:-{ Hardcore yaoi for you huh? I was hoping for some cute/ hot boys. *licks lips*
I think he want's her to make him a sandwitch.
Are you sure you didn't have a few girls laying next to you? I died laughing.
If you are an average follower you don't have to think about mysterys and therefore are alot more happy. -_-' *Sigh* Atheism: The idea that there is no supernatural forces. No Gods, no force. No BS. Atheism is not a religion, it is a lack of it. Lmao. Here is my idea. 1) He is probably spreading bullshit in order to get more money. 2) He got the laptop from generous donations. 3) Green screen jk. Donations.
I don't know if that was a typo but again evolution is a science. I was saying for creationism to get on the same level as science you need proof. For example the theory of gravity is based of observation of objects falling, and the rotation of planets around the sun. So what I was saying was religion is faith without, or even against, the evidence; while science is following where the evidence leads us. Are you nuts??! *coughs. Then retains a serious yet gentle voice* Science has provided us with electricity to speed up production and exchange information. Modren medicine has allowed us to save millions of human's( as well as other animals) lives. Zoo's are based off research on an animals enivorment, and mathmatical construction methods; zoo's are used to keep these animals from going extinct. How do you think the roof over your head was made? It was made over your head using science. Who saved the jews during WWII? The allies who had military experiance and advanced weaponry. Weaponry comes from science. From research. -_-' Yeah, Patsy didn't help start us out on the right foot. Styx is right. The bible is not verifiable; just like all other religous texts. All he is trying to say is that we all do stupid things no matter what are level of intellect is.
It is quite annoying, just respond.
Then ignore Patsy then... If you can't provide anything for crationism then you should admit defeat. We've provided plenty of proof for our side...
Write a shonen.
I am not moved. :|
Now with 70% less cartoons!
Space can be measured in centimeters, square-feet, miles, kilometers, area, ect. You need space in order for there to be somthing. Space is how much is measured, and time is how long things take to get across that space; such as the speed of light for example. If you don't have a garage you can't have a person in it. Outside of time and space is nothing. The void outside of time and space is non-existant because there is no space. You can't even have an atom outside of time and space because there is no where else to go. Again we have no proof that anything is infinite. I have not heard of any organisms that are eternal. We only have finite beings and matierals to observe.From our observation of everything in the universe we have not found that anything has occured without having a beginning. Your God is no exception to all other species of life. All species live, and then die. Unless we have a God to study we can't accuratley speculate that any being cannot have a beginning or end (and by study I mean hear, see, smell, taste, and touch).
Where, oh where are you?
Oh really? Me lying through my teeth? All thess quotes below are pretty much saying that everything has a creator. Which means "God" has to come from somthing. And somthing has to create that somthing that creates everything. So in short somthing must have created this "God". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay if we have no clue then why are we randomly guessing what came before in the first place? Why are we guessing that some Deity did it? You make a good point; however this argument can be applied to anything. For example "Just because you can't see the faires doesn't mean that they don't exist.", or "Just because you can't see the Flying Sphagetii monster doesn't he does not exist", and "Just because you can't see the invisible pink unicorn does not mean she doesn't exist.". Do you believe in faries, flying pasta, and invisible pink unicorns too; just because you can't observe them? If you don't believe in those then why is your man in the sky different? First let me point out that you are not only saying that he exists out of time, but also out of space (The theory of relativity). If there is no time God could go anywhere; however if there is no space then there is no room for anyone. Therefore God can't exist out of spacetime. Also you say that God has no beginning, nor end. Everything that exists has a beginning, for example stars, fungus, humans, planets, and ideas. And: Since God did not have a precurser he cannot exist, because:
We know up to 10-43 second of it. Well no **** it isn't. I was remarking on Danny's argument that "All life is createrd by life". So from HIS argument the universe is infinite. Not my argument, but his. You are contradicting yourself. First you say that life must come from life. Since your God is a form of life he had to come from another source of life. Then you turn right around and say that a creator does not need a creator? Are you crazy?. >_> Um, no not really. My argyment is still standing. I never said the universe has always been here. I said according to you and Danny "Life comes from life" therefore God would have to have a creator. There would be no first cause. Since science is incapable of proving a being outside of the universe God cannot be observed.
Hmmm well first off I would like to say I am happy Icarly is trying to expose kids to the real world. We have so many heterosexual couples in our literature and tv that it's not even funny. Snow white, Cinderella, Princess and the Frog, ect. The lack of display of love between other sexualitys is enforced by older members of society who find it abnormal. The older members have rarley, if ever, have seen it. They proceed to spread their prejudice to youngsters, and then the youngsters become officers, teachers, ect. This makes it hard for equality to spread. Some members of the forum remember when I was a homophobic, right-fundlementilist, christian. It took me over a year to confront my prejudice as a bad thing. One day I went to a store and bought this Chakra kit, and on one section it told me "To find what I fear the most, and to conquer it.". After a day or two I came over it, and never have I felt better. Now if you are talking about where some christian fundimentalists get the idea's of homosexuality being evil here is the verses that would tell you why: Leviticus 20:13 Spoiler "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." Romans 1:24-32 Spoiler So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other's bodies. Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving. They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. This passage plain out digusts me, and is one of the very passages that I read during the last week of my faith. Each night I prayed asking God if this were true, but then I recieved no awnser. Every night I grew madder and madder until I broke away from Christianity. I knew now what was right and what was wrong, and I pointed to the bible saying "You are wrong God". In my mind I wanted God to say the passage wasn't true and then I soon relized that Spoiler my imagination was God.
Feel the power!!!
Because the tigers ate my parents.
Felines are one of the most succesful hunters on the planet. MEOW. I loves those snow lepords.