Your text has a few mistakes. For one you need to do is fix the cut out of the word "Duty" in your sig, and maybe find a better color for it as well. Also a different font might be better than the cursive font you picked. I love how you substained such detail in the man's face. It is very thrilling to see the lightning on his neck; however it is hard to notice with the large burden of light to the right.
I fixed a few grammar errors for you, and I underlined them too; also I added in the word "rind" in section two. The main things you need to work on is punctuation and capitalization. I wish you luck on your short story.
How are you doing Pezz? I see the RPG died off.:(
*sigh* This is pointless, but try Ohio :p.
Could kick Sora's A** anyday.
Roxas and Naminé already returned to the bodies of both Sora and Kiari, so the real question is "Does Sora like Kairi, Riku, or both?". :lolface: Sora has such a high ego that I could see him going for Roxas.
Ah, the age old question of who am I? Tis not an easy question, for every second a new memory is born. The way you interpret the world, and how you arived at that interpretation is what make you you. I would suggest as Malvante has said to get out more, and explore the enviroment around you. Think for yourself, and enjoy yourself.
:D It's about time I brought myself unto the world. :P Once I get into college for biology I will be unstopable. muhahaha
I will be waiting...
*Facepalm* I like how you ignored all the fossils, and latin names of fossils that have been found that prove the theory of evolution. Reread all the posts in this thread with an open mind, and if you are still somehow not satisfied let me tell you somthing. And no I'm not giving you my opinion, I am giving you cold hard facts. I am not going to sit here and tell you that I believe in the invisible pink unicorn, or the flying spahgetii monster, or even the flying teapot. I am giving scientific facts about evolution, yet you continue to want somthing that is already there. The theory of evolution states that organisms have adapted to different situatuations and enviroments around the globe. Some became succeful and procriated, while others went extinct. For example the pygmy seahorse whose skin has become a simialar color tone as it's home. The venus flie trap lives in an area with poor soil nutrients, thus it has adapted by eating organisms such as frogs, flies, and other creatures in order to survive. Evolution works like this: And this: and this: As for the link which is not missing either look at my signature or do a google search; I am sure wikipedia will have all the awnsers for you.
So is that a no on the babies?
So not that much?
No. How much does it pay?
Video 1: Get those magikarp some ****ing water! Video 2: I do hate you now.... This will blow your mind.
OUCH!! My brain hurts!!! :-[
Let's make a baby then!
*Sigh* Not to mention the contradicitory evidence surrounding it. If the waters of the earth covered all the mountains of the earth including mount everest noone on the ark would be able to breathe. Also two of every animal is not enough to ensure genetic diversity. Inbreeding will cause horrible gentic disabilitys over a period of time. If they were on the ark for that long no plant life would survive, so once they got off the ark the herbivors would starve, and the carnivores would make certain species go extinct. The flood water would mix freshwater with salt water thus damagin the water makeup and sun filtration of the oceans. Most marine life would die as a result of this flood. Edit: I would have picked some other parts of the story to pick on but someone beat me to it *cough* Repliku *cough*.
Wanna play hangman? *grabs rope*
I'm not trying to be mean, but don't you want to know the truth instead of hanging onto a book that has not facts based around it? I understand why you would choose dilusion over truth. Reality isn't always pleasing, but it gives you a chance to improve yourself.