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  1. Mixt



    I should probably read them, shouldn't I?
    Thread by: Mixt, Aug 7, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mixt
    Nostalgia tripping time
    Thread by: Mixt, Jul 29, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mixt
    So I've been struggling with college, a lot. I've brought this up with a few people but I've never really gone full forward with this. Of the 13 courses I've enrolled in, I've passed 5. This has not been about understanding material. Tests in almost any subject net me As and Bs. The problem is the additional work does not get done. While I do have learning disabilities (namely in executive functioning) I don't believe that that is the issue, and even if it is I already get accommodations so the rest is up to me. I've even been going to counseling about this but to no avail. The big theory we are trying for is that I don't normally have the anxiety required to motivate me. We've worked a long time to try to get my anxiety in the ideal place, but it isn't quite enough. I breakdown before the work gets done. I just can't seem to find something to be motivated about. And so many people give me encouragement talking about how smart I am and how I'm going to change the world. While I know that they are just trying to help I feel like I'm letting everyone down.

    I feel so isolated here because everyone I know my age is either going through college smoothly or are in even worse shape. And my instinct is for humility, not just the shy "let's not talk about how awesome I am" humility but the humility of reaching down to help people reach heights they wouldn't otherwise achieve. But I can't bare to be a weight to those above me; and those below me aren't really able to help, plus they make me feel guilty that I can't help them. I know it might be some backwards way of being selfish, but that is the way that I see it.

    On top of that, over the past few weeks I've had a lot of people bring up just not getting a degree and trying to land an entry level positions without one, even a professor that recently failed me. But I'm looking at an engineering professions (most likely electrical), so I'm not sure if I can just steal first base like that. And it has been brought up so much recently and I'm not sure if God is trying to say he has other plans for me or if my own fear is simply justifying the easy way out. But even if I skip college, the lacking self-discipline and motivation will still be an obstacle It isn't something that just can be just swept under the rug.

    So I'm standing at perhaps the greatest crossroads of my life, and I'm feeling really lost. I'm not sure how or if I can move forward in the path I want, but I don't know where else to turn either. I'm just stuck.
    Thread by: Mixt, May 15, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  4. Mixt
    I feel like this should be easier than it is turning out to be, so hopefully someone can help me. Sorry in advance if this is unclear or if I mix up terms. I'm still pretty new at this.

    Me and my professor are "discussing" if an example in the textbook is possible in real life. The example is a hypothetical store keeping an inventory database and the use of table relation to form a query on when the store will have enough stock to complete an order. It hinges on the joining of a current inventory table and a shipment table. The issue is that the Shipment table uses a primary key of a Shipment ID and the Inventory uses a Product ID. While the shipment table does list the product IDs there can be multiple shipments of the same item, thus not making it a One-to-One relation. He believes that since they do not share a primary key the two tables cannot be joined and therefor cannot be related, period end of story. However since the Shipment table does list the Product ID which can only correspond to one record on the Inventory table I think the two can be logically joined. In fact if we were to exit the realm of databases and use CSV tables I'm fairly sure I could make an AHK script to do the joining. But in the context of SQL I'm lost on how to do so. The best I can think right now is that maybe we use SQL only to retrieve the data and I can use another program to actually manipulate the data.
    Thread by: Mixt, May 3, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Mixt
    Thread by: Mixt, Apr 15, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Mixt
    How long can I keep working it like this before the magic smoke leaks out and tries to kill me in my sleep?

    Thread by: Mixt, Apr 10, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mixt
    OMG I'm sorry windmill man! How did I make you so angry?
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 18, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mixt
    Can't sleep at 1 AM

    [I hate being a night owl]
    Thread by: Mixt, Mar 14, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mixt

    TRRS pinouts

    Alright, So my headphones finally gave out recently and I replaced them with Skullcandy Heavy Medals. They work fine on my computer, but my phone (Xperia Play) has a different pinout and it just tells me the accessory is not supported. If I hold in the control button when plugging it in, it works fine until I let go. Then it sounds like the left and right channels are invertedly combined (messy audio, including minimal vocals from stereo, and nothing from mono). So I do a bit of research and find an adapter from MEElectronics which is supposed to take Apple-standard devices (my headphones were designed for the iPhone) and change it to another format that was listed as working on the Xperia Play. Now with the adapter it works fine if the control is held but recognizes the device as being disconnected most of the time that the control is released (randomly it won't seem to notice the release and will continue to work fine).

