pot....of glue???? anyways, hey!!!!
*turns into ghost* ohhh wellll, stuff happens.... i bought the cd purely because it was techno....
that was the last cd i ever bought....(before i got "you know wat")
aaaahhhh, same old stardust....
ohhh, yeah, i read that.....
i clickied the camera, but i see no description....
yes, i thought "ummmmm, okaaaay........." after i saw the image
uhhhhh, okaaay........ and as for black phoenix i expect it to be finished ina day or 2(2 = max)
no, limewire is not illegal....wat people do with it is illegal....wen you first download the program the website even says "this program could be used to download copyrighted music" and then they ask you if you would use this program for such things....if you say yes, it doesnt let you download it. so, no, the program is just for file sharing, but mostly, people (myself included) use it illegaly. but it is not illegal to download un-copyrighted files via limewire.
i have 7 hour day.... i gtg, shower....
okay, number 1....read zhe rules....zip it!!!! number 2....no, it doesnt, i have been using it for a year, and haven gotten 1 virus.... back on topic.... yes, being a senior, i get frees....and we do have 9 periods, each 40 minutes long... first period starts at 7:45, and last period ends at 2:22
school is going great....i got m schedule changed yesterday, but before that, i really had no reason to show u in the morning.... first schedule 1st period: free 2nd period: ap computer science 3rd period: free 4th period: lunch 5th period: government and economics 6th period: physics 7th period: gym(on tesday and friday)/physics(monday and thursday)/group guidance(wednesday) 8th period: math 9th period: history of film new schedule 1st period: free 2nd period: ap computer science 3rd period: race and gender 4th period: gym(on tesday and friday)/physics(monday and thursday)/group guidance(wednesday) 5th period: physics 6th period: free 7th period: lunch 8th period: math 9th period government and econimics ***seniors are allowed to leave campus if they have 2 or more frees in a row....*** ***lunch counts as a free***
it was 7:45 am here
talking about wierd als parady "white snd nerdy"....
that would be hilarious....
yeah right....his song "white and nerdy" is my mantra
ehhh, ohh well....heres a parody....its a parody of the song im doing for my next amv....
uhhhhhhm wat?????
i have that song....im just very lazy right now, wich is why my amvs have had next to 0 progress over the past week or 2....