You and what army? Lol. I was playing pretend. I don't have a real job, yet. D:
I'm an underpaid worker trying to make a living by working for a billionair corporation. :|
Yeah, I know. It goes to my greedy boss, not me. So techniqly you aren't paying me when you give it to me to give to my boss. :D
Would you like a seven dollar drink with that over-priced popcorn, Sir?
Unless they came to a network to be grossed out! :lolface: Regardless it will take time for the public to see homosexuality as a common thing. Just as it wasn't a common site to see interacial couples on TV. With time the public will adapt, and hopefully the goverement as well, to shed of any prejudice remaining. *sweatdrop* You have no idea.
And in some homosexuals aspect the idea of a girl and a guy kissing is gross, but you don't see them banning hetrosexual jokes/ refrences ideals on televison do you? Just because you find some gross, or just plain icky does not give you the right to say it can't be shown. If phyiscal aspects of homosexuality are banned from television then hetrosexual aspects should be banned as well. I personally find gay and straight couples making out just fine. Well unless of course they keep doing it while I am there guest or somthing. Seriously you brought me over to see you two make out?? No, thanks.
It depends on how hot, and old, you are. *winks* *Gets out video camera*
I don't think I should trust you. :\
*Is bewildered, and dumbfounded* What? Wait. So let my get this straight( :lolface:). Having a homosexual lover is fine, but if they fortake in making love then it is evil? I am assuming you are pro-life on the matter of procreation. I learned many a time in biology that during ejaculation about 40 million-600 million sperm are released. Inside the vagina sperm can live for up to 2 days; however most of the sperm will die from the womens defense system, or from their own genetic mutations. Fertilization of an egg depends on the womens cycle. Fertilization can only take place during ovulation when the cervix is open for sperm to carry through. During ovulation the ovum(aka egg) is set in the Fallopian tube and remains open for penetration for 18-24 hours; if it is not penetrated within that time it will be destoryed. Only a few hundred will make it to the outside of the egg where chaparones pick out the sperms that may pass through. Those that pass through must then match up their proteins with the egg exactly in order to penetrait it with the acrosome on it's head. Even if the egg is succefully fertilized the main idea of "Survival of the fittest" never dwindles away. If it were not for modren medicine around 80% of todays population wouldn't be alive today. Anyway my point is that a small percentage of people that decide not to rub their genitalia with the opposite sex will not reduce the world population dramaticly. Some gay couples can, and do donate sperm to sperm banks where other couples lesbian or straight can conceive children. We today can always do these donation to make new children, so to speak. If this was not your reason for thinking homosexuals relations are evil please do tell. [/COLOR]
Actually Buddhists believe in a supernatural force called "Karma" that runs the rebirth cycle. As I have said before Atheists neither believe in Gods, or supernatural forces. Therefore Atheism is not a religion, it I a lack of it. Atheists rely on proof rather then blind faith to solve problems. Buddhism is one based on faith, not proof. Calling atheism a religion is like calling "Not-collecting-stamps a hobby", or saying that "Not smoking is an addiction".
Wait I asked "where in the bible does it say that"; although I recall from many lessons at church that sacrifices were destroyed at the cross, but that doesn't explain the dark ages where "Witches" were burned, and other sins were punishable by death. I know that burning of witches was in the old testament. If this is so then why did Christians follow these out during the dark ages if they were out of effect?
Where in the bible does it say that these laws were abolished at the cross?? If you could find me a bible verse that would be swell.
Well I do have a big heart, and with some more posts I will have huge genitalia.
I'd have to die if they made a movie out of Kingdom Hearts; just die. No live action, and no puppetry. While a CGI might be okay I still rather have the game untampered by Hollywood. I just lost the game. Someone please just kill me now!! Lol reminds me of the live action Mortal Combat. :| That, and The Hulk movie released around 2000.
You are so lucky. Getting all the action. I guess that's what happens when you are a Dinosaur.
You have a post count of 1'920, and you said the larger your post count the bigger your **** is. You aren't a girl are you?
Wtf is a poam? :-D I understand, but still Hitler and a jew? I don't even want to know. lol.
OMFSM! *Sees your profile picture* You are raptor Jesus?! All hail to you most high!
So you don't believe that homosexuals exist. Or you won't give in to any feelings for the same gender that you might encounter. So basically you think homosexuality, pansexuality, and bisexuality is evil? Even though the feelings they feel for someone they love are no different from what a straight person feels for a lover? So the school also doesn't have the right to say that being black is okay? Or being a girl is okay? Being gay doesn't change the feelings of love. Love is love. It is between two (or more) individuals who love each other regardless of each others faults. The school has the right to teach the kids that no matter what gender/genders you are attracted to you are still a human being. If you think there is somthing wrong with homosexuals, bisexuals, or even pansexuals you are prejudice against them. Then go stone some homosexuals: Leviticus 20:13 "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." Then kill adultrers: Leviticus 20:10 "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death." Then kill me: Deuteronomy 17:12 "Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel." Do all this then you will be on your way to being a true Christian.