    Does anyone know more about this kind of thing? Or have any ideas other than taping down the controller? If it helps I don't care about the mic or controller being functional, they just came standard with the headphones.
    Thread by: Mixt, Feb 18, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  10. Mixt

    So that is what The Hitchhiker's Guide was talking about.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 31, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mixt
    Ok in part because of my computer's class and in part because of SOPA and PIPA I've been toying around with swapping domains with IP addresses (such as for, but KHV is acting a bit weird. I've traced the IP as being but the resulting page is this, which appears to just be a placeholder.
    Is there something I messed up? Does bypassing the domain system alter the resulting page?
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 30, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Technology
  12. Mixt
    Alright there is a story I've been meaning to write for a while and I finally decided I needed to get started. I'm still not entirely sure how it will all be composed so I'm not sure if this will actually be "Chapter One" but it shows the premise of one section of the book fairly well. All CnC is encouraged, even if it sounds mean.

    “Do you trust me?”​
    “I hardly know you, and I'm not sure abou-”​
    “Do you trust me?”​
    “If you're wrong Kelina, I could die here”​
    “Do- you -trust- me?”​
    The two woman had been talking for nearly an hour today at the tavern table, but the past five minutes have been basically the same. A blonde, looking fairly tomboyish in a red tshirt and jeans, making claim after claim after claim while the other named a Kelina, a brown haired woman sticking out in her full body armor, responded time and again “Do you trust me?”​
    Finally giving in the blonde haired one got to her feet. “Fine, but. If this doesn't go as you say...” There was a pause for a moment as she look down before she finished. “Take care of him” she looked back up, the few tears she couldn't hold back in her eyes. Holding her arms wide she closed her eyes tight, too scared to look onward.​
    “I promise, Ellis” and then suddenly, in a movement fast enough Ellis would not have been able to react had she wanted to, Kelina drew a sword and drove it through her heart. There was sounds of commotion of all the unsuspecting patrons of the tavern, but it quickly faded as the world became black. ​
    Kelina first became aware of a growling in her ears. Having not yet quite come to her senses she thought nothing of it before it turned into a howl. Turning quickly she saw a wolf with tufts of fire covering it's entire body. Smoke so dark it looked to be darkness itself poured out of every pore. It lowered it's head from the sky to show blue eyes and a second later came barreling down to close the distance a burning print with every step it took. Gripping her sword tightly she waited for it to come close and then leaped up above it. She turned quickly to find that the wolf had as well and was now preparing to follow her to the air.​
    “Koori baku” Kelina shouted as she shoved her right hand forward. A mass that appeared to be made of blue light appeared and slammed into the blazing wolf. On contact it exploded violently pushing the two away and, based of the resulting yelp, injured the beast. As everything settled an icy fog hung in the air and the fiendish beast barked its anger in several directions. This time it was Kelina to close the distance. ​
    The closer she got she slowly realized why the beast was confused. Each of the pieces of ice acted like a tiny mirror for the light of its flames and with each step she took she grew increasingly blinded, eventually closing her eyes because it was too much. Suddenly she felt pressure on her left leg. It seemed that the wolf was biting her but wasn't able to get through the armor. But why? She wore the armor since it was far better protection than normal clothes but rarely did they stop these creatures. By the time she realized it, it was too late.​
    Her leg burned from the heat of it's flames and she slashed at the beast to fend it back. The burning however did not subside. In the bitter cold fog the burning only got worse and worse. Forcing her eyes open she saw that it's teeth left a fire burning on the surface of the armor. She had to end it now while she could still bear to walk. The two made eye contact and began one final charge. She swung downwards but the wolf caught her left arm leaving her attack to divert to the right but she pulled the sword back and ran the beast threw with her sword.​
    A cry pierces the night sky as a cold wind sweeps across the forest. An infant's plea for help in a world it does not understand. But unlike other children there was no mother to hold in nurturing embrace. No father to fight off the monsters that lurk in the dark corners. Only the beasts of the woods heard the cry. Cautiously the footsteps of a wolf drew ever closer to the helpless boy. Strangely, the child's cry calmed at the sight of what should be his end, it was as if it had no fear to him. The wolf came closer still and as it began to smell at the babe, the child laughed in all innocence at the tickling sensation. Startled, the wolf pulled back and turned to leave when it was met by another cry. Pulling it's head around, the wolf saw the baby reaching it's hand out, begging for the wolf to stay.​
    The wolf looked around quickly before turning around once again to face the child. The wolf stood on it's hind legs and it's features began to morph. Hair pulled back into the skin and extended off the head as it changed from gray to blonde. Paws grew and twisted into hands and feet. Moment by moment the wolf changed to look less like a wolf and more like a human. More precisely a human girl of an age no greater than eight wearing a red shirt with blue jeans. She had dark skin suggesting she spent more time out in the sun than anywhere else. She got back to her feet and scooped up the child in her arms. “Ma won't like me coming home without food but if I left you here alone I don't think they would ever let me back.”​
    At those words the two of them headed off to the village of the luvir people. The heart breaking irony of those words would not be found until the light of dancing flames glinted in the stream of tears hours later. Clutching the boy to her chest she ran forward hoping to save someone, anyone. But as she reached forward the flames scarred her arms. It was as if everyone she had known in her life, all of their love, their goodness, their warmth, their light. It was all being brought forth at once in a force so great she dared not come near. Retreating back to a nearby tree she fell to her knees. Holding the babe like one her age might hold a teddy bear, she wasn't sure if she was looking to comfort her or receive comfort herself. Their mutual cries filled the air until there were no tears left to shed. As her heart tired of the pain they both drifted off to sleep in the warmth of love that would not be felt again.​
    “What are you doing? This is no place for a duel!” The barkeep was pushing Kalina and Ellis apart. But met no resistance for either party.​
    Ellis gasped a few seconds with a wide eyed stare at Kalina “Kurt... Rounds across the house, on me”​
    “Are you serious? This hardly seems the time. We need to get you to a hospital!”​
    “Do you see any blood?” Kelina interjected sharply as she took a seat. “If she allowed you the perversion to look, you will find there are no scars either. Anywhere”​
    Shocked Ellis looked down at her arm. The scar that served as a constant reminder of that dark day was gone. “What? Wait. How did you?”​
    Kelina simply removed her right gauntlet to reveal an old burn scar that looked very familiar to Ellis. “All of your scars are now mine”​
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 28, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Mixt

