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  1. Clawtooth
    I made this:

    Kingdom Hearts is still alive.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Feb 15, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Clawtooth

    Help Rosey???

    What happened to the colour of Roseys name? It's like all Dark green:


    Someone answer!

    p.s. Go to the thread yourself and you'll see that I didn't photoshop it.

    The Thread I found it
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Feb 15, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Clawtooth
    Could we get a thing in you're User infromation next to location, Avatar etc saying what Gender you are. This way it can avoid confusion about genders and help to stop enbarrasing situations.

    It could also help to stop people from getting offended.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Feb 14, 2008, 31 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Clawtooth

    Salut d'Amour

    I know that there are some classical connosuers on this site and I think that you will appreciate this Piece.

    It is by Elgar (the guy who wrote the English national anthem) It is beautiful and I am learning it. I will upload a version when I have learned it.

    Salut D'amour played by a young Sarah Chang
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Feb 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  5. Clawtooth
    I have been making this AMV ;ate;y. It's supposed to be about all the fighting that goes on in KH2 but I have hit a brick wall and don't know what to do next. I downloaded a trail of Vegas but it expires in 29 days so I want to finish it quickly. View attachment 1430
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Feb 2, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. Clawtooth
    Angel need help on face.


    As you can see, the face is hideous. Can someone help me? I am usually quite good at faces but the nose is really bad and so are the lips because I wasn't working with an actual image, just an idea. Also, I realised halfway through doing it that doing the wrincles on the fingers was a really bad idea.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 30, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Clawtooth
    I thought about making a series of cards you know like for Birthdays and Christmas etc. What does everyone knowlegable in Graphics matters think?
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 22, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Clawtooth
    I thought that it would be a good idea if there was a thread showing why a member has been banned/suspended. It would benefit the forum because it would show you not to do this or that or you'll end up like ... . I am also sometimes why members are banned and y'know I'll just see someone with a grey name that was pink yesterday and think "why?"

    Thanks for reading.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 19, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. Clawtooth

    You know...

    If we were all animals what would be in a book about us...

    That would be weird.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Clawtooth

    Zomg !!!!!!!

    Has Anyone Noticed That We Have Now Broken The 1,000,000 Post Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Should Be In Forum News!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Clawtooth
    I got a drawing tablet for christmas and I am not really sure how to best use it. I have tried drawing with it as I do with a pencil but It doesn't look nearly as good as my pencil drawings. What is the best way. I think that if I can get good at it then I could make my own sigs so please help. Thanks for reading ~#~Clawtooth35~#~
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 7, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Help
  12. Clawtooth


    Who likes this game and who doesn't. I for one will forever mourn the Death of ~SPOILER~ the Faithful Weighted Compaion Cube and curiosity core.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 6, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. Clawtooth
    What does the writing in the epilogues say.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 2, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Clawtooth

    Help Uh Oh...

    I decided to come here yesterday, as I do and... Database error. Seriously, I thought this problem was sorted. Here is the code.

    Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /includes/class_core.php on line 371
    If I'm not mistaken, this happened before. It is effecting just the index.

    Thanks for reading.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 2, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Clawtooth
    I was sitting, enjoying New Year When this hit me. The title is Firestorm and it will be quite a long novel.

    Here is the first paragraph:


    As the small boy trudged through the perilous blizzard, he clutched the silver locket tightly in his fingers.

    "Mother", he shouted as the terribly icy wind tried to stop him from uttering this forlorn and desperation ridden word from leaving his parched and chapped lips,"Where are you".


    What do you think.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Jan 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Clawtooth


    What did you think of this game. NO Spoilers please 'cause I'm still on the prologue. I only got it today but apparently it's good.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 29, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Clawtooth
    Kingdom hearts where is my heart?
    And, oh, whenever will you start,
    To give us nobodies back our existance?
    Do you need much more assistance?

    Are you darkness or are you light?
    And why do so many people fight,
    To gain control over you, my love?
    You're clearly mine up high above

    I am the weilder of the blade,
    Boy, I could muder some lemonade,
    Anyway I'm your protector,
    I get rid of the bad guys from your sector!

    I am the king of a great realm,
    And you are the keeper fo it as well,
    You are the heart of all the world,
    Oh sorry! worlds! My mind mind's unfurld

    I am the Last princess of heart,
    The one called Kairi but that apart,
    We are both the ultra-pure,
    Up in near the sky and sea azure.

    All these people for good or ill,
    Are curteous and show good will,
    So why whenever fighting starts,
    You never aid us, Kingdom Hearts?

    This was off the top of my head but I think it's good. I like the different perspectives of Xemnas, Xehanort, Mickey, Sora, Kairi and the last one... well it could be Riku...
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 15, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Clawtooth
    I was reading a thread where there was completely polite language, sure there was some hassel but you know, the usual stuff. Then one of the Moderators (whose initial is M) come in and swore and there was no sensor.

    The word (f***ing to be presice) was just there and free to see. Why is it that the, supposidly more sensible and prudent, moderators should be able to swear. There is no need for swearing and I do not see the point of having a filter if those of higher rank should be able to bypass it. It does not show a good example, especially to some of our younger members and that is the point of the filter. Either make it equal for all or get rid of it in my opinion.

    Please Comment
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 15, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Clawtooth
    I had an Idea. Why don't we have a food section for in the Creativity corner for those of us here who like cooking ect. We could have stuff like Kingodm Hearts related recepies and other stuff like that. Please tell me if it is a dumb suggestion. Thanks for reading.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 12, 2007, 41 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Clawtooth
    I made this with heart and soul,

    Please CnC.
    Thread by: Clawtooth, Dec 12, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio