I did? ..............
It's called you got someone on the inside that is giving you presents. Kinda like Santa Claus.
In order: Yeah but what did he do, and where? Wolfie! :lolface: You are not making any sense at all.
WTF happened to Scott Pilgrim?! Who ate the Sofa?! Where is my Penuttbutter?! Why am I asking you all these questions??
*looks at your post* While you cannot be charged for name calling you can, however, be charged for saying "who does not deserve the brain they were born with.". That phrase borders very close to fighting words/ a threat. As I recall from my class of Political and Economic Discussion fighting words are not covered by the first Amendment. I am sure you did not mean for this phrase to be taken as a threat, so an apology/explanation might be in order.
Alright everyone lets please refrain from the name calling. And Christians please refrain from comparing evolution to a religion when it is clearly a science. Evolution is a science, and in science we use the scientific method find out fact from fiction, or to compare. The steps of the Scientific Method are to Observe, make a Hypothesis, Experiment, Collect Data, compare hypothesis to results, and make a conclusion based off the results. Here is a chart of it if you want: Spoiler . So February, if you really think there is a God thats fine, but have you ever conducted an experiment of his existence? Praying is an okay experiment if done properly. For example let's say I prayed to the God of Abraham (AKA) to make my Orange to float to my desk. To conduct a experiment like this I would need a camera and eyewittnesses. Now in the Scientific world we like to repeat the experiment as many times as possible in order to clear out any errors in the experiment. So over a course of 7 days I would pray at 1pm&5pm (EST) to God to make my Orange levitate onto my desk in the next 30 minutes. After 1:30/5:30 each day I would save my camera recording, and write down what I saw. If the Orange levitated at the selected times when the camera was on then I could conclude that there was force/being that picked up my orange. Now I have a scientific theory now, but a question still remains: "What force was it that wrote and picked up the Orange?". At that point I could look for finger prints on the Orange, or borrow a infared camera to redo the experiment with. I could even set up a pen and paper for the force to right with to figure out who he/she/he-she/it is. However let's say the Orange did not levitate. If that was the case I could conclude that no force/being picked up my Orange. I could try the experiment some other way like telling God "If you, the God of Abraham, truley do exist then make a Rat-Bird stand in front of me, so that I may photograph/record it's prescence. Then please if Jesus Christ was your son then make the Rat-Bird swoop over my head and drop a bottle of wine next to my feet without the bottle breaking.". If after a week of praying at 1pm&5pm, and I encounter no hybrid Rat-Bird then I could conclude that the God of Abraham does not exist. So my Scientific Theory would be that G.O.A does not exist. This is how Science work. Since Evolution is a science it is based on evidence. I have shown you this evidence throughout the thread. Thanks to the theory of Evolution we have found cures to diseases. For example we are closley related to rats, and share many charecteristics with them. That is why we use them to test hair products, a medicines. While I may not agree with making perfectly healthy rats sick against there will; I cannot dis-charge the evidence that using these rodents as a Guinea Pig has proven quite effective to improving medical products to save lives.
So you joined a debate to drop out of it? >_> I responded to you and have yet to hear a post back from you.
Well guys I am going to be on a cruise the next ten days so I'll be back on the nineteenth. I'll be going to Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Coco Kay. I plan on taking some ocean expeditions, so wish me luck that I won't get stung by a jellyfish.
D: Oh no!!!
I hope this is a joke.
Alright. I will be gone for 9 days so I won't start till I get back the 18th.
No one ever quits KHV!!!! Oh wait...
Pezz is the greatest. JedininjaZC Name (full)-Eärendur Eve Vardamir (or Eve for short) Race-Cylian Powers (if any)-molds plants Age-475, or...
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=100627&page=5 *cough* It would be nice if you got to this thread. Thanks.
My mom would have named me Madison Jallen Clark. :-(
Welcome to KHVid's heartless. This site has many things for you to do including photography, RPGing, disscusion, and much more. Please take the time to read the rules so you don't get in trouble. http://www.kh-vids.net/forumdisplay.php?f=2
You could have used 69. I am 17.98 years old. I turn 18 on june 21st and you know what that means?! Nice avatar.
Doesn't she have to pay you before you do that?
I'm confused. The first add said it was on almost all systems, while the second one said PS3only. Obviously Sony is being full of it's self again. lol The game looks pretty good though. I want to see some ratings for it first before I rent it.
So it's one of those you buy on Ebay? D: