I want to buy a keyblade now. :D Goofy always knows what's up. You should have seen him on this cruise ship once. He played drums for guitart hero.
I saw this movie today for my 18th birthday. I was so moved by that scene too. I went home and played with some of my toys. My small soilders, jar jar binks, and all you others I love you!!
First of all we have no evidence for a supernatural being that created everything. Adding God to the equation is pretty much like saying X did it. If we add God in then we have to add the creator of God to it too, and his creator, and the creator of his creator, and the creator of that diety, and the creator of that deity, and the creator of that deity.
(Correct) False. I'm allergic to penuts.
Welcome to KHVids. Please take the time to read up on the rules, so that way you will have a great time here. http://www.kh-vids.net/forumdisplay.php?f=2 We have many sections that might spark your intrests. A RPG section for play time. A disscussion zone to further hone your knowlege. We have a art zone, and we even have a Kingdom Hearts zone. What are you looking for in here? http://www.kh-vids.net/forumdisplay.php?f=2
True. I hate eating salads.
Yeah I quoted her.. but she still sucks ass. Gosh I can't believe I quoted the disney B.
To much learning from faulty map. My brain.... Must not *shoop da whoop*.
It's fine. No worries. As Hannah Montanah said "Everbody has those days".
My bad man? I was trying to be helpful. There is no reason to blow up on me.
*sarcasm*Birth by sleep.*sarcasm*
South or North?
Substanence for your brain to function? No, that can't be right at all. :p hb
*thinks* Oh, your idea was about your sequal. Really it's going to die again? *Sigh*. It is so hard to find reliable RPGers these days with...
What is the bad guy F***'n stupid? Angles: He was driving a bulldozer and headed south officer. *5 minutes later* Police: Found him!! I hope that puppy get's justice for being abused.
When you put them in the spamzone/playground instead of the Current Events section, yeah.
Alright I reposted it. Now could you give me a tiny cover story of what all has happened. Oh, and what was that idea that you had for my...
OOC: Pezz is the greatest JedininjaZC Name (full)-Eärendur Eve Vardamir (or Eve for short) Race-Cylian Powers (if any)-molds plants Age-475, or in elf years he is almost 20 years old. Gender-male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral) Fights for the good of natures, so generally nature. Weapon– A knife made from an antler, and a sling shot. Background- Eve was born in the forest of Tephaine. His parents died in a wildfire when he was 250 years old. He was then put up for adoption, and was adopted by Terra Swine: a Biology teacher at the local College. At the age of 430 he attended the local college to hone his morphing skills. Eve is now on a mission to further hone his abilitys by traveling the world. Appearance- http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/f...ZC/c28d183.png
Oh, yeah. One sec then.