The Graceful Assasin... Would sit through the Spongebob marathon on Nick?
A very very horribly smart horrible person. With a trashbag full of Laffy Taffy.
Damn you're lucky. I barley manage 200 tix at anytime. Course my parents have 4 kids.......
Misty Would sit at their screen for hours, looking at nothing?
Dalk and apparentley Reptar. Would lie about being a 40 year old pedo?
:B|: No. Not funny.
Goddamn Tom and Jerry movie is on.
I'm okay with my name. Jesse came from my Grandpa Jess, as did James, and Patrick came from my Grandad, on my Mom's side. I just hate how on my school I.D., it says Jesse James ********, instead of just my first and last name. (These are my first and two middle names, so don't get any ideas.)
I'd be a tougher version of the Armored Night in KH2.
Still more than me. :B|:
Really? I found a decaying apple in my Fruity Pebbles once. Them cavemen are trying to kill me, and Geico ain't gonna cover it.
:B(: Ffffffffff-
I know. This sucks. But it happens. I know tons of songs but not enough to fill my iPod ALL the way. Which by the way, is almost full as it is. :B|:
............................................ I didn't know if I should comment now on this thread, or later. Damn quarters had to have heads.....
Just over a GB. Damn, I have just over 170 songs...... Then I see everyone else's............................................ :.-.:
If I were, how is it that I'm still here posting? :.-.: Wikipedia doesn't know I exist.
Thanks. *runsthef*ckouttahere*
I'd say either a big rat or small horse.