Search Results

  1. Clawtooth
    Basically Sora has sent out invites to all of his friends and (stupidly) enemies to come to a dinner party at his house. You can be any character you like exept Sora (that is me) you can be an Org Member, An FF character (that's in the seiries), A disney character or an Original character created just for KH e.g. Naminé, Kairi etc. NO spam blah blah blah. O.K. after we have 6 people we will start. After that if you want to start PM me plz.

    1. Sora-Clawtooth35
    2. Naminé-Animator_ Riku_4526
    3. Demyx-Kingdom Kohana
    4. Riku-Luna561
    5. Larxene-Kairi's_Memories
    6. Roxas-Kingdom///97.2
    7. Luxord-Keybladeofdarkness4
    8. Axel-Oblivion Riku.
    9. Kairi-KairiNamine

    REMEMBER: One paragraph per IC post, per character.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 9, 2007, 93 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Clawtooth



    Pale face up in the sky,
    You shine down this night,
    You are an ever watchful eye,
    Usually bright white.

    But on this night my dear friend, moon,
    A dark and eerie carmine,
    While you are here this night in June,
    That colour is your moonshine.

    And almost as if the sun,
    Has stabbed you in the heart,
    And has stalked off, its vile deed done,
    Leaving you to bleed and smart.

    And though crimson is not your colour,
    I like it in a way,
    Even though it is duller,
    Than the light of day.

    I think the colour suits you,
    In this ecliptic night,
    It lends a certain abeyance to,
    This good midsummer night.

    What do you think. It's about a total lunar eclipse.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Clawtooth

    Kit Kats

    I love kit kats and what I like to do is melt 4 of the chunky ones down and pretend that I'm a tiny littly pixy lol.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 7, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Clawtooth
    I was browsing the user list and I found there are a lot of users that have never posted. I think these are the sort of people who just "join because they're cool". I think that they should be removed (NOTE this does not include the ones that only post in the RP arena I respect this) I think it is cluttering up the forum and giving an unfair picture of the forum and how many members it has.

    Let me know what you think.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 6, 2007, 47 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Clawtooth
    I made it myself on Adobe Photoshop 7. I have been trying to put it in my sig for ages but it wouldn't wirk. Today I tried saving it for wem as and it worked! result=


    oh noes I said lime instead of like!!!
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 6, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Clawtooth

    KH Haiku

    To be different, I decided to write a Haiku for this site.


    Grey and Blue background,
    Lots of fun and KH too,
    Don't annoy Sara.


    I plan to write one about each section, this was just general.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 5, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Clawtooth
    For those of you who loved Poem of Seasons, Here is another poem.


    At this time of year there is laughter and fun,
    Even at some times there is lots of sun.
    And cosy inside while there's snow in the street,
    We give Seasons Greetings to all those we meet.

    At this time of year there's no trouble or strife,
    Unless you are male and are married, with wife.
    For she will make you do all of the shopping,
    The cooking, the wrapping, the washing and mopping.

    At this time of year there is laughter and joy,
    And presents for ev'ry good girl and good boy.
    And in your front room under a great tree,
    Are presents and gifts for all, even you, even me!

    At this time of year it is cold and it's frosty
    And you find that, at heart, Dad's just a gteat softy,
    There's pleant of food and there is lots of wine,
    Eat as much as you want, just do not touch mine.

    At this time of year we give and receive,
    Gifts from the ones in which we most beleive.
    And like the carol, up way high above,
    the angels go around spreading the love.

    At this time of year there is fun and good cheer,
    Have a very good Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Please CnC and I hope you enjoyed it.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Clawtooth
    Who is the cheesiest, IMO it is Demyx, 10 forms in 10 seccond... *shudders* Aparently I cheated 'cause I did the smart thing and used Trinity Limit. What do you think.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 3, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Clawtooth
    Whatever happened to the rest of the subbed Reverse-Rebirth cutscenes, the KHII:FM Boss battles and the rest of those sutscenes, subbed and unsubbed?
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 2, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. Clawtooth

    PS3 Question

    Does anyone know how to change the background coclour on my PS3 to anything exept brown?
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 2, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Clawtooth
    here it is, I just finished it.


    Winter is my favourite time of the year,
    With snowing, and laughing, and Christmas, good cheer.
    Foods all aplenty, and there’s good times galore,
    Winter is definitely never a bore.

    Then on to spring with the life that begins,
    All of the new creatures, my head nearly spins.
    And flowers, oh flowers, of all colour and sprite,
    Finally, the days are starting to get light.

    Then on to the oven of summer, oh mercy,
    The baking heat, even here in the UK you see.
    Most people go on Holiday to France or to Spain,
    And some, they stay here to lap up the rain!

