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  1. DarknessKingdom

    Code Geass R2 OPs FTW! XDDDD
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. DarknessKingdom
    DBZ is still pretty popular in Japan. Look the amount of games they've made after 1996.

    I was under the impression that the Naruto demo would be out on the 17th of July? o.O
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  3. DarknessKingdom
    Yeah, I used to play it and I think I still have it somewhere on the shelf. Good game, good times.

    Force Powers ftw!
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. DarknessKingdom
    @Haseo426 - Yeah, they did. A useless but cool feature.

    I have heard of a Shippuuden game for Wii but it's only in Japan atm.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. DarknessKingdom


    I wave my hands alot when I talk. that normal lol?
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. DarknessKingdom
    Okay, this is the first time I'm putting up a image of myself on teh Internet lol.

    I kinda overdid the whole dark shadow thing and I was just messing around with my new webcam.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. DarknessKingdom
    Ownage lol.

    Playing a certain franchise doesn't make you a gamer. Just the experience and the fun of getting yourself involved and interested in stories or gameplay should be enough.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  8. DarknessKingdom
    No, I'm pretty sure there was a topic on this. Hence, why we should use the 'Search button'.

    The graphics look fantastic so far and at least we'll have a decent storymode this time round.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  9. DarknessKingdom
    Whilst we are all 'very' proud of you, there is already two sections of the forum where you can express your love and interest for FF and KH. We use this section to talk about 'other games' in case you haven't noticed.

    @advent_of_apocalypse; They're making a remake, I heard. The 'Tales of' series has been pretty fine too.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. DarknessKingdom
    Director's Cut. I just skipped most of the needless information and watched the deleted scenes.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. DarknessKingdom
    Yeah, I know what you mean, Darkandroid. When I play, I find it very rare to see actual teamwork when it comes to Team Deathmatch and Sneaking, etc. Which is sad, really, because it makes the experience so much more enjoyable.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  12. DarknessKingdom
    Jebus, we have a 6th one already?

    Sorax, you look like you're shunning the photographer lol.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. DarknessKingdom
    Well, what kind of audience are we talking about here? A Western or Eastern audience?

    I'd have to say Dragon Ball is one of the most popular franchises in Japan. To them, it's sorta like Star Wars.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. DarknessKingdom
    Dude, the guy is a fake. Seriously. George Lucas may be milking the trilogy but he's not that freaking stupid to make yet another trilogy. If you take a look at his 'About SuperShadow' link, he repeatedly states a load of crap about his connections to George Lucas. He doesnt provide any real evidence that he's connected to George Lucas AND he doesn't prove that the scripts for 'Episode 7, 8 and 9' are real.

    As for Indiana Jones, he could have easily watched the movie and re-editted the script he had on his website. I also didn't see a date for when he put up the script.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. DarknessKingdom
    Wait, wait, we can switch to the alien and normal costume at will?

    ...dude, that sounds awesome.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. DarknessKingdom
    Well, you've got the first step right. You've at least said hello.

    The next thing is perhaps find some common ground which you can talk about. Maybe she's reading a book, and you can ask; is that a good book? Maybe you can talk about some of the subjects and what career they're going to take after school. Heck, maybe even TV or music. Once you get into that setting of friends, you could ask if she's got any plans or if she's doing anything exciting over the weekend. JustANobody also came up with a good idea; write down some things you would like to talk about.

    You might not want to be too excited or nervous when you're talking to the fairer sex though. Confidence is the key but don't let it get to your head. Just because you can talk to a girl does not mean you're a Greek god.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  17. DarknessKingdom
    It's normal to feel like that. The best thing to do is get involved. Talk to people and get to know them. Most of these problems can be solved by just saying 'hello'.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  18. DarknessKingdom
    Dude, it sounds the relationship is based on satisfying a need. Not a need for a partner but for just making out. You should ask yourself; do you seriously want to be in a relationship like that? Have you heard the saying 'love is blind'? Do you really 'like everything about her'? If she backstabbed your friend, who's not to say she wont do the same to you? Do you really know her as well as you think you do? If you like her so much then you wouldn't manipulate her when she's just gotten out of relationship and attempt to make yourself a 'better kisser'.

    You know the more I read your post, the more I think you just want her, not because you like her as a person.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  19. DarknessKingdom
    I'm kinda wishing I had a PSP now lol. Looks nice.
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. DarknessKingdom
    Whilst I agree it is a fantastic game, it's far from perfect. I was a bit dissapointed to find out that there werent any special features. I was really hoping for a Demo Theatre or a Boss Mode at the very least. Fortunetly, there are a number of extras to collect such as 'the Solar Gun' (when you reload it, Snake shouts 'Sunlight!' XD) and the Altair costume.

    MGO is fun but I keep suffering from lag and disconnections. I've pratically just given up on it now and stuck to single-player. Which is a shame really cause it has a lot of potential to become a great online game. I pratically only get like a minute at best of gameplay before being disconnected.

    @Fayt-Harkwind - You can get through the game within 5 hours at best (excluding extras such as Stealth Camo or Bandana and cutscenes).
    Post by: DarknessKingdom, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Gaming