*i know this one has a blur in the render, i couldnt fix it* *the second vector sig(with terra) was a request....* please CnC....
kk, c ya....
hey prsns....
lets see.....sephiroth, cloud, tifa, aerith, and.......idk....
kk, things happen
yeah? link please....
wich pics? the ones me and larxel posted?
*backs away slowly* now is it good or bad that your game might be canceled?
wat game? soccer?
dam, thats a lot of rain, any idea how many inches....????
yeah, its pretty much the same thing as photoshop, but free....until guardian soul showed it to me, id never heaard of it either....
no, no i dont....i use a program called "the gimp"
oooh, no....i dont draw....i used, but nt any more, all of the artwork i do is computer animated, like my avatar, and sigs, and the the image i just resented....
ive never seen that show in my life....ive heard of it, but that is the extent of my knowledge....
well, thnx....and now i can get to work on some other requests ive gotten....my friend peter wants a background for his computer, it has to be some guy with a scythe from trinity blood....
lol..... speaking of art....after 2 days of hard labor on this sig for black phoenix, its finally finished....and it is still within the GIF size limit(barely)
well, then work with your left....lol
aparently larxel is leaving, i must have missed the memo....so, bye....
demyx lookgs good in gthose cloths....he should think about an outfit change.... check this out, another one i lol'd at....
i want this so dam bad!!!!