omg, i lol'd, i love axels expression.....its like .XDDDDDDDDDDDD, times a billoion....
no it isnt....and check this out....
NEVER run directly toward him... as a fox player, if someone was running directly toward me, -reflector(enemy gets sent backward a bit) -shinedash(consistantly deals damage to enmy and leaves him off guard) -then shinedash him off an edge, and go for the kill via shinespike....
you never asked....i play dam good with him too(wen im trying), a good 50% of the time, i dont try, and i just end screwing myself over....
that could work....and....y did you block out the name of your amv????i thought that was kinda odd....i understand blocking averythng else out, but your amv name?
looky here.... im doing a vector similar to the way master chief looks....not the other guy....
no, i havent finished it yet....this ones gonna be really making it into a vector, on one of the tutorials ive seen, i wouldnt be past step 1....but the rest of the steps in total take like 20 minutes....
try copy and paste:
i posted most of my stuff(the artwork i do and make for people on this site) on deleted all of it because i didnt make the render.... funny....real funny....
its the same as my old kh-vids name....
uhhh, wat?
DA is ******ed....they took down all my artwork because i didnt draw the render....
yeah well.....wen mine changes, it supposedly "hollow bastion commitee member" or something like that.... *runs of to try website* EDIT: no, they would delete them too....
*raises glass* heres to zhe king's apprentice.... thats wat im hoping
yeah, maybe....but i wonder if theres a webste similar to DA that wont delete my stuff....
no, because i didnt "draw" them....
i could give it a song will probably be "beat it" by michael jackson....
aaahhh crap.... deviantart deleted all of my artwork....because they are wat they are....deviantart doesnt appreciate my type of artwork....
1m fr43k1n m491c!!!!!
i gtg, but b4 i do, larxel, u would enjoy this, same for y/s....