I choose to blame all of you instead. Deal?
So I haven't had any interest in driving but I'm finally going to get a license really just to have an ID. In order to take the driving test I need a permit and my old one expired like a month ago. So I went to the DMV yesterday and after waiting in line for half an hour they turned me away because I need to provide two pieces of mail addressed to me as proof of residence. I had paper work showing I lived in Illinois but not a precise address. Stupid but fine I guess. Go back today, wait in line again, meet the same clerk, my social security card is no good for some strange reason that I've already forgotten. She looked at it yesterday and didn't say anything, but today rejects it. So now I need to go to the Social Security Office tomorrow to get a new one and then go for a third trip to the DMV (which may take yet another day because of less than convenient hours a these places). If they still say no I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself here.
This is not final. Any ideas to make the RP better are welcome. An eerie glow filled the room as the only light came from flickering torches of dark fire. Silhouetted by the moon light that cascaded down through a rear stained glass window sat seven thrones. Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Lust. In each sat someone save only Pride's right hand. Wrath. The world order having been toppled Mixt created a new order, one in which darkness reigned in a very literal sense. Gluttony to oversee the food supply; Envy to oversee the judicial system; Greed to oversee the riches; Wrath to oversee the military; Sloth to oversee news; Lust to oversee health; and Pride to oversee them all. He assigned himself to the seat of Pride of course, and appointed the remaining positions. The only seat left open was Wrath. He could not assign this position to just anyone. Were Wrath to call a coop, it could be enough to remove him from this new position of power. No. Wrath was a position that must be earned. “Sloth!†cracked the voice of the man seated in the center throne of Pride “The time has come. Call together warriors for a tournament. For the winner the reward will be their heart's desire and a seat on the throne of Wrath†And with that the struggle began. Some sought fame, some power, some for leverage to overthrow Mixt, and some for an agenda all their own. Who will come out victorious? And when all is said and done will they still want what they set out for? ~~Rules of the RP~~ These are rules for you as the user and must not be broken while you are RPing. Follow all rules of KHV and the RP arena. Limited godmod/powerplay. People have varying definitions on this so I'll just be blunt on what I mean. This maybe a fight for dominance, but you must always have a reasonable weakness. Even after accepting your character I reserve the right to have you change, replace, or remove your character if later deemed unfit. Keep IC separate from OOC. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by anyone from this RP and were not able to reconcile it with them, alert me so I can mediate. Always give others a chance to respond. I know this forces somewhat shorter posts, there is a reason that this is not in the Extended Section. Please try to make at least make semi-detailed posts. Each Player is only allowed one competing character (This is to prevent you from fighting yourself) and one seated character (due to limited supply). You may use themes from where ever you like. (Those that have seen me RP as Mixt know he uses alchemy) But all characters must be original. Additional rules may be added later ~~Tournament Rules~~ Failure to follow these will not effect you as a user, but your character will suffer consequences. You will be judged by a panel of three people (OOC) on offensive, defensive, realism, style, and efficiency. Special enchantments will prevent death and teleport you out of the arena during a match, go all out. If your opponent does not post in 24 hours you may post another move. Three consecutive instances or seven in one match and the match is over and will be judged with a penalty to the inactive party. Don't interfere in other's matches. Character Forms should be PMed to me. Because of this you should not hold back any information to make your character “mysterious†or the like. I don't care if your character has amnesia and doesn't know it themselves. Put it in the form. If you still feel that info should be excluded then you must explain why in its stead. If you would like to help judge then say that in a PM as well. You do not have to have a character to judge. A couple members may be asked to be a “stand in judge†in the event that one of the actual judges is in a match. Name: Occupation: {Contestant, Seat, Citizen, etc.} Gender: Age: Race: {Human, Nobody, Elf etc.} Appearance: Weapon: {If Applicable} Powers: {If Applicable} Strengths: {If Applicable} Weaknesses: {If Applicable} Side: {Dark, Light, Twilight, etc.} Bio: Misc: {optional} Theme Song: {optional}
I just got home from day 1 of Willow Creek Association's Global Leadership Summit. I might as well have been taking a drink from a fire-hose. There were six great 1 hour speeches today, and the six lined up for tomorrow look even more promising. I'll likely be revisiting the talks for weeks at least.
I just found myself thinking about this recently and found that this hasn't been discussed here in a long while, so I'm wondering what people think about it. In the World Terminus section that corresponds to Hollow Bastion you end up in a room that you did not find in your visit. It is room with some sort of a machine with five human sized chambers hooked up to glass sphere and a terminal with a message that reads... I've always found this area interesting. It is all surprisingly enigmatic and cryptic for Kingdom Hearts, especially considering you can only go there once. Some of the notes are very straight forward, while others still elude me some.
I was watching FMA:Brotherhood today and my entire family came in and started watching it. None of them watch anime so it was just weird. Icing on the cake was my sister laughing as tiny Envy was crying. I think that episode is now ruined for me.
I'll be leaving tomorrow morning to go on vacation that will end with me meeting up with a lot of people that I'm not really sure how I'm related to them. I should be back on August 1st.
I'm currently doing a training course on working memory to compensate for some of my LD stuff. Because working memory deals with sensory and short term memory, it is requested that I do this in a setting that has minimal distractions. Cool. I usually just do it mid-day when the rest of the family is at work. Unfortunately that didn't happen today and I spent a lot of my evening playing tech support since my laptop has the primary archive of the old computer. So it is 10:30 and with the program taking about an hour I can't delay it any more. I boot it up and within five minutes my sister comes in and starts playing Mario Party with a group of friends. I push through resulting in some bad scores; not helped by the fact that three times they completely forgot I was doing it and would talk to me, "Could you grab me a soda?" type junk. And about half an hour after I finish they leave. If only I wasn't broke and could get some good sound cancellation headphones like I want.
So I'm going out to finally get a smartphone tomorrow (or I guess at 2 AM that would be later today) since Verizon is changing their data plan contracts on Thursday. So what phones do people have? How do you like it? What features should be pursued or avoided?
Alright this is a first on two fronts for me since I had never made an avatar, and I had never made a GIF myself before (though to be fair I had tweaked a few). As always don't hold back on CnC So that this thread still makes sense once I change my avatar sometime in the future... Spoiler