    In a recent article by Siliconera that contains about as many pictures as words, we see a bit of information on the Reality Shift system of fighting using the lower screen (such as the wonder comic or spirit rope) and quite a bit more on describing fighting alongside the friendly Dream Eaters known as Spirits and their limit styled "link attacks."

    Thank you Chevalier for this tip.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 26, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Mixt
    Good evening KH-Vidians. Mixt here acting as stand-in reporter to bring you some more audio related news courtesy of axel91.

    The Original Soundtrack for Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance is slated for release in Japan on April 18th. A bit shy of a month after the game's release on March 29th. It is priced at ¥3,800 ($48.85) and is 3 disks long.

    Although I'm having trouble verifying, folks over at and state that it will feature both recurring Kingdom Hearts composer Yoko Shimomura as well as The World Ends With You composer Takeharu Ishimoto. So it seems that they will be pulling no punches on music for this title.

    UPDATE: I've now verified Takeharu Ishimoto involvement with this interview from Famitsu.
    Thread by: Mixt, Jan 24, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Mixt
    [The waiter was nice.]

    I think the universe just imploded
    Thread by: Mixt, Dec 27, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mixt
    No one was at the house when I got there.

    I'm confused...
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 30, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mixt

    That should help keep them at bay
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 27, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mixt
    So I want to start writing a story but I'm bad at making characters in bulk. Therefor I'm going to cop out and ask you guys to do it for me.

    The story is a fairly generic fantasy so think Lord of Rings and the like. The more detail the better but anything helps. I might alter or discard your character to fit the story, but I'll try to include as many of them as I can and keep them intact.


    EDIT: If it helps I made a character sheet. Feel free to do a partial one, go beyond it, whatever

    Race: {Describe if non-generic}
    Combat Style: {May help even if character seems unlikely to fight}
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 24, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mixt
    The worst of it is behind me (I actually got out of bed today) but now I'm in the awkward place where I have enough energy I want to do something but not enough that I actually want to do anything.
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 7, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Mixt
    Since I'm about to send my laptop out for repairs I was reviewing the terms of the warranty and found this line under the exclusions subsection (i.e. a list of things not covered)

    Because when I declare war on extra-terrestrials my first thought is "I hope my laptop warrany covers this"

    Also, why do quote titles allow image tags but not url tags?
    Thread by: Mixt, Nov 1, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone