I was somewhat impressed. I want to find out about Starkiller and his journey in the Dark Side of the Force. My only complaint was that the cutscene pretty much gave away the general plot: the Apprentice is going to turn against Vader for 'righteous' and 'good' reasons. The gameplay and controls were pretty good but it reminds me alot of the LOTR games made for the movies with the combo and level up system.
English and Chinese. I know a bit of Japanese from watching anime.
Nuff said. ...besides, it's pretty much exactly the same game. Why would you want to buy it 'again'?
As RVR said, you could just let your converter run more than once. With Total Video Converter, you just click on the videos you want to convert, select the format and click on the boxes to convert them all. Depending on the format of video, it might take awhile.
Unbalanced movesets and time limits. Especially time limits when you fight someone who chips a bit of your health...and just runs away for the rest of the fight.
My favourite would have to be the first DMC JPN ad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKDaMPp7Beo
Toy Story, indeed. I miss Woody and Buzz xD I would love to see a Jungle Book world and maybe a spinoff from TWEWY.
If we're talking about the current episode that resulted in mass angst and destruction...then yes. It was not kind of sad, it was really sad. Lelouch just lost [SPOILERS]Nunnally and the Black Knights are so going to revolt in the next episode[SPOILERS]. Everything has gone downhill for him ever since the Knights of Order got involved. I am glad that Kallen is back though. Q1 has never looked so freaking hot since Season 1.
I liked the Fellowship of the Ring, to be honest. The introduction of the Fellowship, Boromir's betrayal and the epic fight at Weathertop was just epic. It is also prolly the most accurate in comparison to the books since the Elves never went to Helm's Deep, Faramir never took Frodo and Sam to Osgiliath and Aragorn got Anduril at Riverdell, not at Dunharrow.
Quoted for truth. KotoR was epic in it's own right.
I'm not too hyped about it. While it looks good and all, I'm getting tired of PKMN. Besides, I promised myself that D/P would be my last PKMN game.
...I don't think I've been this excited over a Harry Potter movie since the first one. I wasn't too impressed with Tom too. Music is epic as always lol.
Dude; MGS 2 Raiden is like near perfection. O.O
Dude, this looks epic. I didn't care much about RE but after watching the trailer, I want to play the games now.
I would so totally have: Cloud (Paladin) - if you've played FF7; you know how much action this guy gets. Blondie can't rely on Aerith/typical female healer role to do the work when he's fighting solo. Balthier (Hunter) - 'I'm the leading man'. Black Mage (Black Mage) - It's Black Mage. It's f***ing Black Mage. You don't mess with them. Rinoa (Bard) - This class/character needs more love. Sides, the Bard Class is always fun to mess with.
Sweetness. Btw does charging up Chidori/Rasengan do anything important?
As many other members have said; it depends. If you go download but never pay to support a company/artist then that's just wrong. In terms of pirating music, I also agree sometimes. Sometimes the price of one album is ridiculous when you want just one song. But if I like a band and I like what they have to offer, I make the effort to own it as it represents my support for *insert hyped-up band here*. The government isn't doing a very good job but what can they do, really? They can't exactly crash into every building/house/apartment and arrest people for piracy. They can't give everyone a massive fine and a smack on the head cause that'll greatly affect the economy and most likely put thousands of people out of work/school.
Sounds interesting. I wouldn't raise my hopes up but keep us posted if it is official.
Yeah; I was really impressed. I don't think I've ever had this much fun with a demo for awhile. I liked how you can activate Ultimate Nijutsu anytime you want, kinda like in the anime. I'm hoping they add in a 'upgrade-character' option to give he/she more health or more resistance to attacks and etc. I just found fights going way too fast for my taste.
No. Spiderman is awesome, yes, and there are heaps of other uber-powered enemies within the Spiderman universe but I wouldn't watch it. I've just had enough with Spiderman. Plus; I'm kinda sick of watching Mary Jane and Peter Parker struggle over their relationship. >.>