    And then on to autumn when all of the trees,
    Are beginning to get tired and are falling to their knees,
    Because of the gales and the thunder so fast,
    (And school), In my scale, this “autumn” is last.

    And then over again like a wheel of fortune,
    Again soon the spring will sing its merry tune,
    And then on to summer then autumn and winter,
    Now my poem is done it is off to the printer.


    Please CnC and tell me, am I a good poet?
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 2, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Clawtooth
    Here they are, bathe in their awsomnessnessnessnessness.

    Xemnas 1:

    Xemnas 2:

    Xigbar (I like the way this one turned out.





    Saix (it should have an umlaut but my wireless keyboard with the number pad isn't working)







    If you want to use one please pay in rep, it is a payment for 4 nights hard work. Also please CnC but no flaming please.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Nov 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Clawtooth


    the real version is on page 2, this was a first draft.. If you wish to use it then please give rep.

    Thread by: Clawtooth, Nov 25, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Clawtooth
    Hello ppl this is the first chapter/ prologue of my in progress novel- Sashu. If you wish me to post additional chapther them please say so.

    During the night the lake had frozen over. However that did not detract from its charm. The wood had become frosty under the moons watchful gaze and yet again it was still as endearing as ever. The tops of the trees to the grass on the forest carpet were stationary, unmoved: even by the icy, spiky, wind that blew from the hills. Everything was doused in a thick covering of cold that chilled the bone .Winters? breath had come.
    Animals of every class and species scampered around trying to find food as they had had no warning of Winter's coming .Cats and mice, dogs and foxes. Even the noble Swans, whose feathers now blended perfectly with the landscape as it had started snowing, pitched in for all had to be perfect for Winters arrival.

    In the late afternoon when fur and feather alike were panting, they were finished. They had created a grotto with stag, resturaunt and bar and it was all perfect, better some thought than the great cities of the North. Then they heard a sound, chimes tinkling a merry tune as if some great deed or event had taken place. Then suddenly two great, white Viehals, the fairest beasts in the land, whose footfall is so soft that it barely made an imprint on the fine snow and exuded an aura of hope and light. They looked like deer but weren't, they were slightly larger and each one had a mane of silver hair. The carriage they were effortlessly pulling looked as if it had been forged from ice and a lustrous blue light shone forth from within. Tension mounted to an impossibly high rate, as all there knew what was inside.

    The carriage door opened and out stepped, a woman with long blonde hair wearing a lengthy green dress. She had a kind, rounded face and her eyes a deep green-blue. As she walked the powdery snow supported her weight as if it had been ordered to.

    The village Elder, a tall Tawny Owl, stepped forward.

    "Welcome back Madam Winter", he greeted.

    "It is good to be back, I trust everything is in order, Elder Russet", She replied, "Only, I bring grave news from the North", She added in an undertone.

    "I will converse with you about that later", he whispered sounding slightly shaken, "After the festivities", He added with a cheeky wink.

    And what festivities they were. There was wining, dining, shows and fun, later when the cubs and chicks had gone to sleep there was story-telling. Tales of knights and dragons. Fables about princesses and witches. Even one about the anecdotes of an extremely funny Ferret. When the party was finished, everyone slept. Except for two Leaders who were worried, worried for the fate of their kingdoms.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Nov 24, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Clawtooth
    :rockdover:Hello and welcome to the Ultimate KH trivia quiz. I was cheezy enough there to make for the whole thread. ok so this is a quiz, point based. I will need 4 players to play. I am the quizmaster, what I say goes (unless a mod/admin say otherwise) ok so please join now, remember it's 1st come 1st serve.


    Quizmaster: Clawtooth35

    Player 1: Shadows of Oblivion 3 points

    Player 2: AmberdslovicK 2 points

    Player 3: Kiwise 2 points

    Player 4: Darkness Grows Within -1 points

    All spaces are taken, and I am very sorry if you couldn't get in, right, now the rules.

    There will be 10 rounds each round will have 8 questions so 2 each per round .Each correct answer gets you 2 points. Each round will have a theme e.g. keyblades, characters etc. No one must answer each others questions !!!!! If you do not know that answer I will pass it on for 1 point. to the next person e.g.

    If player 1 doesn't know the answer the Player 2 gets the question, then if they don't know it is passed to Player 3.

    The winner is the one with the most points at the end. Points will be deducted for answering others questions without it being passed on. Your points will be displayed at the top of the thread next to your names. Also one round will be devoted to interesting answers and or theories. YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN THEORIES !!!! and for interesting answers it has to be funny but still plausable. If you have any questions then put them on the thread. o.k. so good luck and
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Nov 18, 2007, 33 replies, in forum: The Playground