so, did he dance with you????
your a deviant too????
okaaay, where do i go to get the last 10 minutes of my life back....
wat?!?!? no code red????
yeah, that is wierd.... i never noticed that.... but....side note....ummm, wats with the random number????
yeah, sorry, tabs distract me.....but yes, the "your welcome" was for the sig....and, im sorry u have to go, but still, stuff happens, c ya
got it....thnx anyway em.... black phoenix, your welcome....
OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo me likey....
i guess u can sign me up.... lets, hmm....xand, i guess....
today = my first day of senior year..... lol, everyone else, and i do mean EVERYONE ELSE, has been in school for at least a week now, and im just starting....
so far, i think darkwatch has made the most sense.... but lets see....i have 17 rep, a little over 500 posts, and ive been here for just about 6, does that mean i only give/take 2 rep? that bites....i thought i had more power than that....
i think your the first person ive ever met whos never(until now) heard oof it
sorry, im just surprised youve never heard of deviant art....
yeah, sounds about right
O.O....O.o....o.O....O.O have you never heard of
i made a new deviantart account....YAY!
ooh, well sorry....
i call everyone who enters the family a noob, its kinda my thing, ya know?
welcome, and welcome zhe other noob.... im dandanrevolutionextreme....the resident artist of the family....